
PSP : Crash Tag Team Racing Reviews

Gas Gauge: 70
Gas Gauge 70
Below are user reviews of Crash Tag Team Racing and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Crash Tag Team Racing. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 70
IGN 70

User Reviews (1 - 4 of 4)

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Crash Tag Team Racing.....

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 10 / 10
Date: January 10, 2006
Author: Amazon User

Hmmm...a new Crash kart racing game. Hadn't played one of these in awhile...lol...! Laying all jokes aside, you'd think after playing Mario Kart DS-Krazy Racers, Banjo-Pilot, and Crash Nitro Kart for the Gameboy Advance-as well as CNK for the PS2; you'd think I'd be burnt out on them by now. Yet, I'm just getting started. No sooner did I play through all those til I see Crash Tag Team Racing for the PSP. Naturally, I was curious so I picked the game up and started to read the back of it. Next thing I know, I've done purchased the game and headed home.

First thing that amazed me, like Crash Nitro Kart for the PS2, were the graphics. What amazed me even more were that they were on the PSP. Crisp, colorful and vibrant are the only words I can come up with to describe them. Yet, I was quite surprised that CTTR's racing isn't exactly the focus of this game. While you do kart race in typical Crash fashion, the developers melded platforming into the game along with it. Not to give away too much of how the game is played, let's just say the platforming portions work well into the game and make it more enjoyable. There's also a new addition to the game called "Clashing" in which by pressing a button, your kart will become an electric blue, see-through color, and the second you come into contact with another kart, your kart and theirs will go together and combine into a two-man battle kart of death(Clearly, VU's answer to Mario Kart: Double Dash). The tracks, like all the other Crash kart games, are very imaginative and fun.

Now, for the bad news, there are two things that bring down the game abit. Those being load times(which are absolutely horrendous..this game is second to Midnight Club 3: Dub Edtion when it comes to long loading times. I've clocked several levels taking well over a minute to load) and a dragging frame rate is some areas. While the dragging frame rate is understandable, the load times are absolutely unforgivable. I found it annoying to wait over a minute to play one track for just a couple of minutes. It will try those with the most patience, I assure you.

Laying flaws aside, though, Crash Tag Team Racing is a worthy addition to the franchise and an enjoyable play experience. It's not terribly innovative(quite like the Mario Kart series has consistently been) but it's definitely worth checking out.

Very fun game!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: February 08, 2008
Author: Amazon User

This is what I call a very fun game. It doesn't matter if you're playing alone or with a friend, it will still be fun.

In addition to the main game, you can also play some mini-games as shooting a bunch of cows, porks or sheeps that are thrown in the air, bowling, etc...

In summary, fun FUN FUN!!!!

Is it just me?

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 16, 2007
Author: Amazon User

I totally love racing games and Crash is one of my favs. It started with PS1 with some crash game and I fell in love with it. When I saw it for PSP, I knew I had to have it. I think it was around 20ish/30ish when I got it. I love it, but I guess I'm not too smart in video games since the first time I beat it, I didn't really get all of the stuff...lol. So I went back to collect them to unlock the last few places which annoyed the heck of out me. I know others will have less trouble, but I just enjoy scrapping in the cash from racing too many times =)
All this cash and nothing to do with it and it's still going up. A game I'll pick up again and again to have a few quick races, but not much of a fan of the walking around and collecting stuff thing. The races, time laps, and shooting the cars is basically the games I click every time. Anything else is just a bonus or annoyance to me, lol.

Great game but could have used work

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: November 02, 2006
Author: Amazon User

I picked up a psp a month ago and I have cnc for playstation2 and LOVED it but this game let me down. :( I have to say the gameplay is very fun and the 8-player ad-hoc mode is great but I must say they had a little to much fun with videos and didn't put enough work into the: Ai strength and the story mode length. NOW I have play video games for a decent amount of time and am pretty good but I am not a person who beats a video game in a week,,, BUT with this game I did. And I noticed that it was well,,, just too easy and too short. I don't know it might just be me but it was quite short for the price.

This game is great all around but if you want to kill alot of time with it you should probaly discard buying it. I loved this game and will continue to play the crash bandicoot games, but I don't know I guess i'm better than I think at video games.

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