Below are user reviews of Dragonball Z: Goku 1 & 2 CM and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
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User Reviews (1 - 4 of 4)
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I'm going to review each game separately
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: April 19, 2006
Author: Amazon User
I bought each of these games separately when they were first released, and I liked them both fairly well. They both had their flaws, but then again what game doesn't? First I'll start with
Legacy Of Goku
This is the first in a series of three games for the GBA, and follows the storyline, from the Saiyan Saga to the Freiza Saga. The only twist is that instead of following the whole story, the game goes by Goku's perspective, hence the name. At the time of its release I was very disappointed with this fact, because they had already finished the Cell Games Saga. Other flaws in the game were soon apparent (e.g. you can only level up to LV 25).
The graphics for this game (at the time) were the best they could be, but there are still a few problems with the looks of some attacks. First off all the energy attacks are yellow, when everyone, who knows anything about the show, knows that the Kamehameha is blue. Instead there's just a bold yellow line coming out of Goku's hands. It's not even shaped like anything either!! Then there's the weirdness of the Solar Flare. When you use this attack a series of big and small balls come out of Goku's hands accompanied by a zapping sound.
The controls are as simple as they could be. Press L to switch between energy attacks, R to fly (note: this game is the only game in which you can fly at any time), A to Punch, and B for an energy attack. Holding B will gather energy into your attack, making it stronger. When you have gathered enough energy simply release B to attack. (secondary note: just keep your energy ball, since it's the only one that you can use from long distance, and because the other attacks don't do that much anyway, as far as I can tell without an enemy health meter.)
Overall this game had the most flaws of all the three. At the time of release it was pretty cool, for die-hard fans of the anime, and manga series, but now it hardly stands the test of time. It had way too many side games, and even with them it was still too short. Again, and I can't stress this enough, FIX THE ENERGY ATTACKS!! For this individual game I would give it 3/5 stars.
This game was much better than the first. They fixed many of the first game's flaws, including the energy attacks problem, but with a new game comes a new set of flaws. First off the game is supposed to be the Legacy Of GOKU, but for this game you have a variety of characters including Piccolo, Trunks, Gohan, and Vegeta. More flaws later. The story now goes from just before the Trunks Saga to the end of the Cell Games Saga. I had kind of expected that since, they hadn't finished the Buu Sagas yet (They had hardly started). In this game you can also, for the first time turn Super Saiyan any time you want (or Super Namek), which in my book is a big plus.
The grapics in this second game, are much improved from the first. As I said they fixed the energy attacks problem, for all the characters. You also now have a boss health meter, but you still have to guess and check for regular enemies. You'll get used to doing this though, because there are a few doors hidden throughout the game, that can only be accessed by a certain character at a certain level. Because of this you can level up faster, and there are more levels to go to.
The controls of this game are almost identical to the first one, except that now R is your scouter, or map, which is usually useless. Each character plays exacly the same way, with the exception of their energy attacks. Of course each character has their own signiture energy attacks, plus one other attack for variety. Again you can turn Super Saiyan any time you want, so you now have a Super Saiyan meter at the side of your screen. You have to be careful when you're Super Saiyan though, because it drains your energy, so time is limited.
Overall the game was much better than the first (probably since it was the first time Funimation worked with Atari), since it was longer, and more characters adds variety. There are still a fair amount of challenging side quests, but now you can ignore most of them. For this game I would give it a 4/5, there are still flaws but they are also easily ignored.
GBA Dragonball Z: Goku 1&2
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 5
Date: February 28, 2006
Author: Amazon User
I can not really let you know how this game is because I bought it for my 13 year old son but I have not heard anything negative from him. He has really enjoyed this game.
Horrible Game......DO NOT BUY!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 5
Date: December 31, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Legacy of goku one,this game is horrible. On legacy of goku 1 you can be killed by dogs and snakes. You die in like three hits. That is just horrible. It does not follow the show at all. Kids will get so frustrated playing this game. This game is a rip off and should be $10. When was goku ever in his life ever weak enough to be killed by a snake or a dog.
However legacy of goku II, it is ok. But its still kind of stupid. It is too easy and short. Not worth buying either. So this is just an overall bad game.
legacy of goku
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: December 10, 2005
Author: Amazon User
great game just buy number 2 if you like short games with plenty of action and a few twisted tricks( fighting cooler on namek and fighting as hercule) then get this game.fighting cell is suprisingly easier than the androids thoughyou can fight as trunks,gohan,piccolo,hercule(unlock after get statues of all characters), vegeta, once again the fight with cooler rocks but first you have to find all the nameks on earth take them to capussle corp and go on the space ship take them to namek walk tothe temple and fight with trunks only he'll demand goku if you don't come in as trunks and won't fight you than cooler will ask forgoku trunks will say i killed frieza and king cold and you fight.
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