PSP : Finder Love: Kudou Risa - First Shoot wa Kimi to Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for Finder Love: Kudou Risa - First Shoot wa Kimi to. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for Finder Love: Kudou Risa - First Shoot wa Kimi to.
All Movies and Special Promo Movie
After CLEARING the Game. You will have a new start menu when you save your cleared data to your Duo Stick.
Type in the password provided. In Caps type the 3 english letters "RIS", then type in Katakana "FU", followed by the number "12"
Hit start and press circle. You will now have acess to all movies and the special promo movie for the game. A total of 45 min in all.
This Promo Code/Password is for the
Kudo Risa Version of Finder Love: First Shot wa Kimi to