Playstation : Mummy, The Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for Mummy, The. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for Mummy, The.
Cheats, the easy way
If you don't want to finish the game with completion percentages, you can use these codes instead. During a game, pause, and Quit. Select the "Replay Level" option and go to "Bonus Game Modes". From there, enter the following codes:
Granted Wish - Cheat Code
Bonus level - Triangle, X, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, X
Invincibility - Triangle, X, Circle (x2), Square, X, Triangle, Square.
Infinite lives - Circle (x2), Triangle, Circle, X, Square (x2), X
All weapons - Circle, Square, Circle, X (x2), Triangle (x2), Square
Infinite ammunition - X, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle
Note: The only way to unlock all the cheats is to do it the hard way and get 78% completion.
Cheats, the hard way
To unlock cheats, complete the game with the following minimal completion percentages.
Granted Wish - Minimum completion percentage
All weapons - any completion percentage
All cheats - 78% completion
Unlimited health - 65% completion
Unlimited lives - 60% completion
Unlimited ammunition - 55% completion
Bonus level - 50% completion