Xbox : Rainbow Six: Lockdown Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for Rainbow Six: Lockdown. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for Rainbow Six: Lockdown.
Fix med packs as medic
When you select your P.E.C. class, choose to be a medic. Whenever you run out of med packs or they are damaged, they will not be fixable or buyable. To get around this. transfer your character to another class, then back to medic. All of the skill points that you have earned will remain. You just have to put them back in.
Spend the indicated amount of Intel points at the "Special Features" menu to acquire the corresponding artwork:
Part I: 10 Intel Points
Part II: 10 Intel Points
Part III: 10 Intel Points
Part IV: 10 Intel Points
Level 1 hints
Always shoot hinges or locks instead of blowing them because it is quieter.
Always crouch behind objects and make sure that your squad is with you shooting or your are guaranteed a death.
Shoot through the car windows. They are a useful shield.
Cheat mode
Spend the indicated amount of Intel points at the "Special Features" menu to acquire the corresponding cheat. To activate them, pause game play, then select the "Enter Cheat Code" selection at the options menu. The name of the code will appear to confirm correct entry. Repeat the code to disable its effect.
Increased Force (650 Intel Points): Press [Right]x3, [Down]x3.
Invisible (900 Intel Points): Press [Down]x3, [Up]x3.
One Shot Kills (600 Intel Points): Press [Up]x3, [Left]x3.
Unlimited Ammo (550 Intel Points): Press [Up], [Down], [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right].
Unlimited Items (550 Intel Points): Press [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Up], [Down].
Fast Movement: Press [Left]x3, [Right]x3.
Ghost Mode: Press [Up]x2, [Left], [Right], [Down]x2.