Dreamcast : D2 Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for D2. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for D2.
Cheat :
Control logo:
Press the Analog-stick or D-pad at the title screen to rotate the game's logo.
Millennium countdown:
Successfully complete the game and allow the credits to end. Press A to display a black screen with a countdown to the year 2000. Note: The countdown still progresses even after the year 2000 has passed.
Unlimited grenades, shotgun shells, and first aid sprays:
When you leave the last cabin on Disc 4 you will find two grenades, shotgun shells, and various first aid sprays in the snow. Pick these up, then re-enter the cabin. Go back outside and all the items will be there again. Note: This also works by saving than restarting your file in any place on the last path.
Glitch: Using weapons:
If you are using a weapon and use almost all your strength and some of it is magic, take away a Charm Of Strength or some other item. It will still work.