PC - Windows : Cyril Cyberpunk Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for Cyril Cyberpunk. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for Cyril Cyberpunk.
Cheat :
Type in codes anytime during gameplay:
RSDOC-Full Health
RSGOODIES-Full ammo, all guns, max boosters
RSKEYS-All the keys
RSFUEL-Full booster fuel
RSSHIELD-Shield on
RSEND-End current level (Skip to next level)
RSLEVnn-Jump to level nn
RSFLYxxyy-Jump to xx, yy coordinates on current level
RSGRAV-No gravity
RSNUKE-Kill all monsters on level
RSLIFE-Extra life
RSNOWALLS-No collision
RSDIE-Takes away health and lives