PC - Windows : Darkforces Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for Darkforces. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for Darkforces.
Type them in whenever you need them: LAPOSTAL -Add weapons, ammo, & power ups
LAMAXOUT -Max out all items
LARANDY -Weapon super charge
LAUNLOCK -Full inventory
LAREDLITE -Freeze enemies
LAPOGO -Disable height checking
LACDS -Map supermode
LASKIP -Force successful level completion
LADATA -Coordinate information
LABUG -Insect mode: fit into small places
LAUNLOCK -Accessories The level codes: LASECBASE -Secret Base
LATALAY -Talay:Tak Base
LASEWERS -Anoat City
LATESTBASE -Research Facility
LAGROMAS -Gromas Mines
LADTENTION -Detention Center
LARAMSHED -Ramsees Hed
LAROBOTICS -Robotic Facility
LANARSHADA -Nar Shaddaar
LAJABSHIP -Jabba's Ship
LAIMPCITY -Imperial City
LAFUELSTAT -Fuel Station
LAEXECUTOR -The Executor
LAARC -The Arc Hammer