GameBoy Advance : Frogger's Adventures: Temple Of The Frog Advance Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for Frogger's Adventures: Temple Of The Frog Advance. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for Frogger's Adventures: Temple Of The Frog Advance.
Defeating the second Boss
To defeat the second Boss (Earth element), keep dodging the boulders until a blue platform with a yellow fog appears. Stand on the platform. After you get the second platform, the floor will start to crumble. After this is done one more time, the snake will be defeated.
Goblin Caverns: Defeating the Boss
To defeat the first Boss, go to the top right of the room and step on the switch. Then, go to the bottom left and step on that switch. Next, go to the top left and step on that switch. Finally, go to the bottom right and step on that switch.