PC - Windows : Navy Strike Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for Navy Strike. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for Navy Strike.
Cheat :
The Missions
Mission One - The South China Sea
This mission is a breeze. You easily have more power than the opposition, so they will resort to more desperate measures, such as trying to shoot down harmless civilian airliners. The aim of this is to show the world that you arent just another musclehead Navy-Jock who enjoys watching innocent Airbuses explode. So set up your eye in the sky and launch a patrol to surround the islands.
Find Spratly airfield and patrol it with mixed attack sorties of AX Bombers for ground targets and F-18s for any enemy aircraft that break through. This level is a waiting game, and if you let your attention wander too far, you will not have time to respond to the Chinese special forces units who are hiding out in the network of islands and oil rigs. In this mission you dont have to worry too much about losing a few planes, just be sure to protect the civilians at all costs - or your next assignment will be cleaning up the officers mess.
Mission Two - Libya
However much you may want to nip this one in the bud by blowing the chemical plant away, you cant. Well, not yet, anyway. Enforce the sanctions and find the ship carrying the missiles and then prevent it from reaching the docks.
This would be easy if the Libyans left you alone for one minute, but they constantly launch nuisance attacks against you. These attacks arent trying to sink your fleet, but to provoke you into making mistakes so they can turn the conflict into a political embarrassment - and get you fired. Once you have identified the target ship and seen it off, your bosses in the higher levels of government will send you lists of targets to attack. You dont have to destroy everything that is sanctioned, just what you feel is necessary to complete the mission, which in this case is the chemical plant.
So clear a path to it by taking out the air defences of Tripoli and Bani, and suppress enemy air power by taking out the airport. Once you have control of the eastern coastal area you can begin the onslaught on the chemical plant. Deal with the SAMS and AAA, and then send in the heavy mob to flatten the place. Ensure there are a few F-22 fighters to protect the bombers from enemy fighters, which may take off from airports further to the south. If youre fast enough, that will be it, but for most of us it wont. The Libyans make one final attempt to save some of their chemical warheads, but you will have to deal with that as it comes.
Mission Three - The Gulf
This is it. You arrive in the Gulf and are told to hold off an Iraqi invasion of Kuwait until reinforcements get there. This will be a much more intense mission as the Iraqis know youre on your own and they have three days to take Kuwait and dig in before Western coalition land forces arrive.
If you remember Desert Storm, youll know that Saddam Hussein is a master at manipulating politics and military manoeuvres to get his objective. He also likes to use civilian areas for his military activities, so bombing has to be perfect or youll be on the next world news broadcast. The other problem with this mission is that your fleet is 250 miles away from the area youre supposed to be protecting, so you have to use long- range aircraft and lay off the afterburners. Chase away any aircraft that approach your fleet and keep an eye on them, as they often skirt around then come at you again, fooling your combat air patrols.
Set up a forward observation patrol with an eye in the sky far enough north to let you see deep into Iraq, so you are alerted to the land forces as soon as they come pouring down to position themselves in the trenches along the border. Once the forces are in position youll be hard-pressed to deliver enough bombs to the trenches in time to stop the invasion, so the secret is to slow them down and pick them off as soon as possible. Find the bridges and take them out, knock out the Early Warning Radar, and ensure that there is no invasion force left, as the Iraqis will throw everything at you before the reinforcements arrive (too late as usual).
Top Tips for Commanders
1) When there are lots of simultaneous engagements, stay in the command position. If youre out gallivanting with your pilots, you may return to some nasty bleeps on the radar screen or, even worse, a message telling you why you have been fired.
2) Dont send missions over well-protected enemy positions. Instead, set the mission waypoints to skirt around them. l Ground vehicles can be used as mission waypoints so your planes can home straight in on them as they attempt to scurry away.
3) Keep your planes at as high an altitude as possible to avoid anti-aircraft fire.
4) If you want to bomb a ground target yourself, send a reconnaissance aircraft to film it first and then view the target using the camera icon on the command screen. You dont want to accidentally blow up innocent civilian buildings, do you?
5) Even though your task force can defend itself against air attack, your job is to keep the enemy away at all times. If you cant, you wont last long as a commander.
6) Prepare your mission flight paths and gather all your information and reconnaissance as soon as possible, because when things get going youll need your attention on the enemies units and not on your own.
7) Keep one eye on your combat air patrol planes, because if theyre chasing enemy aircraft, they can fly off over enemy territory and be shot down by SAMs.
Top Ten Flight Tips
1) Follow the rules of engagement. Its very easy to blow away an aircraft with long-range missiles before you can even see it, and it could well be a civilian airliner.
2) Be aware of your height at all times. The aircraft can dive and climb between sea level and 40,000 feet in under a minute, and if youre pre-occupied with blowing away a MiG, a little thing like the sea can surprise you. If youre in a steep dive, pull out of it before 6,000 feet or youll end up like a wet pizza.
3) Auto-pilot is a life saver. If youre confused and out of control, use the auto- pilot command to level you out and then switch back to manual control.
4) Things happen fast! You wont see enemy missiles coming, so keep an eye on the AA missile/SAM warning lights. If they light up, then pump chaff and flares (keys 3 and 4) and pray.
5) Use the long-range missiles to lock on to your target (but dont fire unless you have to). Combined with the Padlock View option (the Backspace key) this should allow you to zero-in on the enemy very quickly. But remember to switch back to cannons for warning shots. Careless missiles cost lives, and careers.
6) Turning takes time. As any good driving instructor will tell you, you should plan your turns - especially if youre travelling at over twice the speed of sound.
7) F is for flaps (not an alternative means of propulsion). Engaging these will greatly improve manoeuvring, but at the cost of stability and speed. Useful for those sharp turns in dogfights.
8) Remember your brakes. Just because you can fly at over 1,000 mph doesnt mean you have to. Air brakes (key B) will help slow you down in a hurry, especially when combined with flaps (key F).
9) When intercepting, position yourself behind and slightly above your target. That way, when you receive permission to attack youre ready for the kill. Hell still know youre there, but itll be far more difficult for him to fire back.
10) Go easy on the afterburners - theyll eat your fuel in a matter of minutes if left on. If you do find yourself in the embarrassing position of having no fuel, panic and then press the E key to switch to your spare tank, thats if youve got one. Oh well, theres always the ejector seat - ALT Q.