GameBoy Advance : Simpsons Road Rage, The Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for Simpsons Road Rage, The. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for Simpsons Road Rage, The.
Level 1
Enter: Krusty, Snake, Homer, Burns, Burns, Bart, Oto, Abe
Level 6
Enter: Abe, Snake, Marge, Burns, Liza, Abe, Willie
Level 3
Enter: Burns, Snake, Burns, Maggie, Burns, Bart, Bart, Apu
Level 7
Enter: Abe, Krusty, Snake, Marge, Burns, Marge, Willie, Abe
Unlock all cars, levels, and bonuses
Enter Maggie, Willy, Bart, Chief Wiggum, Apu, Moe, Krusty, Barney as a password to unlock all cars, levels, and bonuses.
Level 5
Enter: Abe, Snake, Krusty, Marge, Burns, Marge, Willie
Extra speed
Enter Maggie, Bart, Maggie, Willie, Mr.Burns, Bart, Marge, Barney as a password.
Level 4
Enter: Abe, Frink, Apu, Bart, Burns, Bart, Wiggam, Krusty
level 8
Enter: Abe , Snake, Krusty, Marge, Burns, Abe , Krusty, Marge