Below are user reviews of Metal Slug 3 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Metal Slug 3.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 26)
Show these reviews first:
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 18, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Yep another confession: I have a Kawaks version of this and therfore it's not a port. But SNK's dying strength was ALOT MORE than they had done for previous installments. I mean MSX was awesome, but this was perfect! You blow up bosses, kill aliens and.....collect batteries. Yes it's a stupid idea for that last one but you only do that once so don't wig out. This is VERY HARD and pretty gory, and there are 7 new vheicles as well as 3 new weapons: a monkey, a thunder cloud and its variant, the mobile satellite. The final mission is TOO long though but very cool. Oh, and you can be a zombie and vomit blood. Get this game if you like Metal slug, cause there's no game better than this!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 4
Date: August 16, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I go to like Sportspelex and when i get just one quarter i last for like 3 lvls dudes the game is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooot c'mon people shout oh yeah im gonna get the new metal slug 4 and 5 an't that awsome this game so wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooooting cool dont y'all think yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy blah blah
The be-all of 2D shooters.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 8 / 9
Date: June 12, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This, is Metal Slug 3. This is the hardest 2D shooter you will ever play. And that's a fact. I'm not saying that based just on my personal experience. No, if you go to any gaming board, MS3 will surely get the vote as hardest shooter to date. I'll tell you straight up- if you ever get so frustrated with some games to the point where you throw the controller down on the ground or anything like that, stop reading this review, and lose all interest in the Metal Slug series. Because this game will make you cry. While the game doesn't really get hard until probably 2/3 through, there's no denying that the last stage is a test of skill and sanity. I mean it- SNK's so mad that their games don't sell well here in the US, and so they threw every bit of their rage into this level. I was so close to hate Metal Slug 3, give in and get a rapid fire controller just to beat it. But when I took down the final boss, it was like I conquered games in general.
If you've been living in a cave for the past decade, Metal Slug is a simple 2D shooter series. You pick one of four characters, all of which are the same aside from appearence, and run around shooting the bad guys. That's all there is to it. No deep storyline or character development here. If you see an enemy, you shoot them and keep running to the right. And if you get hit once, you die. It's that simple. Now, beating the game is another story. There's an impressive assortment of weaposn you'll find as well. Machine guns, flame throwers, lasers, seeking rockets, bouncing shots, shotguns, and the most humorous of all when the announcer says its name: the RAWKET LAOUNCHAIR. Well, it's really the rocket launcher, but when the announcer says it, it in a league of its own. And there's the usual grenades, and various vehicles to pick up along the way. Anyway, the first level has you take on opposing forces in the jungle, where you're lead to branching paths- one of which has you on a boat in the river freeing hostages from the vines above and taking out truckloads of enemies. It's chaos. Soldiers are everywhere, and you have to wait until your boat gets under the hostage before freeing them, since they'll not officially be freed unless they salute you after touching your character. The boss for the stage is a huge crab that launches fireballs at your character while escaping on a bridge in the Metal Slug- a god damn awesome tank with unlimited ammo and a huge cannon. The second level is probably the most fun to play- you run around a stage where zombies are on the loose. And there's other humans in the level, so if a zombie attacks them, they become an enemy as well. This applies for your character as well. When attacked, you turn into a wacked-out zombie version of yourself, and your bomb attack becomes something so priceless you'd have to see it to believe it. You vomit a HUGE streak of blood, capable of taking down helicopters and lines of enemies in one hit. The only problem is that you barely jump, and are slower than Louie Anderson trying to get out of bed. And the end boss here has two forms. You better have saved some bombs for this one.
I'm not going to go into detail about every level, but I do have to mention the fifth and final stage. It's a pain in the ass, plain and simple. And it also brings out the only real con in the game. The level itself spans roughly 5 sections. You start out in either a helicopter or jet, and take down some enemy fighters in the sky (and some unfortunate para-troops). After this, you zoom down to ground-level and dispose of the enemy forces there. Most of which are in covered wagons and tanks. But then, comes the first boss of many- an angry guy with a machine gun in a heavily armored plane. If you lost your vehicle prior to this part, start over. You'll need the extra hits because for first-time players, his grenades can be hard to see. Following this section is the second half to it where you fight another boss in a helicopter while using a mounted gattling gun. This part isn't too hard, and can be finished in no time. But, once defeated, your character gets captured, and another comes to save them. The guy in the helicopter turns out to be an alien, and goes off into space. Guess where you go next? That's right. It's off to the alien mothership in your tiny rocket. This part is fast-paced and enemies come from all sides of the screen. Luckily, you'll get more weapons than you'll know what to do with here, and taking them out isn't too much of a hassle. Keeping the rocket though, is a whole other story. Since I've played this level so many times, I've memorized it, and don't lose it anymore. But again, first-timers will go nuts at this part probably. If you can finish this section, you'll start flying into the mother ship which at first, seems like a living thing. The walls are all organ-like, but aliens are flying around in here too. Beating this finally gets you to inside the real ship where you'll probably die in the first 3 minutes. There are limitless enemies here. Some take dozens of shots before dying, and others have cheap attacks. Moving on, you have to rescue your partner, who was cloned trillions of times, hope for the best, escape while avoiding zombie-clones THAT CAN DO THAT BAD-ASS BLOOD ATTACK WHICH KILLS YOU ALMOST ANY TIME THEY DO IT, and THEN you'll make it to the last boss. Yes, this is the entire last level. And there are no save or checkpoints. This is where that con kicks in. With the arcade versions, you just popped in more quarters to continue from where you died. But in the Xbox version, once your lives are up, you start over from the beginning of the level. Not the section you died in, the -very- beginning of the level. Yeah, try beating the last level in one shot and you're a gaming god. The only way to do this is to plug in a second controller and hit 'start' immediately after your character dies, and before the countdown begins. This'll net you the second player's character with a full stock of lives, which is your only shot at beating the game. Believe me, when/if you beat this last level, it'll be the finest moment in gaming that you'll ever accomplish.
There are two added mini-games for the Xbox version here. Fat Island and Storming the Mother Ship. They're both fun, epecially Fat Island. You try to reach a set weight by eating all the food that appears on the screen and dodging enemies with the help of your snowman bombs. Two-player chaos ensues. Storming the Mother Ship is a total jerk though. You play as one of the three different enemy soldiers in the game, but this time, you're on the good side. One has grenades, another has a bazooka (grenades in gun-form more or less), and the other has a shield and melee attack. Play through most of the last level as any one of them and see how far you can make it. Here's a hint- the shield and melee attack is a big plus.
For the graphics, I can't give Metal Slug 3 a real score. It's almost 10 years old, and 2D, AND originally for the NeoGeo system. You know, that ancient thing with games that were in the hundreds of dollars per cart. It looks good though. Character animations are great, as are the backgrounds. There's a lot of detail to be found. While some say it's the "best looking 2D game ever made", that's hardly the case. Go check out Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and say otherwise. As for the sound, the music is so good that I got the soundtrack, and the voices are to die for. RAWKET LAOUNCHAIR!
Only, and I mean ONLY get Metal Slug 3 if you think you can handle it. I'm not trying to make myself sound high and mighty, but it -is- a tough game. Probably the toughest I've played mostly thanks to that last level and screwed up continue system. And don't you dare play it with two players (at the same time) on that part. Any level where you have two players leads to twices as many enemies, and the bosses seem to have even more health. 'not a good idea for the last level at all. But pick up MS3 if you can still find it. And if it's too hard, try 4+5 which were just released, and are much easier. I so kicked your ass MS3. Of this, I am proud.
Cheesy, monotonous, but FUN
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 3
Date: May 02, 2005
Author: Amazon User
So if you play xbox occasionally for fun/recreation, and you're not completely needy of story and cohesion - this might be the game for you. It's 2-D, like Contra. Real simple, just go from left to right blasting just about everything that moves. I recommend renting it first perhaps - see if you think it's worth actually owning. I found it fun to just kick back with a beer and a buddy and laugh while playing it; it's really quite funny - one mission you're on some kind of island destroying giant crustaceans, the next your outside some town fighting the undead. You'll die a lot, I mean a lot. It's all good though, going through it over and over again allows you to notice some subtleties that you wouldn't have noticed since you're usually just shooting everything that moves. In the undead mission, the zombies don't just lash at you, some pull out their intestines and squirt stuff at you! It's ridiculously gratuitous and over the top but entertaining nonetheless. If you like 2-D shooters, this is probably the only thing out there for you on the xbox. Not bad, could be a lot better though - the graphics are good but anyone who's played Doom 3 knows what the xbox is capable of.
Who says side-scrolling games are dead?
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 02, 2005
Author: Amazon User
These days it seems like consoles and handhelds are trying to pack more and more processing power under the hood to give us ever increasingly realistic 3D environments for racers, first person shooters, sports games and the like. That's all well and good, but sometimes a game that looks really pretty can be really ugly, simply because they spent all that time rendering 3D polygons and never considering whether it was fun to play.
On the other hand, there are games like Metal Slug 3. These days it's hard to find any company willing to take a risk on a flat 2D or side-scrolling game, let alone a modern console manufacturer who wants it as a title unless it's a "retro" greatest hits set like Midway Arcade Classics. Metal Slug 3 is a happy exception, a game which recalls the finer days of your youth when there was nothing better than playing Contra or Rush'n'Attack. Are modern systems too powerful for such simple concepts? Not at all. This games is beautifully rendered, smooth scrolling, action packed and at times downright funny (in one underwater scene you're attacked by giant eels named "Helen" and "Linda").
This title lives up to the old Atari credo that games should be simple to learn but difficult to master. You will not beat Metal Slug 3 in one sitting, but you'll have a literal BLAST running around blowing things up over and over, getting better with each attempt. Kudos to SNK/Playmore for producing it and to Microsoft for releasing it. It's a shame more companies don't take the chance on games like Metal Slug 3 and Alien Hominid that as fun to play as they are cool to watch, all in a gloriously flat perspective. If someone tells you 2D isn't cool any more, hand them a controller and watch how much they enjoy this game.
The rooting-tooting -shooting,behind-booting game of '04
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 22, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Finally Metal Slug 3 on the X-Box has arrived and it is kicking butt.I enjoy these style of games because it reminds me of when I use to go to the arcade and play Metal Slug 1 and waste all my quarters trying to pass it.Good action/shooter with plenty of gratuitous violence and cool explosions for anyone who was a fan of the old shooter games(Ikari Warriors, Contra) My only beef was the difficulty of this particular game. damn this game is hard and the fact that you only get 5 lives and have to continue from the beginning of the level all the time kind of irritates me.Other than that you will have plenty of fun playing this game.
Good retro-style shooter
Rating: 4,
Useful: 4 / 7
Date: October 24, 2004
Author: Amazon User
What a blast! This game hearkens back to the days of the original Duke Nukem, Contra, or any of the other great twitch-shooters of the past. It's essentially a mindless shooting game, done in retro side-scrolling style, but as that goes, it's a lot of fun. You basically travel through levels, killing anything and everything, grabbing powerups as you go and trying to survive the constant onslaught of enemies the game throws at you. For a retro-style shooter, it's a reasonable challenge, as enemies sometimes overwhelm you with their sheer numbers. The bosses are fairly tough, as well, and there's part of the problem with the game: You get between three and five men to start each level. Let's say that you lose your last man fighting a boss. You hit "continue," thinking that you'll get a fresh set of men to resume your fight with the boss. WRONG. You have to start back at the beginning of the level! That can be very, very frustrating, especially when some of the more challenging levels can take all but your last man...and then you have to face the boss with just one life to spare! (Ouch!) If you're careful, though, you can survive the worst areas intact, especially if you're patient enough to watch for powerups. Strongly recommended to fans of shooter games or for those who loved the old side-scrolling action games (like me).
I hope this review was helpful
--Christian Wheeler
the mighty metal slug 3
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: August 30, 2004
Author: Amazon User
this game is built for those who grewup on nes and genesis games as a kid and wanted those beautiful arcade games that only the neogeo(700 bucks at the time) could run basically its alot like contra a 2 player run and gun action game but with slugs that are vehicles or animals you can ride with big guns on them this game has alot of weapons its fun but very hard youll die hundreds of times before beating a level and its some of the best 2d hand drawn graphics ever seen soldiers dont just die they point get mad laugh at u run away every stage screams style and the little effects drawn in complete 2d are great my personal fav stage is the zombie stage in a graveyard with metal and organ playing if youre hit by a ghoul youll become a zombie and start dragging your foot slow another thing that gives this game depth is every stage has multiple paths so you might find a truly amazing area you never seen before so if youre a fan of classic 2 d shooters and want to see the best handrawn classic graphics around by snks legendary artist buy this version for xbox its an exact carbon copy of the 500 dollar neo geo aes version
Not My Thing
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 18
Date: August 06, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I'm not sure what the big deal is about this game. I've read numerous positive reviews on Amazon and GameSpot about Metal Slug 3, but I don't understand the appeal. It looks and feels like an old coin-op game from the 80's... which is great if you are into that kind of thing. But for me, I've lived through that era and enjoy the advances in technology when paired with games.
In summary, Metal Slug 3 felt like a rip-off. Why? Because the game does not take advantage of the Xbox technology. It's just a simple shooting game that scrolls from right to left and that's all. I was annoyed that when your character dies, you need to start the level over from the very beginning.
I would recommend Armed & Dangerous over Metal Slug 3 if you are looking for a fun shooting game that takes advantage of the Xbox technology. But if you're still curious about Metal Slug 3, I suggest renting the game first.
WoW !!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 6
Date: July 20, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This game rock cool guns lots of stuff to drive like subs,helicopter. Bosses are as hard hell(wich I like).I'm not sureyou can do this in the real game but in OXM demo of MS3 there are more than 1 way to go can go in a sub,or skip the sub and help some guys on a ship well you get the idea. I'm not a kid I just used it so I dont have to sigh in
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