Below are user reviews of Red Faction II and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Red Faction II.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 15)
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Red Faction 2 - Solid Game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 12, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Red Faction 2 (for PS2) is a completely different game than Red Faction (1). The single player mode is fairly short but very well done. The multiplayer has changed from relying on Geo-Mod technology but rather, it focuses on gameplay. The Geo-Mod is present, though. The bots are fully customizable so you are never out-matched (unless you make it that way). I personally think the multiplayer has a great replay value. Set up co-opertive matches where you and your friends play against bots or you can go for the old fashioned you vs. your friends in an all out deathmatch.
Weapon-wise all the old classics are back along with a few new ones. (My personal favorite was and is the precision rifle) Definatly worth the money.
why did i waste my money?
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 09, 2004
Author: Amazon User
this game was just ok. i thought the multiplayer sucked. co -op mode was good but all the other modes sucked. The levels were horrible and it was extremely easy to kill people. you could just go in there with a grenade launcher and blow the heck out of everybody. I thought the multiplayer was fun but on the third level underground it was confusing what to do. Alot of times the enemies on normal level would shoot at you for forty-five seconds and you would barely be damaged.
Worth a rental....
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 20, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I was eager to play this game because I was a huge Red Faction fan for the PC when it came out years ago. I especiall enjoyed the G-mod effect where you can blow out walls...especially on multi-play. So I had high hopes for this new Red Faction release. I was dissapointed..plain and simple. The gameplay was horribly short and uneventful. I enjoy a FPS that has a good story behind it...ala Deus Ex:Invisible War or even the corniest story lines like Return to Castle Wolfenstein. But they were great games! Red Faction is the type of game that only a person would enjoy if you just wanted to go around shooting stuff. Mind you, I did enjoy the grenade launcher and turning my foes into chunks of flesh...but even that gets old at times. The graphic environments are below par...nothing new or innovative here. The voice acting is complete cheese and the storyline that was so brilliant in the first RF incarnation is absent here. The AI in this game is horrible and is completly laughable. I guess that is why getting through it is so easy because the difficulty is a joke.
All in all, this is not the best title out there...but is not the worst if you just want to pick up a game that you can spend a few hours on. Stick with greats for your Xbox like Prince of Persia, Ninja Gaiden, Halo...and the upcoming Doom 3 and Halo 2. A rental folks...not a buyer. You've been warned.
Alot to be desired.....
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: April 12, 2003
Author: Amazon User
To start off. I am stationed somewhere where I have to order my games. When I got this in the mail the other day, I was pumped. rated it very high, and others gave it average ratings. I put it in the XBOX, and to say the least I was dissapointed from the get go. I like realism in games. This game could have been wonderful, with the geo-mod technology they proclaim to use. NEGATIVE.. Only very specific walls can be blown up. Any game can do that. The AI just stands out in the middle shoots. Once you shoot back, it looks like you have shot the back wall with a red paint-ball. Most of the weapons are extremely underpowered except for a few. But you won't need much firepower because your character hardly ever dies, except in spots where the cheap computer guards. When grenades hit them, the "separate" into four defined pieces unless you get the rare legs that are left standing. The most frustrating thing about this game is the obvious lack of time the developers spent. Voice cues are out of sinq with the characters, so you get the japanese godzilla looking conversations. All in all this game leaves alot to be desired. Your teamates couldn't be any less helpful except ordering you around. I wish I could have rented it before buying it. I would have turned it in the same day. Not worth the [money] and to some not worth the weekend.
Graphics:4 (out of 10)
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: May 25, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I saw this game in the store and grabbed it right away, after playing the first Red Faction I thought this would only be better. I was wrong.
If you are looking for something better than the first Red Faction, this is not it, keep on looking.
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: April 28, 2006
Author: Amazon User
this game SUX. I didn't do anything. I chose easy and yet you were still shot at alot. I spent so much time figuring out what to do, and shooting my gun at the same time. I didn't try multiplayer even i thought it would be good. THQ sux. luckily i rented it. you should do the same if your thinking about this.
Crappy, but a lot of muliplayer maps
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: March 10, 2007
Author: Amazon User
This game is a little corny and a little crappy for an FPS in campaign mode, but there are a lot of fair multiplayer options. Destructible environments, many different weapons, tons of maps (more than I've ever seen in a game), many goofy looking creatures to choose from, and 1 thing the people of Bungi forgot: BOTS! Although the Bot AI is just random - they run around and shoot, run around and shoot. Always running, never stopping. Still, the multiplayer is worth a couple bucks in the discount bin if you find it.
Short , sweet, and... deep?
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: January 29, 2003
Author: Amazon User
The single player game is decent although extremely short. The gameplay is tight (with totally customizable control scheme). The game is a bit more linear than the first. There is not as much exploring to be done, and the story comes at you so fast that you may not even know why you are doing what you are doing.
However, the multiplayer mode is MUCH deeper and better than in the first game. I haven't actually played it with friends, only with bots - and I've had tons of fun! This is very strange, as playing only with bots usually gets stale fast.
You can totally customize them and keep track of their stats.. and yours. If one of the bots is just too strong and is getting way more kills than he should, you can lower his accuracy, agility, health, etc. Or adjust his weapon preferences so that he or she never picks up a Rail Gun and wastes you in one shot. You can totally manage the situation. You can even make it so they have a large tendency to camp out in a particular position and wait, instead of running around mindlessly.
There are also FORTY multiplayer maps! While some are weak, and many of them look kinda generic.. they grow on you and you'll find a handful that you really like.
While their are several multiplayer modes to choose from, I should point out that the Capture the Flag here is kinda weak. Your teammates never guard the flag and there's more but I won't go into it all. It just gets kinda chaotic sometimes. CTF works much better other games like the Unreal games.
Anyway, thats all I'll say.. this is long enough.
Solid game.
Arcade style fun
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: April 17, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This game has everything going against it. The graphics weren't even that good on the PSII. They're not any better here, although the framerate is excellent. The enemy A.I. is not impressive. There are invisable walls to keep you from exploring too far. There is no stealth in this game at all. The dialogue is cheesy. You can't skip the cut scenes. There is not much strategy. You can't throw a grenade very accurately. But I love this game. This game is one of the funnest I have played on the Xbox. There are plenty of things you do in this game that you will never do in any other game. There are tons of little things that you enjoy as you go. The variety of this game exceeds most any other. There are tons of weapons and most have an alternate fire. You can grab two pistols and each trigger on your controller becomes the trigger for your guns. It feels pretty cool to fire from either side. The differen't grenades are cool. There is a fire grenade that sets anyone nearby screaming in flames. If you catch on fire, you can put it out unlike in Time Splitters. The controls are excellent and even the though you can change everything, I played the whole game with the default controls. The mines are cool because they stick to walls and enemies. Blowing holes in walls is fun and not overused. It is also occasionally helpful and even crucial. The rumble in your controller is used very well and really adds to the game. You get to man rail guns on Helicopters, Tanks, Mechs, and Subs. The mech levels and the sub level are fantastic. The mech levels are more fun than any Mech Assault level, and I've never played anything like the sub level. This takes the most strategy in the game. Although the idea is kind of oldschool, the enemy bosses are cool and all unique to each other. There are some mutants toward the end that attack you and if you head shot them, you can take them out, although sometimes you just shoot thier scalp off. Some of the scopes on the guns highlight where your enemies are. This is very helpful if you use it and it's lots of fun. I was never bored through the entire game. My first impression of this game after level one was warm. It kept getting better and better until the end. The multiplayer is very well done although the bots are pretty dopey. It plays great with four people and REGIME is similar to Skull King on HALO except you can shoot while you're it. The multiplayer action is not so fast that it just feels like chaos like in Time Splitters and Turok. There is a nice female voice that announces all the info for you like in HALO. There are sixty maps in all and all the ones I have tried are very fun. If this game was system link, I think the multiplayer would be right up ther with halo, except for the graphics. It is totally customizeable for your liking. If you're a FPS fan at all you should have a blast.
Bland and Boring.
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: May 12, 2003
Author: Amazon User
If your currently bored with your current round of FPS and want something else to shoot, this game may keep you entertained for a day or two. But after that, if you unlucky enough to have bought it, you will be wishing it was a rental in your hand, like myself. I will admit, I bought this game blindly on hype and due to its better (yes, better) parent "Red Faction" and thought no wrong could come of Red Faction II. OH was I wrong!
Whats Good?:
It gets the basic-basics of running around blasting away done. Also, you can configure every button to your own liking.
Whats Wrong?: Everything else.
#2, The Geo Mod Engine that they claim is so "great" it will change the face of gaming doesn't even really come into play. You can blow thru the occasional wall for a power-up here and there, but for the most part, you will be wasting your ammo wondering and struggling to find what you can blow up. I seems for the most part 95% of the game still can't be "blown" up. And its more frustrating then anything to find something you think you could have blown to still be there after taking a rocket round.
#3, Multiplayer: TOO many maps. It seemed like they just tossed in a whole bunch in hopes a few good ones came out, and for the most part, they are very small. Also in multiplayer, the weapons show up as flat colored card board cut-outs. Really ruining the grity style of the game.
To keep this review short, I'll finish with this. This game feels rushed, very rushed, like they knew it would only sell if it came out before Brute Force and Wolfenstine. Other then a few enjoyable moments, there is very that will make you want to come back to this game once you finish it the first time, unlike the power of Halo.
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