Playstation : Rosco McQuees Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for Rosco McQuees. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for Rosco McQuees.
Level passwords Laundry 2:Fluffy Laundry 3:Sweaty Auto 1:Hotrod Auto 2:Grease Auto 3:Bigend Harolds 1:Smelly Harolds 2:Wide tv Harolds 3:Pillow Leisure 1:Tricep Leisure 2:Motion Leisure 3:Hiphop Residential 1:Kennel Residential 2:Barrel Runaround:Splash When you are in the lobby, go to Options, select Password and enter: Sweaty to get to Laundry 3 Hotrod to go to Auto 1 ,To get to the last level (Runabout) type in SPLASH at the password screen.