GameBoy Advance : Mega Man Battle Network 6 Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for Mega Man Battle Network 6. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for Mega Man Battle Network 6.
Lottery Chip Machine Passwords
Once you are able to enter the chip shop in Central Town, go inside to find a green machine on the right-hand side. Upon pressing A in front of the machine, you will be able to enter a series of numbers to receive bonus items:
Code - Result:
79814666 - DustMan *
84387543 - KillerMan *
88674125 - MegaBoomerang M
92070765 - ChargeMan *
97049899 - BlizzardBall H
97403000 - Uninstall G
00297421 - TenguMan *
08789369 - ElementWrap *
10414878 - GroundMan *
12110031 - Hakushaku *
12404002 - HeatMan *
14212857 - GunDelSol3 W
23722234 - CountBomb3 M
24616497 - BlastMan *
30424514 - ElecMan *
32310827 - DiveMan *
38116449 - DeathMatch *
44892547 - ColonelArmy *
51378085 - CircleGun V
51702791 - AquaMan *
55910601 - SlashMan *
57656595 - Django *
60884138 - DrillArm M
67520179 - TomahawkMan *
69544569 - BambooLance *
71757977 - AirWheel3 O
75641392 - Recovery300 Y
04789479 - Get "Unlocker"
77837421 - Receive SpinRed
79459146 - Get "Spin Pink"
59485971 - Receive an Untrap subchip
37889678 - Receive HP+50 Navi Cust program
Navi Customizer Program Compression Codes
To enter these codes, highlight the program you want to compress and hold right, then input the codes. The Program then will shrink. If you input the code again, it will decompress:
Code - Result:
ABLLAALRBA - Compress SuperArmor
LBBRBAALRR - Compress Custom1
RALLAABRBA - Compress Custom2
ARLALALLAB - Compress MegaFolder1
LALRBLRLRA - Compress MegaFolder2
BLBRLLLABA - Compress GigaFolder1
BBARABLARR - Compress FirstBarrier
RBBBAAABRL - Compress Shield
LAABRRLRLR - Compress Reflect
BLALBRALBA - Compress KawaramiMagic (AntiDmg)
RALABLBBRB - Compress FloatShoes
ARBABRRBAL - Compress AirShoes
RRALLRAABB - Compress UnderShirt
RRABLRARLA - Compress SearchShuffle
AAALAABLRA - Compress NumberOpening
BBBABBAARB - Compress ShinobiDash
LRABARBBLR - Compress OilBody
ARAABARRBA - Compress AimFish
BRBBBBBARR - Compress BatteryMode
ALARBRARLB - Compress JungleLand
ALABBAAABA - Compress Collector's Eye
RBARALBBBL - Compress Millionaire
LLABLBABLL - Compress HumorSense
BABARRLLAB - Compress RythmicalPoem
ALAAALLABR - Compress SlipRunner
BBBAABAABB - Compress SelfRecovery
BAABBBALBA - Compress BoosterPack
RLABLRLAAB - Compress BodyPack
ABLRRBRLBA - Compress FolderPack1
BBARBLARBL - Compress FolderPack2
AAABRLBAAL - Compress BugStopper
RLBAABALLR - Compress RushSupport
LRBBALRABA - Compress BeatSupport
BRBRRABBRA - Compress TangoSupport
LBRBABLBAL - Compress AttackMAX
AALABRALBA - Compress RapidMAX
LLALLBABBB - Compress ChargeMAX