Below are user reviews of Halo 3 Limited Edition and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Halo 3 Limited Edition.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (111 - 116 of 116)
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this game is addicting
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 29, 2007
Author: Amazon User
The game is awesome, but the packaging isn't great. Our copy was scuffed when we bought it, but it didn't effect game play, so we kept it. I'm addicted. ;D
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 29, 2007
Author: Amazon User
the game is awesome and the case does suck but it does come with a poster and a character book witch rocks and a dvd with exclusives its awesome now for the bad parts it has a little bit of scratches but it's playable and it doesn't freeze it once went slow but for like 5 seconds but it's perfect i recomend it totally for a person who likes shooters i hate shooters but halo is an exception
Over hyped? Yes, but still amazing in every way.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 30, 2008
Author: Amazon User
The recipe for success in Halo 3 is simple. In Halo: Combat Evolved, it brought revolutionary game play and fantastic single player. The multi player was fun, but not anywhere near as groundbreaking as the campaign. In Halo 2, they improved the graphics and sound, and added more weapons, all things a sequel should do. However, the single player was a little on the short side, disappointing many fans, but they more than made up for it with the revolutionary multi player. So what did they do for Halo 3? Sure they improved the graphics and sound, and added new vehicles and guns, but they did much more too. They implemented a fantastic campaign, with plot twists toward the end and great game play. Not only that, but I think they made it just long enough for you not to get sick of it and start playing some multi player which we already know is awesome. Now they could have stopped there and still earned a 9.5 from me, but they added more which is why I gave ti a 10. They added two new modes, Forge and Theater. They added new armor for multi player. Oh, and they brought back old weapons that weren't in Halo 2 as well. There's only one more thing I could ask for but I won't let ti affect the score. I want to be able to pilot the pelicans and phantoms for multi player! Obviously they would have longer respawn timers than other vehicles, somewhere along the lines of a scorpion I would think. So, if you're a fan of the series, or just an unbiased person who loves good games, go out and at least give Halo 3 a try.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 11, 2008
Author: Amazon User
Well first I want to start out by saying I never played a Halo campaign before till september
when I got my first Xbox and played through my first Halo campaign quickly
followed by finishing the trilogy. Quick to 360 (I am not a wii ps3 nor 360 fanboy)
as I said I never owned a microsoft console mainly
because I thought all games for it are shooters (which is kind of true)
but till now it is in my opinion the best console ever because of
achievements which motivate to go back and play things on a harder
difficulty or make that sweet overkill in Halo just so much sweeter next Xbox live
how should I say it just nailed everything and marketplace no movies/tv shows = (
in europe but still downloading demos is something which you never had.
So people who say Xbox just has shooters so it will never be the winner of the next gen consoles.
So people who say wii waggle makes games worse so it will never be the winner of the next gen consoles.
So people who ps3 sales are pathetic so it will never be the winner of the next gen consoles.
Xbox has many unique shooters and by far the best games now
wii motion sensor can make games worse doesnt have to games worse
ps3 doesnt have anything really good now but theres the future
Enjoy whatever you have and people who are just interested in Halo skip
this dont complain about me getting of subject.
Plus if you look at how many of my games are collectors edition on 360
Gears of War CE, Forza motor sport CE, Bioshock CE, Call of Duty 4 CE,
Assassins Creed CE, Mass Effect, Halo 3 LE and the Orange box
which is the closest to a collectors edition without being one.
So back to Halo first of campaign it isnt for everybody the best Halo campaign
many people find Halo 1 better but
(**SPOILERS**) Halo3 has a tropical forest,
military base,unique desert, industrial place taken over by brutes, city taken over by flood,
desert with cool inside areas, really long and fun forest area with flying missions,
flood ship,and snowy montain with driving mission similar to Halo 1 Thats it.
Just in case If any thing sounds the same nothing is the same.
Comparisons to Halo 1 "the really long and fun forest area with flying missions"
also known as The Covenant is similar the second level in Halo 1
just it has much better level design and you get the "Spartan laser" Sweet.
The flood ship level also known as Cortana the most hated Halo level ever
is yes worse then The Library From Halo 1 but not too bad in co-op.
The drivng mission at the end is fun but since it has many check points
it isnt as hard as The Maw from Halo 1 also the level design is rather shallow
but still most peoples favorite mission. So to end spoilers let me tell you
about the story it does not have any twists nor curves I think is because
since all the levels are so unique it also seems like theres on level another
level and antother level not one ongoing experience like in Halo 1
it isnt a bad thing on is just more arcady then the other plus the missing
wow moment like playing as the Arbeiter in halo 2 or the
Gravemind or Flood in Halo 1 nothing like that to be found here so
To go on about the campaign you can find secret skulls in hidden
places which make the game harder like the FOG skull which takes your
radar (motion sensor) away there is also a meta game were killing enemys
gives you points dying obviously makes you lose points what skulls also do
is they give you bonus multipliers (like playing on a harder difficulty)
which multiplies your score if you get 15000 (in some big levels 50000)
you get a achievement which motivates you to go back and go for the points
or legendary difficulty which youll find isnt to hard in four player
co-op the fun thing is you can do team scoring or free for all
and try to get the most points giving everything a competitive edge.
To multiplayer FAN favorite Snowbound is missing but there some other
good maps by far the best online game ever much more I cant say.
To weapons turrets now play a bigger roll since you can rip them of there
stand with a press of the B button and walk around
(but you then dont have unlimited ammo) with them going to a slow (but powerful)
3rd person perspective there is also a short range flame thrower
which some people find useful or hate it these are so called "support"
weapons the cool thing about them you can have your two weapons
plus one of these. To vehicles there is a new Brute Chopper which
is a big hard to control (since you can move your camera 360 degrees) motorcycle kind
of thing which is balanced greatly since you can drive into and destroy smaller
vehicles easily and splatter other people have killer hard to aim shots from in front
but absolutely no defense from behind making it easy to hijack. There is the hornet
the UNSC version of a banshee which can float in the air has kind of lock on
missiles and a machine gun. To forge wait whats that well forge is the
new level editor which you can fly around delete and place objects, vehicles,
weapons and spawn points. The problem is Halo 3 didnt come
with Foundry which a big open room which has a (fun) default setup
but you can delete everything and youll have one big open room
free to place whatever you want. It is hard to line things up
and place things straight with a controller but hopefully Halo 3
will come out for pc soon so you can use keyboard and mouse
and then download it to 360. You can also have real time multiplayer
battles in forge where you can drop you team mates weapons
or cover or even drop tanks on to your enemys. The map Foundry
which I was writing about before comes as downloadable
content for ten dollars and later this year for free
the other two maps which come with Foundry sadly arent
worth it at all but if you like forge or want to create
your own map it is yes indeed worth it.
Halo 3 has a replay editor were you can relive your best
moments you can then save them and send them
to other people. So what that means is in any multiplayer game
you can fly as a camera around look what everybody else did and
look how much health they had and so forth and so on. In campaign
you cant fly through the whole entire level at once
(since enemys have to spawn) but you can fly really quite far
(you can also take screenshots) so even if Halo 3 isnt
the best looking game out there it certainly quite a technical
achievement. Now even if you dont have a account
it doesnt matter since every single player does get there own profile
with all of there Hi res screenshots which they can download
to there computer if they want and use it as a background
it also saves all of your stats how many kills in ranked
matches in social matches with what weapon you
have how many kills all of that data you can look
at also on a specific map you can put your maps
screen shots videos on your file share where people
can the download and rate it in Halo 3 you will find bungies
favorites which are basically just the best maps and so on
but now the cool thing is you can go on to your computer go
on a map press downloas and as soon as you sign into
Halo 3 it will start downloading what else you can download
are gametypes like "infection" where on guy starts
out as a zombie with a energy sword he can not go into
a vehicle can pick up any weapons but everybody which he kills
also becomes into a zombie which is then really fun when there two
three people left. you can also customize gravity, speed and more which
can really turn out fun. So Halo 3 doesnt have
the best story nor graphics but it is the best game
since Super Mario 64 and if you ask me
has more value then The Orange Box.
So sorry for all the spelling mistakes but writing it like this alone
took years to do I know it very long but hopefully its
helpful to at least one person. Thanks for reading.
over 6 months later and the problem remains!
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 11, 2008
Author: Amazon User
So I just bought the Limited Edition in the tin box and guess what? BOTH discs were heavily scratched!! The game plays but when I load my Xbox with the game inside, it sticks at the welcome screen! I dunno if the replacement program still works but it is unfair that we have to pay to post them to Microsoft and be without the game for weeks!
The game itself follows from where Halo2 left off and while it offers nothing "special" or unique from the previous games in the trilogy, it is still fun to play. Now if only the game would actually come in a playable condition!
Sets THE STANDARD For Multiplayer
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 27, 2008
Author: Amazon User
Haters be damned, Halo 3 still sets THE STANDARD for multiplayer enjoyment. Yes, the entire Halo story (single player) is a bit disjointed and each game since the first has been too short, but who really buys Halo for the SINGLE PLAYER? Halo 3 is all about ONLINE MULTIPLAYER killin'! It really is that simple. Bungie has expanded character customization (FINALLY). Overall, this game has the most re-playability of ANY game currently on the market. For an entire Halo experience, and to actually understand the story line, I encourage people to pick up the Halo novels. They will flesh out the video game experience and give some of you a little more credibility when you are attempting to talk about this series. Halo 3 is HIGHLY recommended!