PC - Windows : Fisher-Price Big Action Garage Details
Publisher |
Release Date |
Unknown |
ESRB Rating |
Early Childhood |
Views |
1264 |
system requirements: Windows 95/98: 486/66MHz or faster, 16MB RAM, 256 colors, 4x CD ROM drive, windows compatible sound card, mouse, hard drive, printer optional. Power Macintosh: system 7.5.1 or higher, 16MB RAM (w/12MB free), minimum 14" 256 color monitor, 4x CD ROM, mouse, hard drive, printer optional
- Six exciting activities
- 3-D animations and movies
- A cast of comical car characters
- Games you can save
- Character collector cards
Content Summary
This page provides an overview of Fisher-Price Big Action Garage, and provides a small selection of links to
places where you can find cheats, game guides, and reviews. If available, you can find many
additional cheats, guides, and reviews for Fisher-Price Big Action Garage by using the tabs above.