Below are user reviews of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 Standard and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 Standard.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (1 - 11 of 71)
Show these reviews first:
Rating: 1,
Useful: 3 / 24
Date: February 03, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I bought FS2002 when it came out and I was excited about this one becuase I had gotten FS 95-2000 and it kept getting better, plus have a pentium 4, 1.8 GHZ, 1012 RAM, i was expecting the graphics to look just as good as the ones on the box, but boy was i in for a big mess. The graphics are so bad, my comp freezes every 15 minutes, so many errors, i practically cry that Microsoft did such a bad job. The airplanes are so cheap that the skins load all over the scenery, you can't even crash with another airplane, u just go through them. If you crash in water, there is no splash, the airplane just hits it and gets stuck in one place!!!!!! Thats just crap, 1 star!
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002
Rating: 1,
Useful: 3 / 6
Date: February 10, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This is typical of Microsoft products....they don't work and they charge you to try to fix them. I loaded the game on Windows XP, Pentium 4 and it took seven (7) tries brfore it loaded. when I try to play the game I get a "scenery load error" and every thing outside the cockpit is grey or black. So far there has been no response from Microsoft on my request for assistance via email. I am not surprised.
Not fun
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 9
Date: November 16, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Flight Simulator 2002 is a good game but when you fly the planes you do nothing. You just end up crashing because theres nothing to do in the game. One plane wont even get off the ground. I dont know why they put that plane in the game.
Awesome game
Rating: 2,
Useful: 40 / 54
Date: November 06, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Beautifully done and a joy to play. (I wanted to give this item 5 stars but Amazon won't let me change it from 2. Go figure.)
This game has so much to offer: awe inspiring scenary, take off or land at any airport you can think of - no matter how small, and the new floatplane means you can take off and land anywhere there's water.
When I first started playing this game it crashed my system a lot, but it turned out I had a bad memory module. This game really gives your system a workout.
The flight instruction is great, except that the manual is filled with annoying (non)humor that makes reading it a real pain. I just want flight instruction! If I want comedy I'll turn on the comedy channel.
Overall I give this product two thumbs up!
Rating: 3,
Useful: 9 / 11
Date: November 24, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I have a 650mhz P3, 256 RAM machine, with a GeForce 256 graphics card and can only run trouble free with the low to medium display options (38-43 frame rate) and the graphics are a long way from the beautiful screenshots on the packaging. Aside from the graphics, the game is extremely detailed and of very high quality, but since so many reviews focus on the graphics, you may want to rethink if you have a low end machine.
"Vicarious existence is a ... waste of time"
Rating: 3,
Useful: 10 / 17
Date: April 26, 2002
Author: Amazon User
INTRO: The main aspect of this game I have a problem with is the graphics. In particular, the terrain at low altitude needs much more work. For example, the shadows that are cast from the skyscrapers are much too dark, they look like little black holes [albeit square ones].
QUESTION: If your brain has the ability to store & access roughly 80 Terabytes of information, then how many zeroes and ones do you need to effectively map the world?
ANSWER: Waaay more than the number contained on these three CD-ROMs.
GROUND SCENERY: The first airport I took off from was Sydney. Don't expect a level of detail where you see Novotell or anything close to that sort of realism while you're rolling down the taxiway. Don't expect to see "Sheremetovo 2" written in cyrillic on the terminal building at Moscow airport. Don't think you'll be able to fly past your local city recognising all these landmarks either. At most, expect two or three recognisable structures per city. Even with all the graphics settings at maximum, look closely and all you'll see is rendered textures and polygonal bitmaps.
CLOUD GENERATION: So what do I like about FS2002? I love the clouds. They can appear very white and wispy, or they can seem dark and stormy. The clouds are fantastic! Even so, there is one thing missing with the "cloud modelling" which would make them even more realistic. You can generate virtual clouds that look absolutely true to life, but they simply cannot produce a sunset. If a cloud moves in front of a setting sun, it only looks like a thick smoke/fog/smog with a very feeble sun trying to penetrate through it. There is absolutley no "silver lining" effect - now that would really be something to behold: a virtual sunset!
ARTIFICIAL REALITY: One youngster commented that when you hit the ground, the plane doesn't even break up or anything. When I read his review, I thought "Yeah, but he's a kid - what does he know?" But I think for a simulator that claims on the front of the box: "Flight Simulator 2002 As Real As It Gets", it is a rather misleading statement. You can dive straight into the ground at over mach 1, and the plane will merely stick in to the ground with the nose and fuselage "buried" up to the leading edges of the main wings - with no impact crater or explosion! Is that as real as it gets? I sure hope not. Can a 747-400 /really/ fly upside-down or perform 30,000 foot loop-the-loops? I have absolutely no idea, but it sure was fun executing these manoeuvres!!.
FINAL OPINIONS: I simply can't believe they market this game as a game - they should sell this strictly to pilots (in duty-free shops at airports worldwide) - there is simply not enough action or suspense for the average gamer. On the other hand, if you are a pilot, or you'd like to be a pilot, or you're an aviation fanatic, then I can sincerely recommend this.
I realised after playing for the first time, that I could have actually booked a *real* 1.5 hour flight for the price of this game. I was extremely disappointed at first, but occasionally I've grown to enjoy the "game" for what it is (a simulator). ..
Noteworthy Improvements but One BIG Problem
Rating: 3,
Useful: 5 / 7
Date: October 29, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I have to say that this sim is a great deal improved from the 2000 version. It has greater environmental detail, The Air Traffic Control interaction is a worthy improvement, and among many other things, the flight dynamics have been improved. And, even though I have a 450 Mhz Pentium 3 with 192 Mg's of RAM, it still runs very well on my only becomes the infamous slide show when I set the sound and display to the highest levels.
The big "BUT" is that the skins on the airplanes are all messed up. Sometimes the colors are in the opposite phases, sometimes they are all shuffled up (the faces of the pilots are on the tail and the engine skins are on the sides of the fuselage), and sometimes they are on the wrong planes(the Landmark Airlines skin for the 777 will be on the Cessna Seaplane and it won't even fit).
I'm hoping for all my fellow simmers that this is a problem with my computer, not with the program. I suppose if it is, then MS will make a patch for it.
Great Realism, But lacks the "Game" Part
Rating: 3,
Useful: 5 / 7
Date: August 12, 2002
Author: Amazon User
First off, this is a Great Game. If you are truly interested in aviation then you might want to look in to this game. I am Interested in Flight simulators, but the problem is, is that there are not a lot of "fun" aspects of the game. You dont shoot down any aircraft, like in war flight sims. All you do is fly. Simply Fly. You can cut engine power, to add a twist, but thats it. dont get me wrong, the game is good, its fun to fly but you just cany expect much more.
Some of the good things are the realism. Its simply as close as you get. There are so many airports, you can fly to your homeotwn, if its New York City, or some small town in kentucky. You also have the opportunity to fly a wide variety of aircraft. Some of us might be able to fly small Cesnus, but i doubt that many will ever be able to fly a fully loaded Boeing 777.
In Conclusiion: If your intrested in aviation, not just flying a P-51 and nockin off 109's but interested in flying small aircraft(or large), than this is the game for you. I am glad that I bought this game. I dont play it all the time, but its a nice game to play and you can test your skill and learn alot. Its all how interested you are.
Rating: 3,
Useful: 3 / 36
Date: November 02, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Looks like I got to write just to see the reviews: never owned it, of course, just shopping! Stupid set up, ain't it?
forget the stars!
Fun, but System Requirements MUST be updated
Rating: 3,
Useful: 3 / 5
Date: August 27, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I had a lot of fun with the realistic graphics, but it takes up so much disk space so it often lagged. It was really slow..
When I was switching computers to a Windows XP Home Edition, it crashed the machine, despite it saying that it is compatible with XP. So please, Microsoft, make a public announcement that it isn't compatible.
I miss so dearly playing this game. It is just so much fun!