Below are user reviews of Breath of Fire IV and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Breath of Fire IV.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 37)
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Keep Them Coming Guys.........They just keep Getting BETTER!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 13 / 15
Date: January 26, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I have to stop and give Capcom another round of applause, because they did it again. I thought after playing Breath Of Fire III, that the series couldn't get any better. I was wrong. As soon as I started to play Breath Of Fire(BOF) IV, I was reminded of XENOGEARS. Another RPG for the PS1, but made by Squaresoft. I absolutely loved that game. The only thing that I didn't really like about XENOGEARS, was the fact that the main character was a big wimp. This game puts into effect the XENOGEARS feel, but they put into place an awesome Main Character. It's hard to put into words how great a game like this can be, except my recommendation for you is to somehow play this game. Of course with how this game was introduced to the United States, it won't have as many copies sold as BOF III, becasue It isn't being mass produced in the same manner. It's too bad actually. But please, if you enjoy playing RPG's, or just like to play great games. PLAY IT!!! You will NOT be disapointed.
My favorite RPG for over a year.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 6 / 6
Date: January 24, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Yes, this game has stayed my favorite in the year I've had it, though I only got the idea in my head to write this review now.
Quite simply put, this game is marvelous. It may have sub-Square graphics and the controls may annoy some at times, but it has everything else an RPG needs, and in abundance. These aren't going to be in any particular order.
1. Dragons: Dragons are wonderful. Most RPGs still only involve them as monsters to defeat, or just someting you ride around. Here, you *are* the dragon. (Yes, I know that's technically a spoiler, but if you can't figure out that Ryu is a dragon before you even open the game, that's sad.) The other dragons in the game are more than just mindless tools, as well. Capcom also wasn't afraid to give each dragon their own completely unique design.
2. Soundtrack: The soundtrack for this game is nothing short of phenomenal. Every last track fits perfectly with the setting it's used in, blending in perfectly as if the scenery itself created the music. But most of the tracks are also excellent to listen to by themselves, particularly the opening track and the main theme, Endings and Beginnings. If you can, I'd recommend finding an import of the OST.
3. The opening itself: Beautiful sequence with beautiful music, and beautiful voices. To everybody who thinks Capcom should have translated the voice acting, I say NO! Subtitles might have been helpful, but even if you could find good enough American voice actors, their voices just wouldn't... fit. The opening is very Japanese, and English dialogue would have simply shattered the mood. Besides, nobody can compare to Ryu and Fou-Lu's voice actor.
4. Story: Everybody who's said there is anything unoriginal about the storyline has no idea what they're talking about. Without giving too much of the plot away, this game is a captivating story about finding who you are, and reconciling deep hatred you bear. Through the Ryu/Fou-Lu plot switches, the game shows how subtle differences in circumstances can make a world of difference in how a person turns out. For this reason, I also disagree with those who dismiss the side quests as distractions from the story. The side quests *are* the story. This game isn't about some grand hero who's destined to save the world. This game is about it's characters, which brings me to...
5. Characters: It beomes obvious quite quickly that this game differs from the others in the series in it's efforts to make every character important. Even though Ryu is still the main character, he in no way takes all of the focus of the game. Nina serves as the narrator in this game, and in fact is the first character you meet, not Ryu. Fou-Lu has his whole story of his own ordeals. Every single character makes a contribution to the whole, forming an exquisite tapestry. Every character seems like they could be a real person, and there are several moments in the game that are just the most touching scenes I've ever seen in a game, with the possible exception of Breath of Fire II.
6. Miscellaneous: Minigames are great. I've spent entire days just fishing, trying to get whales. (I managed to get 2.) Battle system is excellent. The inclusion of all the characters in the battle is also an indication of how important each and every one of them is. Both the skills system and the combo magic system are easy to learn, and quite useful. (And the skill system is a vast improvement over the one in III.) As has been mentioned countless times, YOU CAN SKIP THE SUMMON SEQUENCES! YES! Of course, who could forget the fairy village? Not only are the little creatures extremely amusing, but they can be incredibly useful at times as well.
This game is competely worth whatever you may have to pay for it.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 12
Date: December 07, 2000
Author: Amazon User
this game is cool it has xenogears grapics with crono cross fighting the story is cool but i hvent played any prevous breath of fire games so the stoy is somtimes hard to follow.anyway this game is great its not good as dragoon or ff9 but it still ranks at the top. BUY IT!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 11
Date: December 07, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Best Breath Of Fire!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 7
Date: January 14, 2001
Author: Amazon User
When I first heard of this game I was skeptic at first, this is because I had beaten all the other BOF games and those were okay, some of them kinda boring (3) but I was wrong! This game is amazing, one of the best RPG's on the playstation. This game is for people who like their rpgs simple but have certain quirks, like the fishing game, which you can use a special fishing rod control, and learning the enemys ablities. Also the plot and the characters rule, to the silent Scias to the funny robot thing, Ershin. The plot is great too, going between two different dragons. Buy this game right now, but, after you beat Final Fantsy IX ^_^
Excellent Game, A Must Buy
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: April 30, 2001
Author: Amazon User
While having only played the first game for SNES, I found this game to be pretty darn good. An incredible opening sequence, interesting storyline (though it did have a tendancy to dry up from time to time), decent game play, good control, and while being a more a fan of the Final Fantasy series I find this to be an all around good RPG. I'll say it definately inspires me to check out the previous two. As for those who say the control sucks, buy an analog controller. It is what I used and I didn't have any problems
breath of fire 4
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 12
Date: August 05, 2001
Author: Amazon User
to start, let me say that this game was a much needed title. i'll give everyone the satisfaction of the graphics aren't "ff" and the camera angles aren't either, but if you are lost in the graphics of a game and are only in it for "eye candy" then go see ff:tsw, because you've already lost the most important feature of the game, the story, go watch a movie. ugh like the bouncer what a horrible game, that was only about an hour and a half of garbage though andthank god i rented it first! rpg, not ggaaeg, gimme graphics and an easy game, come on man, it's such a cool title! the camera angles make you actually bend your head and try to look around those corners and behind the walls, and that adds into the game play, it makes me laugh when i find myself doing it. and the story that the bof series has mantained IS so original. that's what's so unique about it. all sequals to previous titles are completely differnet. all final fanstasy games are way different, at different times and everything. i love the final fantasy series don't get me wrong but the way you can actually feel for the characters is so cool [the core characters nina ryu and cray in his various forms]. i think the only true like "aww man that was so sad" type of closeness toa character was to that of aeris in ff7, but see i love ff7 so blah. ryu never says anything, do you know why? because he is thinking exactly what you are thinking, and what he "says" is what you want to say to the other characters, you can tell by what the other characters respond with. and its cool how the characters faces are in the text box. every game that has had actaul voices are SOO horrible, mega man legends is a perfect example of how annoying they are, mml2 is even more horrible, mega man sounds like a chick! the camping option is so great cause if you haven't played the game for like a week or whatever, you can talk to the characters at the camp site so you remember where you were, and what you were doing. i was terribly disappointed with chrono cross, ff8 and 9 and am sceptical about buying 10 and 11. i bought ff9 and chrono cross before i bought or even rented bof4 because of all the hype and "eye candy", but the games were so vague, i never finished ff8 or 9 because they were just too boring. chrono cross is terribly vague, i mean whats the point of having so many characters, to have to play the same exact game 3 times before you actaully can use all the characters is just stupid and they weren't even all too much different anyway, just looked different, and all the hot chicks were bad in that game, cause they were white innate and all. i really disliked serge! the weaker elements that you could allocate were so horrible, couldn't wait to get those forever zero and such to have them taken away because serge wants to be reborn and all that hoopla, give me lynx anyday over serge! bof4 has the core group of characters, who were there the last time the dragon boy needed help and they are here again, the characters are fun, the mini games are fun. i played the game for 15 straight hours one day! believe me, if you loved the rest of the games so far, you will love this one also.
A winner in its own way...
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: December 06, 2001
Author: Amazon User
First off, it's not right to compare this game to games like Final Fantasy IX. They have different priorities. If you actually would play the game for more than seven minutes, you could learn a few things.
Graphics: Who said the graphics were bland? Graphics are designed to match the mood of the game. If all you're worried about is how fancy the graphics are, you aren't doing what you're supposed to be doing: having fun.
Sound: I don't mind about voice overs or the Japanese, the music is stellar and I don't mind that it repeats.
Control: It IS a little skittish, but I mastered it after a few minutes. No game is perfect. Plus there are lots of save points 1. In an inn 2. In camp (press triangle on the world map), 3. At a diary and 4. On the world map by pressing square.
Characters: THE most important part of an RPG. No characters, no roles to play. All of them, except poor Scias (shame, he's my favorite character, too! Shame on you, Capcom!), go through major character development, and that's what really makes me want to play again and again.
The dragons are okay (I like them all), and the combo system is great. Anyone besides me know how to make Supernova, Earthbreaker, and Catostrophe?
What the best part is, the game keeps you wondering what's going to happen next. (Do they ever find Elina? Is Scias really a traitor? Is Ursula afraid of ANYTHING?!)
Overall, if you want some fun for the next few months, Breath of Fire IV is a good bet, although you might want to rent it first.
One of the Best Games I have played
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: June 29, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Ok First off this was my first game when i bought my playstation 2 and i just thought it kinda looked cool cause i saw it in my gamepro. I didnt expect much but once i got going I couldent stop. You start off with Nina and Cray in the desert and you meet Ryu(Our main Man)while he is indesposed kinda hehe. The grahpics grew on me immidietly and i loved the little emotes above your characters when their nervous and excited. The minigames rocked,especially the fishing. I have played a [bunch] of RPGs and I dont think this one is for beginners. If you are not familiar with the BoF series as I wasent, This will certainly pull you into the BoF Family.
This is a very fun and cool game...
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: May 31, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I'd say that this is a very fun and interesting game. The sidequests are good, because it makes the game even longer. The only thing about this game that many people don't like, is the camera settings. People say that they can be very frustrating. The music for this game is great. The themes for the variety of towns is fantastic! The battle system is pretty good too. You can learn different abilities from enemies by gaurding. If the name of the attack appears in blue, then that means it can be learned, but it may take some time to learn it. All the characters in this game are all skilled fighters, so you might want to rotate which ones you'll use. Also, everyone will get the same amount of experince points (EXP) after a battle. Hope this review helped!
To me, this is one of the best games I have ever played! I hope you buy it, becuase you'll love it!
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