Dreamcast : Trickstyle Details
Publisher |
Unknown |
Release Date |
Unknown |

Gas Gauge 65
ESRB Rating |
Everyone |
Views |
8290 |
TrickStyle is one of the most stylishly pleasing games. And the Dreamcast version really pumps out the pixels with fluid animation that effortlessly follows the hoverboard riders along the tracks. One of the game's designers recently explained that the concept behind the game was for riders to find the path of least resistance, taking one graceful path down the track like "a drop of mercury." Great concept. But this drop met many a brick wall on its way to uncertain victory. The tracks in TrickStyle are not player-friendly, and neither are the computer-controlled opponents that act more like flawless robots than flesh-and-blood competitors. Still, this game looks so darn cool, you can't resist playing it. The requisite tricks from snowboarding games are here, but this time they actually add important power-ups to your repertoire, favoring function over, dare we say, style. To save yourself the frustration of trying to consistently win races, you should enjoy this game by watching the screen while other more nimble or less leisure-time-deficient friends play. --Jeff Young
- Jaw-dropping graphics and animation
- Functional board tricks
- Contemporary styling
Cons: - Difficult racetracks
- Unrealistically skilled computer opponents
- Need to place first in order to progress
Content Summary
This page provides an overview of Trickstyle, and provides a small selection of links to
places where you can find cheats, game guides, and reviews. If available, you can find many
additional cheats, guides, and reviews for Trickstyle by using the tabs above.
Review Score Distribution |
| | | | | | | | | |
0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
This game is also sometimes referred to by other names. These names are listed below:
Alternate Names |
Trickstyle |
TrickStyle |