NES : WCW Wrestling Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for WCW Wrestling. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for WCW Wrestling.
Wrestle against Master:
Defeat all the normal wrestlers two times.
Championship match:
Enter H5YT 1YQ7 OHNZ as a password to play as Animal with two championship matches to be completed.
Wrestler Password
Won 3 matches BXDR NBQ5 19DQ
Won 6 matches -XDY YBZH Y9DK
Won 9 matches QXD- 0B0D L9DQ
Lex Luger
Won 3 matches DXH5 NBD5 R9DK
Won 6 matches LXHT YB67 N9DM
Ric Flair
Won 3 matches DX7X NBT5 R9DV
Won 6 matches BX7Z YB07 N9DM
Mike Rotunda
Won 3 matches DXT9 NB15 R9DW
Won 6 matches BXTH YB/7 R9DV
Kevin Sullivan
Won 3 matches DXRZ NBY5 R9D5
Won 6 matches BXRT YB6H R9D2
Rick Steiner
Won 3 matches DXNH NB-9 R9D1
Won 6 matches BXND YB4H R9D5
Rick Steamboat
Won 3 matches DX1T NBV5 R9DL
Won 6 matches YX11 YB37 R9DD
Road Warrior Hawk
Won 3 matches DXBR NBQ5 R9DG
Won 6 matches BXB1 YB37 R9DD
Road Warrior Animal
Won 3 matches DXYD NBK5 R9D6
Won 6 matches BXYB YB57 R9DY
Won 11 matches -XY- GBG1 R9DQ
Won 20 matches N5Y1 1BP7 RZNT
Steve Williams
Won 3 matches DXLN NBM5 R9D4
Won 6 matches BXLY YB7H R9DV
Eddie Gilbert
Won 3 matches DXJ1 NBW9 R9D5
Won 6 matches BXJL YBTH R9DK
Michael Hayes
Won 3 matches DX0B NB89 R9D7
Won 6 matches BX0J YBDH R9DW
Won 9 matches JX0G 0BGD R9DV
Final match:
Enter N5BN 1B47 RZBZ as a password.