GameBoy Advance : Dora the Explorer: The Search for Pirate Pig's Treasure Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for Dora the Explorer: The Search for Pirate Pig's Treasure. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for Dora the Explorer: The Search for Pirate Pig's Treasure.
You can use one of the following passwords at the Continue screen:
Password: | Result: |
Sun, Left Arrow, Heart, Star, Triangle | Blueberry Hill |
Left Arrow, Up Arrow, X, X, + | Rain Forest |
Up Arrow, Heart, Heart, Sun, Left Arrow | Spooky Forest |
Smile, Down Arrow, Regular Face, Triangle, Left Arrow | The Beach |
Regular Face, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, X, Smile | Treasure Island |
Down Arrow, Sun, Up Arrow, +, Circle | Volcano |
Triangle, Circle, Up Arrow, Star, Smile | Waterfall |
Baby Jaguar
Beat the game as Boots three times
Beat the game as Dora three times
Last Level
Dimension symbol (tap up once right when you get to the password screen), left, up, frown face, smiley face
Beat the game as Diego three times
Beat the game as Alicia three times