GameBoy : Powerpuff Girls : Bad Mojo Jojo Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for Powerpuff Girls : Bad Mojo Jojo. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for Powerpuff Girls : Bad Mojo Jojo.
Roach Coach trading card
Select the "Enter Secrets" option at the main menu, then enter "ROACHCOACH" as a code.
Bubbles graphics and super attack
Select the "Enter Secrets" option at the main menu, then enter "BOOGIEMAN" as a code.
Infinite super attack
Select the "Enter Secrets" option at the main menu, then enter "GIRLPOWER" as a code.
Select the "Enter Secrets" option at the main menu, then enter "EBWORLD" as a code.
Powerpuff Girls suburban home trading card
Select the "Enter Secrets" option at the main menu, then enter "TOWNSVILLE" as a code.
Mayor graphics and super attack
Select the "Enter Secrets" option at the main menu, then enter "BROCCOLOID" as a code.
Sedusa trading card
Select the "Enter Secrets" option at the main menu, then enter "SEDUSA" as a code.
Buttercup graphics and super attack
Select the "Enter Secrets" option at the main menu, then enter "CHEMICALX" as a code.