PC - Windows : Red Faction II Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for Red Faction II. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for Red Faction II.
Unlimited Grenades
At the cheat menu type ZXZYXZXZ.
Rain Of Fire Mode
At the cheats menu enter: YYYYYYYY
Wacky Deaths Mode
At the cheats menu enter WWWWWWWW.
Unlock levels
At the cheat menu enter: ZYXWYZXX
Restore Health
At the cheat menu enter: XXYWYWZ
Bouncing Bombs Mode
At the cheats menu enter: ZZZZZZZZ
Show cheats list
Enter YZWZYXWX or WWXXYZYZ at the cheats menu.
Rapid Rail Mode
At the cheats menu enter: ZYZYXXWW
Gibbed Explosion Mode
At the cheats menu enter: WZXYWZXY
Explosive Mode
At the cheats menu enter: X
All Weapons
At the cheat menu enter: Y
Gibbed Ammo Mode
At the cheats menu enter XXXXYZXX
Walking Dead Mode
At the cheats menu enter XXXXXXXX.
Extra Chunky Mode
At the cheats menu enter: ZZZZWXZZ
Directors Cut Mode
At the cheats menu enter YXZWZXYW
Finish Game
At the cheats menu enter: YXYX