Below are user reviews of Sonic Shuffle and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 45)
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This game is not bad at all.
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 27, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Okay. This game has some VERY NICE graphics. A lot more replay value than SA1. Great minigames. (even though there are some boring ones) A lot harder than SA 1. (even on easy level, computer is kinda unfair every now and then.) And lot's of stuff happening in the boards. The music is kinda lazy compared to some of SA 1's tracks. Sound is good. (they also use some unused sfx from SA1) Gameplay is great as well. My complaints is that it kinda takes around 2-3 hours to complete a board. SA 1's story is much better. And a small number of mini games are pointless. Mini events are good but usually simple. (athough there are some that are trial and error, I also have one more to find and unlock.) Loading time are slightly longer than they are in the rest of my games, but they aren't 30 seconds to a minute. They are 8 to 15 seconds. I can wait through them like any other game of mine. Slightly slower than SA1, but because you are using a card to move rather than the control stick. This game in short is a great wait to the next game that looks like it might be better than SA 1. The almighty SA2!!!! Let's hope that after I've played SA2 as many times as I have SA1 that I will still give SA2 FIVE STARS instead of three.
Good for what it is...
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 02, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Sonic Shuffle's not a stellar game, but is still fun with great graphics. Tries to follow an impossible-to-do (in single player mode) story, but when in multi-player it's totally fun since you can do up to four players. :-) When there's no one set on a character and the computer's playing it, that usually [stinks] since the computer usually wins...
Not bad, but not great either
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 26, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I love Mario Party, and so I thought I'd give this game a try. I must say, as much as I love Sega, this was a let down. I do enjoy it, and I did play it through. But for a "party" game, it's too complicated and weak.
Moving around the board takes too much thinking. The card system adds strategy, but I'm not sure that's something that's needed in a party game.
Most of the mini-games are bland. Some of them are good fun, but a few are just a pain. I'm not even sure some of them are real games as you don't really do much.
The mini-events are a chore to sit through for the most part. I guess they add a random element to the game, but with the loading times it gets pretty tiresome...
Stop whining, it's good for what it is
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 05, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Those looking for a party game for they're dead Dreamcast can do no wrong with Sonic Shuffle, no matter what the negative reviews might say. At first I didn't like it when I played Sonic Shuffle (it came with my Dreamcast when I bought it in the Sonic Bundle) but it grew on me more and more, and the meat and bones of Sonic Shuffle is that you need three other players to have some real fun with it. Similarities to Mario Party are expected, but this isn't quite a rip-off of it (although some may beg to differ). The graphics are superb Dreamcast quality and are nicely rendered and colorful, while the whimsical sound effects and smooth controls add to the overall package. All in all, at a cheap price you really can't go wrong with Sonic Shuffle.
Its mario party, just messed up
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 01, 2008
Author: Amazon User
Well I havent got much to say escept for what the title says I played the first world it seemed like mario party but to me the cards are an annoying way of moving I liked blocks better, and
the minigames arent that great, some are fun like tag and he eggman legs one
but thats all i have to say
Not Mario Party equivelent
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 3
Date: January 04, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Nintendo started the revolution, by practically bringing board games to life right on your gaming console. Mario Party was a huge success, and there was huge anticipation for its sequel, Mario Party 2. Both SONY and Sega followed in this new genre, SONY creating Crash Bash which mainly focused on mini-games, making the game less interesting than Mario Party for that there was no storyline, just a bunch of mini-games.
SEGA hoped to make Sonic Shuffle a game with online features, in which you could go online (through SEGA.NET) and play against other people. That function was removed, for SEGA wanted this game to be out for the holiday buying fever. You'd think that with the Dreamcast already being a huge success, and there hasn't been one "bad" Sonic game. Sonic Shuffle breaks that great Sonic reputation.
The loading times are unbelievable, and I mean that in a bad way. For one fighting scene, it takes 15 seconds to load the fight, and then 15 seconds to get back to the board. Instead of jumping and breaking the dice like in Mario Party, where the amount of spaces you move is completely random, in Sonic Shuffle, it adds more strategy. You get cards, and you can use any of the cards in any order. When the time comes, you can even use your opponents cards, but you won't know what they are because you can only see your hand.
This game would have been a LOT better if it had a better loading times, and had a place where you can just play the minigames. This game doesn't live up to the standards for the hardcore gamers, but most casual gamers will enjoy this game as much as any other.
- More strategy
- More boards/levels
- Less characters
- Loading times
Fun, But Sort Of A Letdown....
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 4
Date: March 10, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I wanted to play this for so long. And the fact it was being done by Hudson Soft (the same guys who did Mario Party 1, 2 and the upcoming 3)made me confident it would be good. Now it's here... and I'm happy and disapointed. Let me start with the good. First, the graphics: they're very good. The game uses the cel-shaded thing for the characters, like Jet Grind Radio did; this was a good idea. The levels are well rendered and colorful. Second, the controls. They're pretty simple. Not as simple as Mario Party, but simple nevertheless. The mini-games' controls are tight and responsive and moving around the board is pretty easy. The mini-games are lots of fun and the sounds are good with the voices of all the characters from Sonic Adventure. Now, the bad. First, no online play. It was orignally going to be in the game, but it was taken out. Second, the AI (Artifical Intelligence). This is what almost destroys the game and is by far the biggest problem. When you pick a card to move, only you can see your own cards, the next player can only see his own cards, and so on. When you play against the computer, when they pick one of your cards,(it happens a lot)they always pick the card they need: I.E. they are 5 spaces away from a Precious Stone, and don't have a 5. You have a 5. They pick from you and they always get the 5. And this happens on every difficulty level, even Easy mode! Strangely, while the computer players seem psychic on the board, in the mini-games, they are very dumb. Plus, the load times are a little longer then they should be. But all in all, this is a fun game, paticularly with 4 players. Fun and new mini-games help round out this package. While Mario Party 2 is better than this game, this is a fun game. Rent it before you buy to see for your self if it's for you.
It's trying to be Mario Party, but doesn't quite cut it...
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: June 26, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I got this game as part of the sonic bundle with the other sonic games and the dreamcast. Boy, I'm glad I didn't buy it separately.
First of all, this game has great graphics. They are cartoony and are very good. But, the gameplay is boring and confusing, plus the mini-games will leave you yawning. I am an avid Sonic fan, but this game was just so so.
Not what I expected
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: September 13, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I read reviews before buying this game and thought it might be fun. Boy was I wrong. What sold me was the possibility of finally playing a Sonic game with more than one person at a time. There is no action in this game. It's basically a child's poker game. Slow and boring. I wish I could return it, but you all know the... return policy. If you like playing cards, buy someplaying cards. If you like playing video games, don't buy this game.
Not as good as Mario Party or Crash Bash. BIG DISAPOINTMENT!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: October 14, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I bought this game from and opened it thinking it would be similar to Sonic Adventure. I started to play and noticed the graphics were pretty good, but also noticed that half of the time I was looking at loadup screens and that I couldn't win and beat Angel Island. I also noticed my opposing characters always got the best cards and also the best forcejewels even at the easiest setting. The mini-games were OK, but the battles and mini-events were boring and aggrevating. I gave up on it and now trying to trade it for a better Dreamcast Game. If Sonic Team made Sonic Shuffle it WOULD be the best party game in the land.
Also if the loadup screens weren't as long it also would improve the game. The graphics and control were the upsides. Overall I would rate 1 out of 5.
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