
GameBoy Advance : Pokemon Leaf Green Version Reviews

Below are user reviews of Pokemon Leaf Green Version and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Pokemon Leaf Green Version. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

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The best Pokemon game to date

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 49 / 54
Date: August 26, 2006
Author: Amazon User

When Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire came out, I was very distraught to learn that some of my favorites from the original Game Boy generation, particularly Nidoking and Persian, were absent from them. Furthermore, since the Advance Generation employs a different system for Pokemon stats and is on vastly different hardware, I could not upload my power Pokemon from Crystal or Blue. And there were some things that annoyed me about Ruby/Sapphire, including the spineless rival and outlandish town concepts (Who builds a town atop trees or inside a crater?).

Enter LeafGreen. This game, along with the companion game FireRed, takes us back to the world where Pokemon got its start, but now with all of the Advance generation upgrades. The graphics are pretty good, and the lead girl character is the cutest I have seen in a Pokemon game. The boy isn't too bad, and they did make him look less like Ash from the anime this time around (compare to Brendan from RSE, who has white hair that makes him look like he belongs in a nursing home).

Most of the dialogue remains unchanged from the original games. You have the shorts-obsessed youngsters, the really sensitive Lasses, and that poor scientist that was shipped off to the Russian Tiksi Branch of the regions major corporation. Team Rocket and its enigmatic boss Giovanni are here in all their glory, as are the original crew of gym leaders and Elite Four.

In addition to the main region, there is a chain of islands. Here, there are some new quests and some of the Johto Pokemon are found out there.

The controls are pretty much exactly as they were in Ruby/Sapphire, which means the menus and commands are well designed and intuitive. A device called the Vs Seeker allows you to challenge trainers you've already beaten. It doesn't take too long to recharge and is a great way to level up your army and earn cash.

There is a help function triggered by hitting the shoulder buttons, but it's only for newbie trainers and gets annoying because I have a tendency to hit the shoulder buttons by accident. At least the help menu can be turned off. The game also does a "recap" of your recent accomplishments. It's cool the first two or three times, but then it just becomes a waste of time. There is no time function in this game, so time-dependent evolvers must be traded back to Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, and that isn't possible until you've beaten the Elite Four and tackled an island sidequest. The music is remixed from the original games, but you'll still want to have your iPod handy.

Other than that, though, this game is an excellent RPG and involves a lot of strategy. Is it better than Emerald? Yes. This game takes place in a far more engaging world, the characters look better, and some of the Pokemon animations in Emerald look just plain dumb.

Note that the wireless battling is essentialty the same as before except without the hassles of cables. The wireless chat room is a good concept, but limited range of the included wireless transmitter really limits it.

If you can only pick up one of the GBA-generation Pokemon games, LeafGreen is the best of them all. The selection of Pokemon gives it the edge over FireRed, and the better-looking sprites and nostaligic feel combined with the current game mechanics places it well above Ruby, Sapphire, and even Emerald.

Again, I stress that the girl lead character from LeafGreen is super cute!

Very impressive

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 11 / 12
Date: October 19, 2005
Author: Amazon User

When this version first came out, I didn't buy it right away. Frankly, I was more than a little upset that Nintendo was trying to pass off this remake as a new game. But a few years later, I had the itch to play the original versions of Pokemon again, and figured, "Why not get the graphically updated GBA version?"

I won't bore you by describing the basic mechanics of the game; anyone who hasn't been living in a cave for the past decade knows how Pokemon works, and this is no different. Suffice to say, it's a remake of Pokemon Red/Blue.
What makes this well worth a purchase, though, is the surprising amount of new content. I was pleased enough to be replaying the best Pokemon iteration with vastly improved graphics, but I was euphoric when I discovered the boatload of new stuff to explore near the end of the game. There's an entirely original new area of Kanto to travel to, filled with Pokemon to catch, puzzles to solve, items to find, people to meet...even yet another Team Rocket-infested base. This is no tacked-on afterthought, it's a whole new chapter.

This, along with the liberal sprinkling of improvements throughout the game that I'll let you discover for yourself, make this a great buy for anyone who feels nostalgic for Red and Blue.

uniquely surprised

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 15 / 16
Date: September 30, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I was warry about buying this version of pokemon. I had, by this point, already played and beaten the original Blue and Red versions and was immensly dissapointed that there was no way to link up those old pokemon with the new Spahire and Ruby. When I heard that Blue&Red were being remade as Red&Green I jumped at the chance to get it. However a few comments from people made me worried yet again... they said that MewTwo and Mew weren't in this version.

not true.

Hidden deep within this game is EVERY single pokemon. All 380+ pokemon created from Blue, Red, Silver, Gold, Yellow, Ruby, Saphire, etc... You CAN catch them all... but it's a bit tricky.
You can catch the original 151 by playing between Red and Green and trading. Once you've beaten the game you can get the "national dex" which allows you to trade and catch pokemon from Ruby and Saphire. If you link up with the new GameCube games you can send the more obscure pokemon to your pack. Finally if you go to every pokemon event Nintendo holds you can eventually get all the EXTRA pokemon like Deoxy and Celebi.

As for the game itself it is top notch. It really was a treat to go back and re-live what I had forgotten from the old games. While you CAN learn all the moves from Ruby and Spahire, you can't put some of them to use... like dive.

Also: the add-ons of the Sevi-Islands is a nice treat as it gives you more places to explore since the original Kanto regon was rather small compared to Ruby and Spahire. The VS's Seeker is a handy device to re-fight all the other trainers, something the original game lacked and is helpfull in collecting money. The graphics are much better too and I like the old-school-ish feel to them when compared to Ruby and Saphire.

All in all i'm really happy with this version of the game. It's nice that they have gone to such lengths to keep this game alive and well to a new generation of pokemon fans.

The only reason I gave it 4 stars is because of the amount of difficulty it is to catch all 380+ pokemon. ^_^

leaf green is fun

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 6 / 14
Date: February 05, 2007
Author: Amazon User

My sons have this game and they love it. It is very entertaining as I hear. I bought one for my nephew because he wanted it too. Seems to be a hit with other boys as well.

New and Really Improved!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 5 / 5
Date: September 18, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Pokemon Leaf Green, one of the newest Gameboy Pokemon titles, is, in short, a new-and-improved version of the classic game Pokemon Blue. When I first heard about Pokemon Leaf Green and its partner, Fire Red, I was very excited to discover Nintendo was remaking the old Pokemon games Red and Blue. Having played Pokemon Red for the first time after Pokemon Silver was released, I was quite dissapointed with the graphics. Not to mention the Missingno and other viruses the testing staff left in the game, which inspire players to perform illegal cheats and don't do the game justice. However, in Leaf Green there's none of that. The graphics are so beautiful; I was spellbound as soon as I watched the intro! The game has even better graphics than Ruby and Sapphire; the buildings in cities and towns are very nicely designed. The music is wonderful too. It's the same basic songs from the old versions, remixed in the Gameboy Advance style to make them sound better. On some songs, such as the Pokemon Tower and Champion battle music, this is a huge improvement. As for the storyline, it is the same as in Red and Blue, but with small changes that keep it from growing old. For example, some of the more confusing comments the trainers made were revised. The Pokemon can learn many new moves; some even differ from their movesets in Gold and Silver. And at the end of the story, you get to explore a new mini-region called the Sevvi Islands and catch Pokemon you couldn't find in the rest of the game! One interesting difference is some trainers make references to places in Johto. Since the Johto region is only featured in Pokemon Gold and Silver, which aren't compatible with Leaf Green, this may be a hint that Nintendo is redoing those games too! Pokemon Leaf Green is a fantastic game, possibly the best Gameboy Pokemon title on the market, and would be a worthwhile play for new and old fans alike.

Pokemon leaf green is awsome

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 4 / 7
Date: February 10, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Ilove it. i haven't completed it yet but it is a classic.Can't wait for Diamond and Pearl to come out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leaf power!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 6 / 9
Date: March 01, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Pokemon is so cute! If they are cute, than you would would want them too right? I think that I got to catch them all! How about you? I think you should get this game. It's the best!

A tough but fun game

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 4
Date: August 14, 2006
Author: Amazon User

This game is pretty tough mainly because the elite four is hard.But once you beat them theyre are seven islands to explore including island 8 and 9 accesed only through the nintindo events.I gave this game overall 5*****s because the game althroughout kanto and the nine islands are very fun to explore and unlock mysteries.And I gave it 4****s on the funness level because the elite four gets on my nerves because the last battle is your rival and hes plane tough.But it has great graphics and the features like the teachy tv the vs seeker the berry pouchand also has the net ball the nest ball I think it also has the timer ball to.I also like the fact that it comes with a wirrless adapter.But this game can be described in one word and that is fun.

The Same As Pokemon Fire Red

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 4 / 7
Date: December 12, 2006
Author: Amazon User

OK, I am eighteen years old and still I am a Pokemon fan...however, I am only a fan of the video games, not so much the TV shows anymore. Anyway, this game is pretty much the same as Pokemon Fire Red, except the only difference is the pokemon you can capture in each version. Remember Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow versions? In those games, their were only certain pokemon you could capture in each one. For example, you could probably only get a Primeape in Pokemon Blue, but not in Pokemon Red or Yellow let's say. Then, if that's the case, you would need a Game Link Cable especially made for the system you're playing in order to catch them all. I recommend this game ONLY if you didn't get the Pokemon Fire Red Version. Otherwise, these games are great remakes of the original game boy games that were popular in the late 1990's and early 2000's. I'm the type of person who collects ALL the versions of the Pokemon games, so if you want to get both versions, as I did, then that's fine. I also got all the versions of Pokemon for Game Boy Color and earlier. For example, this is what my list now extends to: Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Trading Card Game (for game boy color), and of course, I am hoping to get Diamond and Pearl when they come out. So don't feel bad about getting all the versions that there are because that's what I ended up eventually doing, and that's probably what will end up happening if and when Nintendo comes out with more games like this.

Best Game In The World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 4
Date: January 14, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I have play pokemon red gold and saphirre.Out of all of those this one is the BEST!Theres a biger and better ship and more advance gym leaters and more rare pokemon than before.This also includes rare pokemon from the versions berfore this.Like Mewtwo Moltres Articono Zapdos and Ho-oh and I think more.So if this is your first pokemon version you should get this one.

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