PC - Windows : Per.Oxyd Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for Per.Oxyd. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for Per.Oxyd.
Cheat :
Reveal level passwords:
Click on the coffee cup at the main menu to view the level passwords for one-player and two-player modes.
Level Single player Two player
1 11111111 11111111
2 24121965 09111989
3 06223874 27182818
4 27182818 08150815
5 91929394 24559932
6 11011299 01020304
7 01928374 87654321
8 01168742 99999999
9 10011990 12345678
10 17041963 47382910
11 56388700 52014727