Dreamcast : Army Men: Sarge's Heroes Reviews

Gas Gauge 59
Below are user reviews of Army Men: Sarge's Heroes and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Army Men: Sarge's Heroes.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (1 - 8 of 8)
Show these reviews first:
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 17
Date: November 11, 2000
Author: Amazon User
This game is phat for multiplayer and single player. It's totally awesome. Bye it if you dont have it yet. Its like james bond with cool guns. I am looking for a dreamcast game with easier racing handling then sega gt. If you knwo of one email me at LLROBA@hotmail.com . Thanks
Green Little Men Attack!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 7 / 8
Date: December 30, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Did you ever play with little green army men when you were younger? I always wondered what they might say if they could talk while fighting. Let me introduce you to Army Men for DC. You control Sarge of the Green Army. You are given various mission against the Tan Army. Some are rescue missions others are seek and destroy missions. I can't think of a better scenerio than the one this game presents. Graphics are nice. Sound effects are done real well, and the controls are fairly simple to master. I don't want to tell you alot about the plot. It would ruin the game. Although the end is lame, it does leave it open for a part 2(which is avaliable on N64,PS and GameBoy Color). I hope Sega will get part 2 for the DC. I will tell you that the game play is excellent! The missions are varied as far as difficulty. I suggest the Sniper Rifle for most situations except against the tanks, then the rocket launcher or grenades will do,that is of course,if you have located them and not used up all the ammo! This is a nonstop action paced game. One of the best 3rd person shooters for the DC. I highly recommend this game for anyone who played with Plastic Green Army Men as a kid or if you like the Rainbow Six type games.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 6
Date: March 05, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I can not beleie the positive reviews this game has recieved. it is somewhat fun, imust admit. for the first 10 miniutes. Then you realize the graphics are total crap, the gameplay is repetitve and simple, the enemies are total morons, and the control is some of the worst youve ever seen. Especially in multiplayer, where the framerate drops like a rat tied to brick tossed in the lake. A good idea and concept pulled off very poorly
Maybe the worst game ever
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 10
Date: April 29, 2001
Author: Amazon User
In life you sometimes see two things that are in the same category, but are totally different. I just finished conkers bad fur day, which is a masterpiece, and Im reminded of the total opposite... absolute sloppy garbage.
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: June 24, 2001
Author: Amazon User
The game is cool it has 16 levels most of wich you have to get someone.The multiplayer is fun but could use some work and it needs more cheats.The graphicsare way inproved from the N64 or the PS1.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 23, 2006
Author: Amazon User
This proves that everything is bigger and better on the Dreamcast. With by-far the best graphics of any console port, Army Men Sarge's Heroes provides some mindless fun, not to mention a fun multiplayer. If you are look for a fun game, with a not to deep storyline, look no futher your prayers have been answered. Go out and buy this game!
Don't Over Think It!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 24, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Sarge's Heroes puts a much need spin on the Army Men franchise. I just recently completed this game and I loved it. The gameplay, music and level design is all addicting. What really saves this game is it fun 4-player action. Has anyone completed the Scorch mission, because at the end of the game near the portal should be a patch of grass sitting up agianst a wall. Crawl into the grass and under the wall, and whats in this hidden area will shock you. Yeah maybe its not MetalGearSolid, but its still goes down as one of my favorite games for Dreamcast.
Army Men:Sarges Heros
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 05, 2008
Author: Amazon User
This one is a classic in the army men game series. It is a must have game for the dreamcast system. Very fun even by todays standards.
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