Below are user reviews of The Sims 2: Bon Voyage and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for The Sims 2: Bon Voyage.
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User Reviews (11 - 21 of 54)
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Fun..but wait for the patch!
Rating: 3,
Useful: 19 / 20
Date: September 16, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Ok so first off a warning: Apparently there is a programming glitch going on with this game where instead of re-using NPC (no-playable characters) like tour guides etc, it just creates new ones. Im not computer savy, but this means tons of new characters are being created everytime you play and thus taking up more space and memory on your computer. Theres a big discussion on the sims2 board. I won't be playing this game again until the patch comes out, since this expansion pack already slowed down my game considerably.
But really, this game is super fun. I love building hotels and vacation lots. Cuz Im a big nerd I made my campground mountain area Crystal Lake (aka home of Jason Voorhees) and an awesome beach town. There are plenty of things for your sims to do while on vacation, from going on tours (they leave, we don't see them, much like going to work)to sunbathing, log rolling competions, axe throwing and my favorite new thing: swimming in the ocean. Yes! Sims can actually sim in the ocean. Its so cute seeing the waves roll in. And I might be alone in this, but Im really glad pets and babies/toddlers can't go on vacation. They're too much work. My sims wanna rest!
I've experienced some little annoying glitches here and there but overall after the patch comes out, I'll be ready to play this again and again. It rejuvenated my love if the Sims.
Extremely unhappy
Rating: 1,
Useful: 20 / 23
Date: November 22, 2007
Author: Amazon User
This product has a destructive "anti copy" virus like program on it called "secure rom". It was very difficult to get it to install on my sons computer. Once installed he was able to play it for 20 minutes before his computer crashed due to the secure rom junk on this disc. The computer ceased being able to boot and required a complete re-installation of the operating system, programs and personal data. I think the sims games are wonderfully creative but most of the titles and expansions are a royal pain in the rear to install with various incompatablities and problems. Now we have the company treating it's customers, by default as criminals and putting "secure rom" tech on ALL their products thereby punishing all us honest gullible gamers who legally purchase the games. It's well past time that these companies started treating us like customers again rather than criminals.
Time for a vacation from your Game!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 35 / 58
Date: September 06, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Your Sims need a vacation. All that dancing and gesturing wildly has them worn down, and they'd love nothing more than to get away for a while. Lucky for them, the newest Sims 2 expansion pack, Bon Voyage, is here.
The Sims 2: Bon Voyage is a massive pirate ship your Sims can crawl around on. There's a practice dummy for swordplay, a plank to walk and a captains' quarters to loot.
"The pirate ship is definitely the biggest object we've ever made (in the Sims)," Pearson said.We've previously reported that Bigfoot is wandering around the forests of the game's Mountain Getaway location, but there's also apparently a ninja or two to be found at the Far East destinations, Pearson said.
You can take up to eight Sims along on vacation (sorry, no pets or toddlers allowed), including NPCs. Like the maid at your hotel? Why not take her home?
I played this new expansion last night and it is awesome. Eats up a LOT of memory for your computer so be sure to upgrade!!! Or be ready to. It is one of the best upgrades they have done!
Jessica Lynn
Better than I thought
Rating: 4,
Useful: 11 / 12
Date: September 12, 2007
Author: Amazon User
At first I was not sure how this would expansion would contribute to my enjoyment of the game but this expansion is comparable to seasons on how it enhances the gameplay. Now of the two seasons is definitely better because it enhanced and improved every aspect of all the previous expansions in effective way.(except sims 2 pets) However hardcore sims 2 fans will not be disappointed in this expansion.I wont list everything that was new and different but there is things to look foward to like expanded romance options, additional business prospects, more building options, and decent amount of nifty items. I would best describe a sim going on vacation as being a pleasure seeking sim on a greatly expanded outing(nightlife expansion) without the same problems associated to it. Now I did not give this game 5 stars because of two things. One is the techinical issues. It is understood there is no such thing as flawless pc game. Every game that comes out is followed by patches to fix programming glitchs that are usually minor. This is the first time I experienced hardware failure after a sims 2 installation eventhough my computer exceeded minimum requirements. I resolved most of the problems by doing driver updates on my video card, keyboard, and mouse. I am still experiencing a slower load times and lag in the game. This is excludes the typical software glitches found in games. My second problem is that bon voyage is not a very deep expansion. The first 3 sims 2 expansion the nightlife , university and open for business are true expansions because they actaully expanded gameplay. The last three pets,seasons, and this one are just mostly enhancements. Its far to easy to play the game and still enjoy it without these last three being installed. I am thinking we are coming to close to finished product as far as expansions are concerned since the sims 3 is already in developement. So I predict no more than a couple more expansions before EA is done. My recommedation is yes buy this if you a hardcore sims 2 fan but if you are more casual player wait unitl the patch come out or better yet when they offer some of these expansions in bundles.
Is it still in Beta?
Rating: 3,
Useful: 9 / 9
Date: October 05, 2007
Author: Amazon User
For those of you who can get the game to work without crashing, freezing, or slowing down, I hope you're having a good time. For everyone else, welcome to the club. I have all of the expansions to The Sims 2 and, until recently, considered the game to be very stable as I never had a problem with it. Not even a crash or error message. Bon Voyage does add some new items and features but the long list of problems can make the game seem as though it is only half-done or still in Beta. I suggest getting this game after EA has released a patch, whenever that will be.
Sims 2 Bon Voyage
Rating: 5,
Useful: 9 / 10
Date: January 28, 2008
Author: Amazon User
If you don't have this ep get it.It lets your sim go on vacations and it also has a lot of cool new objects in it.New objects you can now put at your own home include saunas,waterfalls,tents and even a pirate ship.These are all available on the vacation lots but you can also put them on your on.There are a lot more new objects but I won't list them.There is 3 locations to visit.Tikki Beach is my favorite.You can also visit a mountain retreat and a place in the far east.Your sim can now stay in hotels and or buy a vacation home.New interactions include comb for seashells,watch waves,dig for tresure,build sandcastles and more.Your sim can even swim in the ocean and lay on the beach and get a tan or sunburn.
There is a new camera that gives your sims the choice to take a picture of themselves or themselves and other sims or to ask another sim to take the picture of them.There is many poses your sim can do by themselves and with other sims.Your sim can even kiss or makeout with their lover or spouse and have another sim take a picture of them doing that.Once your off the vacation you order the photos on the pc.You can get them in a book or individually to hang on the wall or put on the table.
Each vacation offers so much to see it's advisable for your sim to book at least 7 days to see it all.Their expensive but this is no problem when you use the motherlode cheat which gives you at least 50,000 dollars everytime you input it.
New to this expansion
You can now have a honeymoon at one of the 3 vacation spots.
You can get married anywhere in the vacation spots and have the wedding of your dream.
New public and private places to wohoo(sims sex).
On the campground you can wohoo in tents which counts as a public wohoo.
You can wohoo in saunas which counts as private.
You can wohoo in hamocks which count as public.
You can take up to 8 people with you.You have the option of reserving one hotel room or several for your guest.Tents on campgrounds are free they don't cost anything.
You can call for roomservice and they will bring you food to your hotel room.Some of the better hotels have swimming pools,hottubs and restuarents and are beachside.
The voodoo doll.If you can fix 3 objects in the witchdoctors house he gives you a voodoo doll.You can use this for curses on other sims or to make them fall in love with you or for freindship.I used this on a sim that didn't like my sim.Her relationship was -1 on the top and I clicked on that sim hit more then do voodoo.I picked romance and instanly she went from -1 to 70 that quick and started making out with my sim.
Teleporting you can do this if you complete some kind of goal with the ninja.I haven't done that yet.
Pirate Ship This is a huge ship and there is a lot to do on it.There is even a ghost that resides on this ship.
Waterfalls.Certain locations have this huge waterfall which you can also put in your own lot.If you add soap to it it chages to lava thou.
Bigfoot In the mountain locations you can see bigfoot or even talk to him.If you complete somekind of goal you can ask him to move in with you at your own home lot.You can then control him you can hug him but can't do any romantic interactions with him.
New hairstyles Women now have 3 new hairstyles and men have a couple and some new facial hair ones too.I really like the new long hair that they give the women.It makes them even prettier.
Jewlery you can now buy it at stores and in create a sim mode you can put it on the sims your creating.
Souvineers there is all kind of souvineers and trinkets you can buy.
Souvineer racks to keep your collectibles on.These are available in buy mode.
New clothes and glasses they actually have new tourist clothes and multicolored sunglasses you can wear.
There is so much more you can do in this game but I want list that as I don't have time.After seasons this is the best expansion pack I've ever played.I also recommend seasons,holiday stuff and sims 2 deluxe with nightlife.
One last thing make sure your pc has at least 512 megs of ram and that's just the minimum it calls for.I would suggest going to 1gb if you have xp.The minimum for Vista is 1gb.I'd suggest 2 or 3.This game takes up a lot of memory and it can lag if you just have the minumum.The specs are higher for this expansion then they was for the previous ones.
Latest is best
Rating: 5,
Useful: 11 / 14
Date: September 13, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I've been playing Sims since the first one came out and subsequently purchased all the expansion packs. As much as I loved being able to have pets or weather for the first time, Bon Voyage has a kind of quest system that really appeals to me. There are 45 skills or objects that the character in question has to pick up, including my favorite, teleportation. No more waiting while someone ahead of you is on the stairs. Now you can go from your front lawn to your 2nd floor bedroom in one step. I also like how you can teach the skills or learn new ones from/to total strangers. As for graphics, sometimes the characters do resemble Sue Storm from the Fantastic Four. At which time I need to shut down the game, and restart, but otherwise, no real complaints.
Great Expansion Pack
Rating: 5,
Useful: 8 / 11
Date: September 13, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I loved it. First of all give you the chance to go to the beach and actually have a swim! The waves effect is pretty cool and also the idea of finding stuff in the sand it's also great. I have been in 2 of the 3 vacation lots but I think otherwise is a good buy for the money. I think that "Pets" is the best until now and seasons is maybe a little better than this one, but in general is a good expansion because is pretty creative and gives you the chance to interact to different sim "cultures" I noted my computer to be a little slower than before but not as much as others have described (I have 2 gigabytes of Ram memory).
In any way, I highly recommend it.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 7 / 10
Date: October 26, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Let me just start off by saying that you need an extremely powerful computer in order to really enjoy this game. If you don't have a gaming computer, then this game will frustrate you because you need a lot of free resources and memory on your computer in order to run this game smoothly. If you can afford an upgrade, I definitely recommend it. It is well worth it. The things you can do on vacation is great. The memories and the souvenir items you can bring back home with you are fabulous. I love the fact that they have secret locations that you can get to if you are lucky enough to find the hidden maps. Not to mention the new skills you can learn and bring back to your regular Sim's life. My favorite skill is being able to transport anywhere on the lot that you are playing on. I just wished there were more places to go on vacation. African Safari, Amusement Parks, Sight Seeing, etc. Maybe in the next expansion pack.
Bon Voyage... wish it would
Rating: 2,
Useful: 5 / 6
Date: January 12, 2008
Author: Amazon User
Once again we get a product from EA Games that promises to be fun and interactive, when in fact all it does is provide major bug issues and the means to drive you absolutely out of your mind.
Some Pros:
Ability to take a family vacation, able to plan a real honeymoon for your engaged sims to go on straight after they get married, fun new locales to visit, new wants and interactions, a new gaming system of a traveler's bingo where you try and collect as many icons as possible, good vacation rewards upon returning home and the long overdue introduction of sim jewelry.
A Lot of Cons:
Can we say "bugs" boys and girls? I knew you could. While the jewelry is a fun new addition it has several issues, like buying it doesn't apply to the whole household as clothing does, but only the purchasing sim and several times when setting up jewelry for different outfits (as you can do the hair after the Seasons expansion) it begins to mess up and not allow you to change things & just becomes complicated. I'd say the biggest con sadly, is the actual expansion itself. The new expansion is very laggy as it's constantly trying to reset stuff when you go to these new locales (of which there is only 3). Another fun bug creates a billion tourist guides and other new NPC's to flood your system lagging it down even further, and in some cases crashing your computer.
When compared to other expansion packs, this one is by far the worst. On top of all the bugs the irksome behaviors your sims will become infected with once going on vacation doesn't make it worth paying for this expansion (anyone whose neighborhoods are now infected with the sea chantey and slap dance know what I'm talking about) at all. Don't be afraid to tell this expansion "Bon Voyage" and save yourself a lot of grief.
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