PC - Windows : Everquest: Titanium Details
Publisher |
Sony |
Release Date |
January 10, 2006 |
ESRB Rating |
Teen |
Views |
5589 |
Includes the original Everquest and ten Expansion Packs. EverQuest - Depths of Darkhollow lets you see Norrath through the eyes of some of its fearsome and powerful creatures. Step into the forms of unusual creatures and use their unique abilities to do battle against their ancient foes! EverQuest - Omens Of War lets you follow the Wayfarers Brotherhood to the war-ravaged Realm of Discord. It's rumored that they intend to invade Norrath, and you'll into their country's battle-scarred plateaus to find out. EverQuest - Gates Of Discord is an all-new adventure in a new part of Norrath. A mage named Calliav has seen a vision of strange new beasts and a far-off land. He has seen an army called the Legion of Mata Muram -- They are the greatest threat to Norrath ever unleashed, and you'll fight them in all-out war! Also includes Lost Dungeons Of Norrath, The Scars Of Velious and Shadows Of Luclin
- EverQuest - The Planes Of Power reveal challenges beyond any mortal -- and treasure beyond all imagination! The gods of Norrath live in the Planes Of Power, and you will journey there for all-new adventures and impossible quests.
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