Below are user reviews of Link's Crossbow Training and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Link's Crossbow Training.
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Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (1 - 3 of 3)
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a lot of fun for little price
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 5
Date: April 12, 2008
Author: Amazon User
Links Crossbow training for Wii.
Low price for a huge barrel of fun. My son (10) and I (55) have been playing it near daily, teamed together, against each other, plain practice and shooting in the "earned ranks." Each level presents new scenarios, harder solutions and more active targets. Some have you standing in one place shooting pop ups. Others have a fortress layout where you have to move and find the BG's ("bad guys" for those not fluent in "gun"). Each level that's achieved in the target shooting mode opens new levels and screens for the shooter.
The graphics are reasonable, the action of the game is very good, and the accuracy of the pointer (wii control) to the point of impact is both adjustable and is spot on. This has often been the weak point in shoot 'em up games.
In summary, the game offers a very broad array of screens, ranges and shooting method/opportunity. We use the standard Wii controller with the Nunchuk. While my kids love the thing, I've never been much on video games, but this one manages to hold my attention. Very few are able to do so.
All in all, given cost to enjoyment ratio of the game, I feel like we've stolen the thing and giggle all the way to the couch to play some more.
A Cheap, Challenging, Pick-up and Play shooter for all ages
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 02, 2008
Author: Amazon User
If you like shooting games you'll enjoy this title it contains a variety of shooting galleries. If your kids want a shooting game but you're not too happy with the violence factor involved "Link's Trainer" may be a viable option. The targets in this game vary from classical bull's-eyes to Trolls, Dragons and other fantasy creatures there are no human targets and no gore.
Some of the galleries are based on your character in a stationary position with a fixed point of view while various forms of pop-up targets appear on the screen. Some galleries allow a 360 deg field of view from a fixed point (you can look all around, but you can't walk). To look around you move the aim point to the left, right or top edge of the screen and it will scroll in that direction, it's a pretty easy system to get used to. The shooting galleries that allow you to rotate also have small radar in the lower right corner to allow you to detect enemies beside and behind you. The third form of shooting gallery allows you to look and walk around using a combination of the nunchuk joystick and moving the aim point to the left, right or top of the screen. The walking shooting galleries are by far the most challenging levels mostly due to the coordination necessary to navigate in your environment. Here's a tip if you're having problems walking. Stand still and use the nunchuk Z button to zoom in on far away targets this will limit the need to maneuver while you're walking. To use the zoom efficiently move the aim point near your target/s then hold the Z button on the nunchuk, now fine tune your aim, fire then release the Z button to acquire your next group of targets or to move. With this method you can clear all the targets in your field of view and then walk to another vantage point to find more targets to zoom.
Here are some other beginner's tips:
1) As "Cynthia T" stated consecutive hits are the secret to a high score it is more important to not miss than it is to destroy every target with scattered hits and misses. Every consecutive hit multiples your score any misses start the multiple count over.
2) The scarecrow can be worth 1000 pts use the zoom and shoot the body 9 times then shoot the head. Do this before or in between the main target resets don't miss or you'll lose your score multiple.
3) You can also shoot the clay pots, pumpkins, barrels and signs for small bonuses before and in between target sets. Don't miss or you'll lose your score multiple
4) Some clay pots release a floating yellow gem the faster you shoot it the more it is worth up to 1000 pts. Note it disappears in a few seconds.
5) Some barrels explode they can be used to destroy targets nearby
6) Don't forget you have the ability to shoot exploding arrows by holding the trigger until the aim point turns red. Note; you'll need them to defeat some enemies.
7) Some shooting galleries offer a few targets that glow green; shooting them will make your crossbow a machine gun for 100 shots. Don't waste it you'll need it for large swarms of skeletons, vampire bats and ice wolves. Let the group of targets get close and dense before you spray them this will help your consecutive hit multiplier. Note; on some levels the green targets fly.
This is one of my most popular pick-up and play arcade style Wii party games. So far everyone young and old has loved it. Even my non-shooting friends enjoy the whimsical and creative challenges each level presents. The fact that each level has a short time limit makes it a very group player friendly game. My next purchase may be "Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess" based on this trainer.
On a separate note another cheap and fantastically fun pick-up and play game is The Williams Collection Pinball game if you like pinball it's well worth $20.
Fun for Non-Gamers
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: May 03, 2008
Author: Amazon User
I'm a non-gamer. At 43, Wii is my first game console. I picked up this game with the controller completely not knowing what I was getting.
I was able to use it and have fun immediately. Even my 65 year old dad enjoys it.
The controller feels like you are holding a cross bow and it works seemlessly with the Wii controllers.
The game play is very simple. It has 10 levels each with 3 shooting galleries. The first gallery is usually target shooting. The second gallery is moving targets and the last gallery is one where you have to move through-using your thumb to move Link.
The overall trick is to hit targets consecutively to rack up more points per hit. This is the only way to win a level and open the next level.
Again-great for a beginning gamer and for us 43 year olds.
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