Below are user reviews of Battalion Wars 2 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Battalion Wars 2.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 19)
Show these reviews first:
Rating: 4,
Useful: 10 / 21
Date: October 30, 2007
Author: Amazon User
This is an awesome game for anyone in the family. Great fun for hours and hours...And hours. This is probably the best Battalion wars game yet. Here is how i rate it(just my opinions).
Graphics:10/10(if you like cartoony graphics)
Overall a terrific game, GET IT NOW!! and play me on wifi heh.
Wait For The Price To Drop
Rating: 3,
Useful: 30 / 34
Date: October 31, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I suppose this game ("BWii") technically falls into the category of real-time strategy, a genre seemingly poorly suited to consoles, but Kuju has designed the interface around a third person shooter mold. You exist on the battlefield, not hovering above it, in any of your choice of the individual soldiers or vehicles assigned to you on a mission and can switch between them at any time. You can run around, jump, dodge, and shoot as that individual unit but to be honest this is incidental.
Your first priority in Bwii is commanding all your units as a cohesive force via selecting between the unit icons at the bottom of the screen with the WiiMote d-pad. To that end you use the individual you are "possessing," so to speak, to target the enemies you want the d-pad selected unit to attack. So, for example, I am commanding through the eyes of my mobile anti-air (AA) unit but see enemy bazooka troops coming. If I have assault troops I can select their icon at the bottom of the screen and then target the enemies with my AA unit and push A. The assault troops will then attack the enemy bazooka troops. I could even jump into one of the assault troops and go after the bazookas myself.
The point of this convoluted system is to make sure you pick the right types of units to attack the enemies. In fact, that seems to be the sum total of strategy in BWii especially given that the several factions are distinguished only by the look, not the capability, of their units. But something had to give in light of the frenetic nature of command from a third person point of view rather than from the traditional RTS bird's eye view. But poor interface design doesn't justify shallow game play. BWii ends up feeling stiff and one dimensional.
That said, the overall look strikes a good balance between cute and realistic (and you can view the great concept art as you open up the various factions throughout the campaign) but the graphic experience in BWii will not leave you breathless. That's okay; this is a Wii game after all. But Wii games are supposed to make up for in fun what they lack in beauty. This one falls short on both counts. It can certainly be fun, especially if you liked the first one or even "Tanks" on WiiPlay, but just be patient and wait for the price drop. Fifty bucks is too much for this one.
Great game.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 13 / 14
Date: November 01, 2007
Author: Amazon User
This is probably the most interactive RTS game that is on the market. The concept of being able to fight alongside the soldiers you are commanding is very fun. Though it's a little harder fighting and controlling your men at the same time it's one of the very few your able to do that, setting it apart from other games. Very fun and addictive gameplay although i don't reccomend this to people without internet connected to their nintendo wii because after completing campaign you will find yourself with nothing to do. If you do have online you'll have 35+ more hours of gameplay. Get some friends with BWII and youll have unlimited amounts of fun. Overerall a great game to get. I reccomend this to any RTSer for a new twist to any RTS games. And even if your not a RTS fan you can still pick up and play this game as easy as an RTSer can.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 7 / 8
Date: November 05, 2007
Author: Amazon User
this game is a quiet killer app. Bwii combines a strategy like feel and awesome action that is too much too ask for. This time around, you get over 20 plus levels not to mention a splendid online service. No lag at all and over 18 plus levels in all. Get this game and you will not regret it.
Great Game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 6 / 6
Date: November 14, 2007
Author: Amazon User
The moment I bought this game, last Sunday, I was hooked. There is no question about it...this is the best Wii game I own. The graphics are excellent...both in game and during cutscences. It has little details that really make it that much better. The units themselves are little works of art. Each Civilization, for lack of a better word, has their own unique army, both in terms of classes and apperance.
My only complaint with this game is the lack of Local Co-Op...I was really looking forward to split screen madness. Apart from that, this game is awesome!
Warning: This game has a hidden political message
Rating: 1,
Useful: 13 / 97
Date: November 17, 2007
Author: Amazon User
The storyline in this game is about how the evil empire (USA) tricked hapless Col. Windsor of Anglo Isles (England) into believing the Solar Empire (Iraq) was developing WMD, thus plunging the world into war.
Why would these game makers (Kuju Entertainment) offend their largest market, Americans?
Avoid this trash and get you kid 'Super Mario Galaxy' instead. Apparently, it's the best new game on Wii anyway.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 1 / 90
Date: November 21, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Kuju Entertainment,
Why should I buy your game when the theme is an insult to my country? I play video games to escape, not to wallow in petty nonsense. I was really looking forward to this game, too. Now, I wouldn't buy this game even if it were on the $1.98 rack.
An Honest Review
Rating: 4,
Useful: 8 / 8
Date: November 30, 2007
Author: Amazon User
This game is great. There is a lot of fun and it is very easy to get into. For both the veterans (from the first installment Battalion Wars) and new players, the controls will be a bit complex at first but smoothly flow the more you play.
Single Player Campaign is great. The story blends in well with the gameplay. There are a multitude of missions for all but one nation and each becomes harder than the other. You will find yourself to replay many of the missions in order to get the best grade. Multiplayer is fine and dandy. There is no voice chat but surprisingly is not essential for the kinds of missions you could play with other people.
If you are looking for a great war game for the Wii with loads of available units to play and have good fun then this is the game for you.
Fun multiplayer action
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 5
Date: November 30, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I just wanted to say that i found the ease of movement in this game to be very fluid which made the game more enjoyable than some other 3rd/1st person perspective games. The turning is responsive and the gameplay is really fun and easy to learn. Great game for friends to play over the nintendo WFC.
Boring War II: Wait till the Bargain Bin
Rating: 2,
Useful: 2 / 14
Date: December 02, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I was looking forward to this game for a while.. and i came away extremely disappointed. I was looking for some strategy or action, yet what i ended up finding was simply a rock-paper-scissors boring adventure. I finish the boring campaign in three days and tried the online mode which i found extremely boring as well.
Overall, it may be worth 15-20 dollars. No more though. I traded it in for Super Mario Galaxy and i couldnt be happier with that.
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