Playstation 2 : NBA Live 2001 Cheats
Below are the cheats, hints, and tips that Game Gas knows about for NBA Live 2001. On the right are
websites that may have additional cheat codes, hints, or tips for NBA Live 2001.
Increase Super Star stats
At the main menu, press Circle to access the active menu. Select "Roster", then "Edit Player". A Super Star player will appear if your "Create A Player" list has no entries. Press R2 to increase the player's stats at the edit player screen. To choose a different player, press L2 to return to the "Create A Player" list. Then, press Start and change to another player.
Strong pass
Press L2 + X in one-on-one mode to pass the ball quickly to your opponent.
Between the legs pass
Press R2 + X in one-on-one mode to pass the ball between your legs to your opponent.
Rolling pass
Press R1 + X in one-on-one mode to pass the ball by rolling it to your opponent.