PC - Windows : Apocalyptica Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for Apocalyptica. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for Apocalyptica.
Various Console Cheats
During the game hit ~ to open the console, then type exodus 15:3 to enable cheat mode.
Code - Effect
god 0 / 1 - Toggle God Mode
nextlevel - Skip current level
fly 0 / 1 - Toggle Fly Mode
setres - Set current resolution
list - Other commands
changecharacter - Change current playing character
botcombat - Toggle botcombat
botmove - Toggle botmovement
botforcefight - Toggle bots forced fights
listplayers - List all active level players
addbot - Add a new bot based on a script
editbot - Edit bot traits of given ID
removebot - Remove the given bot from play
makebotdead - Kill the given bot
playmovie - Play given movie
botorders - View current bot orders
getres - Get current resolution