Below are user reviews of Ace Combat 3 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Ace Combat 3.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (11 - 14 of 14)
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The best game ever.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 6
Date: February 17, 2002
Author: Amazon User
The reason this game is so cool is because all of the Ace Combat games are good but this one takes the cake with mind blowing graphics and great detail... This thing takes the cake in strategy as well as excitement and if you get one game that is the second most recent game, it should be Ace Combat 3
The Best Flight Simulator Of All Time!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: January 16, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere is the best flight simulator ever made for the Sony Playstation. It has wonderful graphics. The cockpits are so real if you put your mind to it. It can be a very good game if you want to be a pilot someday.
Horrible! Hard! Don't Buy This!
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 5
Date: January 20, 2003
Author: Amazon User
BORING! This is a hard and stupid game. And it's title AceCombat03: Electrosphere...What's Electrosphere? When I read the other reviews it said that the Japanesse version told you about Electrosphere.The Japanesse AND the Americans should be able to have the better game. Namco made it hard to play because of it's BAD graphics. This is a tottaly stupid game. The planes are not that realistic and replay is very bad. When a plane explodes you can see it all choppy. The little missile lanching thing in the mountains on Mission 2 is weird and hard to escape and destroy. The lock-on is HORRIBLE! The squares surronding the plane are huge and bigger then the plane itself. ... They have too much missile lanchers and makes it nearly impossible. When you complete a objective it makes more targets for you to destory. When you fly where they where before you complete the objective it is not's bare ground. ...P>Rating AceCombat03: Electrosphere
Graphics 2/10
Realistic Controls 9/10*
Mission Difficulty 10/10
Realistic Enviorment 0/10~
Realistic Sound 1/10
*There is also a EASY MODE for the controls.
~Realistic Enviorment includes Explosians, Buildings etc.
3rd string efforts produce 3rd Ace Combat
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 10, 2008
Author: Amazon User
I was severely disappointed with this game. Everybody has a different take depending on their background and experience. It affects your conclusion in a review. For myself, I am nearly "grandfather" age now (sheesh!) and am not a professional gamer, as many of you out there may be. So, for you young guys in your teens and 20's who've been playing since age 5, my comments will be as irrelevant as those of a weekend Piper Cub pilot to an Air Force F-15E combat experienced pilot. But still, I feel compelled to share my own humble view.
I have played Air Combat, AC2, AC4, and just finished AC5. I bought AC3 not long after it came out, with a game book, and only did a couple of the missions. I decided to to go back through it, since it's the only one I have not completed. I was very impressed with AC2--it was fun, the graphics were great (for the time), the controls etc. could be mastered without too much trouble and the game was lots of fun. I enjoyed the ranks and medals that could be earned. It was easy to navigate the control screens.
AC3 significantly does not meet this standard in about every category. I found the flight controls were very clumsy and I either could not slow down well enough to get a proper lock and observe the scene/target or--I was constantly stalling. Getting a good solid lock was difficult. I didn't appreciate much improvement in the quality of the graphics of either the terrain or the jets. The HUD screen was unappealing and seemed sort of "Playskool"-toys in design. The planes also handled in a clumsy fashion just in general. The screen briefings were nearly worthless. There was no "story", at all; though I understand that the original Japanese version had a story, etc. Too bad they didn't put some of it in this game to liven it up a little. In some of the missions it is very difficult to accomplish the top grade and I'm referring to some of the very earliest missions. I will say that the radar scope on the HUD was good; in fact, much better than in AC5. I could actually see where my plane was and which direction I was facing, regardless of other craft very nearby. This, sadly, is about my only laudatory comment regarding this game.
If I had never experienced the others in the AC series, I might have had a better impression of AC3. I can logically understand that AC4 (the best of the series in my opinion) and AC5 would be better since they used a more advanced platform (PS2) etc. I am a bit astonished though that AC2 was significantly better in virtually all categories compared to AC3. Even accounting for the editing out of a story line etc., I cannot understand why the essentials of the game itself, i.e., the controls, the lock-ons, the graphics, the performance of the aircraft, etc. are all inferior to the experience in AC2. It doesn't make sense.
So, in a nutshell, that's why I ranked this game so low. Overall, I didn't think it was much fun to play; much of the time I was just annoyed with how it went.
I wish my Japanese was up to snuff because it would be revealing to communicate with the design engineers of AC3 and ask them how this all happened. To their credit, Namco salvaged their reputation with AC4 and AC5 (I don't have an XBox 360 and haven't played AC6. I just contacted Namco today, they have no plans to have a Playstation 2 or 3 version of AC6.)
However, if you are a true afficionado of the AC series, then I suppose you ought to get this and try it. Some day, you may be of "grandfather" age too, and the young gamers will sit at your knee, enthralled as you regale them with your experiences in the Old Days of playing the AC series. To truly have that Sage Wisdom, you will need to reveal to the younglings the presence of this glitch in the AC series and how you handled it.
Thanks for listening and Good Gaming to all of you!
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