NES : Rackets And Rivals Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for Rackets And Rivals. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for Rackets And Rivals.
Level passwords:
The following passwords will start the game at the final match of each of the four tournaments.
Match Password
High School QX[Diamond]MJ!LH!JK?[Crescent Moon]GBXH
University [Smiley]ZLDHZJ?[Crescent Moon]L@D%!NJL
Sonasonic DQ@[Crescent Moon]K[Smiley][Crescent Moon]K?[Crescent Moon]L@@MYVK
Palcom Cup [Smiley]ZLDHZJ?[Crescent Moon]L@DNPQJL