Below are user reviews of Viva Piñata Platinum Hits and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Viva Piñata Platinum Hits.
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Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (1 - 11 of 73)
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Don't believe the hype--a no fluff review by a real gamer
Rating: 1,
Useful: 10 / 44
Date: December 25, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Basic premise of the game is you have a garden and maintain it with pinatas and you have to watch it, maintain it, help form more pinatas, etc. I had a friend pick up this game for me because of all the hype. I'm here to say that this is one of the most disappointing overly hyped titles I ever played. This feels more like work than playing a game. You have to constantly monitor your "pinatas", garden, plant seeds and a whole bunch of other tasks that weigh on you while a whole lot of characters, messages, etc. are on your screen. Also "bad" pinatas may enter and ruin all your work, you also have to help "manually" procreate which can be extremely frustrating since you have to have "requirements" in order for your "pinatas" to perform. I also would never recommend this to kids much less anyone for that matter. After level 10 I've found this to be boring and while my friend was watching me it put him to sleep. Also it's just not fun to play. Just my 2 cents from a real gamer with an honest no fluff review.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 9 / 60
Date: December 15, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Buy this game without an XBOX LIVE hook-up available and you will have blundered into SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED HOW DO I BUILD THIS BICYCLE MY KIDS ARE SCREAMING AT ME CHRISTMAS DIMENSION OF DOOM. My system is top of the line and less than 4-months old, but because I don't watch TV much, and my computers are in a different room, I have no digital hook-up near my XBOX, or installed TV (which is impossible to move - thus no monitor even if I move the XBOX). SO - this game ain't never going to work for me without endless hours of work, or massive expense. There is no reason they couldn't have made this thing run without the XBOX live access, especially since many people choose not to allow their children online access for safety reasons and this is (in essense) a kids game. So thank you Microsoft Grinch, for using your technical capitalist mumbo jumbo to mess w/ my Christmas. Don't let it mess w/ yours. And one more time - WILL NOT RUN WITHOUT AN XBOX LIVE UPDATE. Just says "Sorry, you can't play this game unless you ..." REALLY? CAUSE I BOUGHT THE XBOX AND I BOUGHT THE GAME ... WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGH! Now imagine my frustration w/ your screaming kids holding the cool game packaging in their little hands while you try to explain to them why it won't work. No one should buy this game for Christmas on principle. SHeesh.
What am I missing?
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 12
Date: February 19, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I was really excited to get this game after all of the reviews sounded so positive, plus I'm a huge fan of the sims and animal crossing which it's been compared to.
I don't know if I'm missing something, but it's just not fun at all. Really repetitive, and I know people have said that it's better than animal crossing because Animal crossing was so repetitive, but at least there was strategy and a storyline. This is more like.. plant stuff, get your pinatas to hook up, build a house, plant stuff, get your pinatas to hook up, build a house.
I really want to like it, and I really hope I'm missing something and it's going to miraculously get better as I go along but I don't know how much more I can take.
starts good ends bad
Rating: 2,
Useful: 2 / 7
Date: January 21, 2007
Author: Amazon User
im 16 and my sister is 15 so everyone knows
well, i rented viva pinata and i was excited at the most. i did have alot of fun in the beginning but as soo as you reach level 35(which takes around 11 hours of gameplay) it all goes down hill. at times the game is annoying because of all the bad things happening in your garden but it is fun managing and getting new pinatas. my sister also got bored and shes only level 20. i would tell anyone to RENT THIS GAME FIRST. it will save you 50$ of your hard earned money. im pretty sure a younger person such as 10 or under will NOT be able to understand the concept or be able to manage all that going on. so, all in all very fun for 10 hours, then not so fun. so glad i rented it!
Repetitive But Easy
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 5
Date: April 06, 2007
Author: Amazon User
At first the game is exciting, you find yourself having fun building pinata house and watching them change colors. Then planting seeds and waiting to watch what they grow into is very interesting. But you find yourself doing the same things over and over. Plant a seed, wait for it to grow, romance a pinata wait for it to hatch and change colors. Then as you progresses and you become a higher gardener then Sour pinata (the bad guys) will come to your garden and start knocking down trees, house and they will kill your pinatas; you spent so much time romancing, then you find yourself having to do everything all over again and again and again trying to put everything back the way is was before the sour pinata destroyed it. I see why some find this game a bit boring having to do things over and over, but it is also a bit Addictive you find yourself wanting to try and get the garden just prefect and beat those sour pinatas.
If you like an easy game were you have to out wit a pinata you'll enjoy this game, but if your into fast running, shooting games you'll find this game very boring. I enjoy it like a good puzzle on a rainy day; trying to put everything in the right place, when your stuck inside with nothing else to do.
Viva Yo Momma
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: May 12, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Viva Pinata is exciting, cute, and fun. The most vivid game for the Xbox360 yet. However, it has some flaws. The annoying tutorial being one of them. Once you're on your own though, thats it. You're on your own. Sometimes you find you're supposed to do something, and then, you wonder how you're supposed to do it. An example of this was how I needed long grass, but I had no idea how to get it. I didn't find out until hours later that you had to buy it from the shop. There are several other instances of confusion like that, but the game is still very fun and unique. If you like games such asThe Sims 2, you might enjoy this game.
Tons of fun, but plagued by a devastating glitch!
Rating: 3,
Useful: 6 / 9
Date: November 25, 2006
Author: Amazon User
All the wonderful things about this game that other reviewers have raved about are absolutely true; this is an incredibly cute and fun game (although it would have been better without the ruffians).
Unfortunately, there is a horrid glitch in the game that causes things in your garden to turn invisible--forever. Fo no discernible reason, I keep losing more and more of my pinatas, flowers, trees, fences, pinata houses, etc. every time I play the game. It's so frustrating and ruins the fun of the game. I have to keep selling off the invisible items (assuming I can find them) and go through the trouble of replacing them.
It's amazing to me that this sort of game-breaking glitch survived their beta testing, considering how widespread it is among everyone who's played it. I'm on the verge of returning it unless they can get it fixed. It's not fun to suddenly lose, through no fault of your own, pinatas and a garden you worked very hard for.
So yes, it's a wonderful game, but I would strongly suggest you stay away until they release a patch that addresses this.
Cheaper at Best Buy
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 11
Date: December 22, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Haven't played the game but heard it is a blast! Thinking about getting it but it's only $29.99 at Best Buy right now through Christmas.
A game for the family
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: March 24, 2007
Author: Amazon User
At the begining I thought the game was boring, but after a few minutes of play it became more and more interesting.
It is a game for the whole family, above all because it is one of those few games for Xbox 360 that does not consist in killing a human fellow. Children and adults can play, and parents can play in a cooperative mode with their children.
The game consists in taking care of a garden, the better you do it, the more animals (Piñatas) will be willing to live in it. The more Piñatas you have in your garden, the more trouble you get into. The better you do it, the more space they give you for your garden.
There are so many things to do in the game that sometimes one does not even know where to start first. Actually, it sometimes feel overwhelming. Those who likes building things from scratch will love this game while they turn a deserted dump into an Eden full of life.
This is hours and hours of gameplay while you strive to get all the achievements. After some hours of striving to create a paradise full of peace and beauty, though, you may start to get bored of taking care of the conflicting Piñatas who constantly fight between each other. Plus you are constant need to make them fall in love between one other to sustain the balance of the species in your garden as well as to make money to buy other services and goods. Also they get sick and need to be protected from a few enemies.
A fun game for children and adults
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: June 05, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I purchased this game looking for a break from all of the First Person Shooter [FPS] games that are always hitting the market, little did I know that the game would be easy to pick up and play yet in depth enough to keep me [and just about everyone else I know] coming back to it.
At the beginning of the game you are placed in your new garden and I admit it does start out a bit slow as it teaches you how to use all the different tools available to you throughout the game but keep in mind that this is an all ages game and the tutorial is great for young ones. But once you get through the tutorial the game quickly picks up the pace. You'll need to come up with a strategy on how to construct your garden in order to attract different pinatas.
I'd highly recommend this game to everyone out there.
I highly recommend this game to everyone.