Below are user reviews of Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 35)
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Waste of money
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 13, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I bought this game with somewhat low expectations and I was still let down. I would consider this to be the " Let down game of the year". There is no excitement at all and you feel cheated out of your pesonal time if you play it for to long. I played for only about 2 hours and I was bored stiff. You can spend you money in so many better ways on amazon. If you have not played Shadow Ops - Red Mercury then I suggest that you buy it over this. I spent $1.38 on that game and I have played it through twice already.
Before you buy Soldier of Fortune, understand this, if this game were formated for Super Nintendo then it would be a whole other story about the quality of this game. This is not a game that should be in the Xbox line up. The movement is slow, poor graphics, numerous glitches, and over all it's repetitive. You cannot interact with any of the backgrounds, you can't even put bullet holes in many of the walls. There is one way and one way only to go through the missions. The game may as well move your character for you while you shoot all the nearly 2-D targets that appear out of thin air. Buy another game, any other game.
Truly, truly, a terrible game
Rating: 1,
Useful: 3 / 4
Date: September 12, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This game is pathetic. The gameplay is like any cut-and-paste first-person shooter, and is therefore boring. The GHOUL-2 engine is a good idea, but the way it was executed was pathetic. Okay, so you're telling me in real life if you take a slash at someone's face with a pocket knife, you will abruptly take out a 2-inch by 2-inch chunk of flesh and bone from their forehead for no apparent reason? And that if you fire at a guy's chest with any weapon all you get is a 2-dimensional hole, with absolutely no 3D effect on it, unlike the head and limbs, and only if you shoot it perhaps five or six times with a shotgun it will be blown into a big red slab of what looks like meat, that will disappear in six seconds? That you can shoot off a guy's leg at the hip with a Micro-Uzi? That if you do blow a guy's arm or leg off at the shoulder or hip the severed limb mysteriously disappears? Please. Other games didn't have this type of gore effect, but that's what makes them superior to this; at least they don't try and fail miserably. That's what is truly sad: the developer striving to be revolutionary but just ending up with something that pisses you off at the unprofessionalism of it.
Not only that, but the aiming device sucks. It's a poor attempt at mimicking the Tom Clancy game dot and sight iccon that increase in diameter signifying the innacurateness of your weapon. But in this one, it's always crosshairs, and if you stand still and shoot one round with your Micro-Uzi, you can hit an enemy precisely in the head at any range if you aim for them. How frickin' dumb. And also, a highly-trained mercenary with experience like a Green beret goes all John Woo-style and uses two handguns at once, or two Micro-Uzis at once. Okay, the military DOESN'T TEACH ITS TROOPS TO DO THAT CRAP!!! Realism my arse.
It's a very long game, but is very, VERY boring. All the missons are the same: go down a linear path, getting more weapons, shoot people, blast them to pieces. Even if there is a random scenario engine to create missions for you to do in different enviroments, it's still all the same, only the maps change.
The voice acting is terrible, the poor and stereotypical plot twists were easily perceptible from miles away, the plot itself was terrible, everything about this game was downright retarded. Now, normally, I don't care about graphics in the videogame, but the gameplay and plot was so terrible I have the right to complain about them for once. Simply put, they're horrible. The character models are blocky and generally lame to look at (which makes you wonder why the heck it has such high system requirements), the enviroments are completely bare and unrealitic, the GHOUL-2 engine was poorly executed (whoever designed that must have been on drugs, so was whoever described it as being ultra-realistic). There is nothing good about this game. Nothing at all. It wasn't fun, it didn't impress me in the slightest, it was the exact opposite of what they advertised it to be, it isn't worth any amount of money greater than $1.00. Now, if you have very, very low standards, go ahead and buy it, and have fun blowing people's heads off with a shotgun (how original), or blowing their limbs off, or cutting their head, arms, and legs with a combat knife with a few weak swipes and try to mutilate their torso before it blinks into nonexistence, but it gets old real fast, and it makes you wonder why the developer ever gave permission to pass this off for being "ultra-realistic".
And, for yet another attempt at creating a halfway-decent game, the developers decided to put a little stealth meter so you can get the impression that you can sneak around and use some type of strategy. However, if you crouch and sneak up on someone, they'll hear you because of their super-sensitive ears, turn around, and shoot at you, but if you crawl on your stomach, you can get right up to them, bump into their legs, stand up, and slash the back of their heads, without anyone noticing, even if one of your enemies is standing three feet away with his back to you. What the heck is with this game and a lack of realism?
Man, I am so mad I paid $50.00 for this piece of crap. Don't bother, save your money, and go buy a good FPS, like Red Faction, Unreal Tournament, even Postal 2 (as sad as it may be). A general rule: if a game is going to have a crappy excuse for a plot, then just exclude the plot altogether. That's what makes Postal 2 superior to this, even though it is a second-string game.
Call it a 2.5
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: August 09, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This is a long playing shooter with very poor graphics and average sound. If you like shooters you might like this and it might be worth it for 20 bucks, but if you haven't played ghost recon, halo, etc use the money on them and see what the xbox can do. This game might be alright for playstation II users but it doesn't really make the cut on xbox.
Poor quality
Rating: 1,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: May 22, 2004
Author: Amazon User
So you can deal damage to more specific body parts, thats about all this game has going for it. Even then its rediculous and so far from reality. Your telling me you can consistantly cleave legs off at the hip with a couple 9mm bullets? The "Military Advisor" they claim worked on this game with them must have been asleep. I'd say this game is one step above Turok. Its very, very shallow. I loved Red Faction 1&2...this is no Red Faction.
If you can love a game soley for its unrealistic, constant gore this is a good title for you at 20$.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: May 03, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Everyone says this game isnt as good as ghost recon so i dont like it. Well its not as good but its fun you can waste a few afternoons with this fun game. the graphics well...suck. But besides that its a fun game it costs just as much as Ghost Recon either one is fun and a good choice Soldier of Fortune may be a little harder though. The weapons are good with the Micro Uzi its practilly impossible for the bad guys to kill ya, whatever you do if you get around a whole bunch of guys dont use the shotgun. The missions in Hong Kong are fun, Columbia missions are also fun but the missions in Texas are just plain boring.The rain effects are terrible and some missions its pouring and you can barely see. The plus of this game is the Random Mission Generator you can create any mission you want Day or Night where you you want it EX a jungle or a icy wasteland ect. Buy its only 20 bucks y notttt.
Great Action Shooter!!!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: April 28, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Its an awsome game very realistic pure fun shooter if you like red faction 1 and 2 you'll love this game BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!
Don't confuse with the Magazine.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 11, 2004
Author: Amazon User
It's a fun game, I'll give it that. The graphics are good, the gameplay isn't bad (up until the last levels), and the feel is nice; it's just missing something. I really enjoyed the game play, it took me months to beat it (it took me two weeks to get through Halo); it was long. But that being said, it was repetitive.
Let me put this another way. I liked the game enough to try it on Xbox live; when I did a search for a game, nothing came up. No one, in the total Xbox community, plays it online.
It is War.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 25, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This game rocked. You might want to rent it you that don't beleive me. I played it all night and the next day I flunked my tests in school.You got to get Xbox live it is awwwwwwwwwwwwwsssssssssssome.If you got the Medal of honor games like i do its almost like that. But your AK-74 has a bayonet and you get to throw your combat knives. You need to do all of your homework before playing this game. And one other thing, the enemy might startle you and make you pee in your pants!!!!!!!!! like what happened to me. You GOT TO HAVE THIS GAAAME.
sick ass game
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 03, 2004
Author: Amazon User
love the gore,weapons and story line. also enviorment interaction. would be perfect if vehicle detail was better.
Some of these people most have been on crack
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: February 14, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This game rocked. I entiered the cheat codes and saw all the wepons. I was stuned. I cept using the double desret eagel my faviort hand gun. I liked the fact that I could toss a grenade in a full room and see limbs flying out. The levels are cool and diffclut but fun to play. I don't care what other people thing this game rocks
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