
PC - Windows : Fighting Legends Online Details

Publisher Maximum Charisma Studios Release Date November 01, 2001
ESRB Rating Unknown Views 1612
Fighting Legends Online is a game in which players lead a tribe of warriors through the vast, magical world of Exisle on a quest to engrave their names in history. They will be faced with a myriad of challenges, from the perilous heights of Krag Peak to the twisted madness of the Night Mines. Aided by sword and spell, players will confront not only the bizarre creatures inhabiting Exisle, but the most dangerous foes of all--thousands of other players, each bent on securing his or her name in the halls of legend. It is a world in which the lines of reality blur into nothingness, life is defined on the battlefield, and death is only the beginning.

Nine clans are scattered across the three planes of Exisle. In the Underplane, clans include the Arachin clan, spidery creatures with a mechanical twist; the BONE clan, zombielike warriors; and Clan Wee, tiny blue-skinned critters, save for the Hurler, that are nevertheless worthy foes.

The Surface Realm is home to BearKat clan, full of sentient feline bears; BioMecha clan, members of which have formidable armor and projectile weapons; and Clan Human, which excels in the art of hand-to-hand fighting.

Making their home in the Sky Realm are Clan M, wielders of the most potent spells in all of Exisle; the Pyron clan, fiery demons of chaos; and the RIN clan, made up of phenomenal martial artists and archers.

Each clan has nine characters, for a total of 81 potential avatars. These nine characters are made up of five fundamental types of unit: Melee, Missile, MPOW, Technique, and Movement. Melee units specialize in hand-to-hand combat, while Missile units utilize ranged attacks. MPOW units focus primarily on magical attacks, and Technique units are useful for both fighting and healing. Finally, Movement units are skilled in scouting and reconnaissance.

The key to achieving greatness in Fighting Legends Online lies in the formation of a powerful and diverse tribe. While players are initially only provided with a single, immortal avatar, they can create, trade, or recruit up to 16 units in their tribe. The most effective tribes will be a strategic mixture of the nine races inhabiting Exisle; each has its own unique abilities to contribute to a battle. A successful player must understand all the strengths and weaknesses of the races, and use this knowledge to build a balanced yet varied group. As these characters become more experienced in battle a player may elect to elevate them to immortal status--an act that not only prevents them from dying in battle, but also allows for more units to be created and controlled. It is these heroes, along with the avatar, who form the heart of a legendary tribe.

While building strong units is all fine and well, there has to be a means to support their combat efforts. This is the purpose of the player's base. The tribes in Fighting Legends Online are nomadic; as such, their bases are relatively transient structures that can be deployed or packed up at any time. A base serves as a facility to train new units, heal after battles, and research new technology. Bases are also much more defensible, providing a measure of safety for weakened tribes. Furthermore, the base serves not only as a means to strengthen one's army, but also as a refuge in the event of defeat. Defeated players must use the spirits of their immortals to locate a safe haven for their bases and reside within until they have recovered.

One of the primary activities in Fighting Legends Online is battle--progress in the game often requires eliminating a player guarding a resource-rich area of land, killing a non-player character (NPC) for a relic, or just fighting for the sake of proving one's strength. Battle effectiveness relies on two central elements: planning and execution. Careful planning is reflected by the inclusion of diverse and experienced units in a tribe, while the execution is purely defined by how well you maneuver your forces on the battlefield. The controls in Exisle are very action-oriented, similar to first-person-shooter games. While preparation is crucially important, it is likewise necessary for a player to maintain tight battle control. As players develop their abilities, they may choose to split their forces into multiple squads, each commanded by a single hero--thus permitting them greater tactical control and maneuverability.

As players travel through the lands of Exisle, they may find themselves embarking on quests to achieve legendary status, such as traveling to distant areas of the world or defeating a powerful NPC. Completing these legendary quests can cause a monument to the avatar of the tribe to appear in an area dedicated to recognizing players who have completed that quest. Some of these quests are so difficult that they may require forming alliances with other players to complete them. Beyond completing these legendary quests, joining forces with others also provides a measure of security against more aggressive--and less friendly--players.

Every character in the game is subject to death with the passage of time. Even the immortals will eventually die with age. It is thus imperative that a player makes the most of his or her avatar's life. The greatest players will complete numerous quests and win countless battles before their avatars pass away. Even the monuments erected for quests completed by the player will crumble and vanish once the avatar dies. The one bit of good news is that time only passes for characters while the player is playing the game. Characters don't age while the player is away from Exisle.

A few final words: Fighting Legends Online is about having fun. We have deliberately put a lot of things to do and areas to explore into the game so that players never tire of trying new things. This is a world in which there are always new combinations of units to assemble, new quests to embark on, and new people to team up with. This is a world in which everything is transient. As huge as characters get, they're still going to die. So just enjoy the world, get in a few fights, and don't take anything too seriously, except maybe the UNK beasts.

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