Below are user reviews of Everquest: Shadows Of Luclin With Free Book "Tome of Lore" and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Everquest: Shadows Of Luclin With Free Book "Tome of Lore".
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (21 - 31 of 71)
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Out of date RPG
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: February 14, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I bought this after I got Dark Ages of Camalot. Forget it. the game has really poor graphics compared to DAoC. The game has to much infighting between the people on line and new people in the game cannot compete with the "Twinks" who come along and camp all the stuff needed to advance. This game is really obsolete and there are much better games out there on the market now. Spend you money elsewhere.
This game is the best EQ expansion
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 7
Date: December 20, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I have not had ANY problems with SoL. Waiting in tech support is for (...) who don't know how to wait for the next patch. With every patch (about every night, just about a minute's worth) the game's "lag", "bad load time" and other factors get better. But for me they were always great. People whine that they cannot run SoL AFTER they bought it when they were informed of the min. system requirements up to 2 months before it's release. They say that you can't play EQ cause you cant run Luclin, well there are still 5 coninents: odus, Antonica, Faydwer, Kunark and Velius. This is a great expansion, 'nuff said.
Not the best....
Rating: 2,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: December 10, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I have been playing these types of games for about two years now. It started with Everquest. Everquest was slow moving, boring but soooooooo addictive....
Now I'm playing Lineage. It takes everything Everquest did makes it 100x better and also throws in some great new ideas. Lineage has this thing called bloodpledges which are groups of warriors led by a prince or princess.
These bloodpledges are always trying to capture castles that other bloodpledges control and its a great thing to do after you get to a high level unlike in Everquest when you stand around waiting for teh next expansion pack when you get to a high enough level.
Speaking of expansion packs Lineage releases a new episode every month(its now on epiode 9) and a new continent 4 times a year. It's like getting 4 free expansion packs a year!!! And trust me these continents are HUGE!
And if you join make sure you play the Ken Rahuel Server and talk to me. My in game name is hobbester
Get a Clue!!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 5
Date: December 21, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Sony has managed to rune all the fun of EQ by releasing the Shadows of Luclin WAY before they were ready. Only a hand full of video cards can handle the game and even those are crashing at least twice and hour. The lag rates have doubled the link deads have tripled and I you think there Tech support is willing to help,,,, You dead wrong! Hands down the worst purchase of the year and I guarantee they will lose thousands of gamers as a result.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: December 14, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Obviously I am rather biased about this game since I like Asheron's Call better. But I have played them both and while they both have many of the same problems inherent to a MMORPG such as lag, and cheating and e-bay selling. But Everquest has some problems that Asheron's Call doesn't have.
#1 All updates to Asheron's Call are free, all updates to EQ are not free and you need to go out and buy the latest version to get the fix, and be able to play with your friends again.
#2 In comparison to the developer attention and responses to customer wants and needs, Asheron's Call's developer team seems to make a much larger effort to accomodate their customers as much as possible. The AC developers have a message board where they answer questions and make statements, and they release build notes every month on their updates, and they have a monthly live developer chat where you can ask your questions and get them answered right away, with the transcript of the chat being posted afterwards. EQ doesn't even come close to this, and seems to like having a wall between their devs and their customers.
#3 Then there is game-play. My number one problem with this game is like myself, many people DO NOT like to *HAVE TO* fight and play in groups. A lot of people play RPG and adventure games for the atmosphere and people, but they also like to do things on their own. In EQ, you CANNOT fight and hunt solo. If you do you are monster food. In AC almost anyone can hunt solo and reap the rewards of solo hunting.
Like I said this is a biased review, but everything I wrote here is true, think about it.
Great add onn...after all the patches
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: February 15, 2002
Author: Amazon User
After buying Shadows of Luclin I was discouraged like everybody else. It was buggy, laggy and I didn't have enough RAM to display every new model. Well two months after its release they have worked out most of the bugs, fixed a lot of the Lag and I have enough RAM to see every character. I enjoy being able to customize my appearance so that I do not look like every other dwarf out there. The new Beastlord class is a blast to play. The Vah Shir are also a refreshing change. Finally a very large race that isn't Kill on Sight everywhere. The Alternative advancement for Lvl 50+ makes me want to get there as fast as possible. Over all it has made me want to play EQ even more. If you already have EQ you need this update. If you don't have EQ try out the trilogy first. If you enjoy what you play, SoL will make it even that much better.
To be or not to be....
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: February 19, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Everquest has been out for quite some time and has made its place as one of the top rpgs online to date. However time has took its toll on the current game as the graphics have become outdated. So...hence comes the luclin expansion. With so many massive multiplayer rpgs coming in the following months, Verrant only hopes this expansion will buff up the current game.
As a long time dedicated EQ player, i welcomed this expansion with open arms, hoping the Shadows of Luclin would spice up the game.
The most notable of the new features is the new graphics engine it offers. Long time gamers will find the new enhancement quite nice. The expansion offers the new planet luclin, with more zones, items, spells etc. With enough money one can even purchase a horse to travel the zones quicker.
Although this expansion doesnt change the way the game plays it does offer more options than the previous version and keeps Everquest in the spotlight....for now. All in all this is a great expansion upgrade for the current EQ player and may bring retired EQ players crawling back.
awsome game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: February 27, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This game is great! theres so much great stuff to do on here, and the people are really nice. the graphics are really great as well
Love the game...
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: May 02, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Huge fan so my review is biased, just wanted to say that if your only reason to buy games is for "the graphics", then this probably is not the game for you. EQ's engine is a bit dated, but I'm not a huge fan of flash over substance.
Everyone concerned with the requirements for the new engine, let me just restate what people have said before me, the engine is scaleable. Yes, you can still run this game on a high end p2/celeron with 128megs ram as long as your video card supports Dx8 (usually a free driver update is all you need), but really people, with semi-decent low end GeForce Cards going for [money] and RAM at [money] for 256Megs, what's your excuse for not upgrading? More RAM = Less Disk Swaps = Happier Computer Verant Recommends 512Megs, bit high, but check out the next gen games coming out. Even the Sims Vacation (a seriously old game, but a GOOD game) requires a P2/300 now (used to be a Pentium 233 Minimum).
Verant customer support is only negative thanks to the Internet, anyone that's accidentally destroyed an item then gone postal at Verant demanding this or demanding that ends up getting the "book" thrown at them (Verant documents their item replacement policy very explicitly on I've had the occasional problems, but I've found that a /petition and a polite email to the powers that be will get the items replaced. Granted it may take time, but I have much respect for the "Guides" and "GMs" on EQ (Customer Support), they work hard for little thanks and every one of them is a pretty cool person.
You get out of the game what you put into it. There is a lot of depth and substance in EQ, problem is that it's not conveyed really well, but if you have no life and a lot of spare time on your hands the world of Norrath is quite fun to explore and hang with people.
Remember, this game can be highly addictive, and even after 3 years with 3 (soon to be 4) expansions it's still hard to put down. Some other things to remember:
- Verant doesn't control the Internet. If you get Lag in the game do something about it. Call your ISP, run a "Trace Route" on your connection. Not all ISPs are created equally, get out there, do the research, find the BEST ISP for gaming and that'll probably help. You get out of the Internet what you put into it.
- Bugs are in the game, but there are bugs in every game out there, believe me.
- DAoC - Played it, loved it, stopped playing at level 30, why, BECAUSE THERE WAS NOTHING ELSE TO DO! Graphics are nice, I love the setting, but darn if I wasn't bored outta my skull. (Yes, I'm an EQ fan, but like I said, DAoC is a great game)
- I'm a Beta2 tester from EQ (Verant had 3.5 Beta rounds with EverQuest where we got to wander around and help with bug finding), and I still play.
So much hype about DAoC... yeah right!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: May 22, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Everyone here who is disrespecting EQ in favor of DAoC make me laugh. I played DAoC and even have a level 43 healer and I don't think I'm the only person to say that DAoC gets boring fast. Small realms, not many different faces to choose from, all the armor looks alike (it's just how you dye it). The only classes I found interesting were Healer (Midgard), Bard (Hibernia), and Mentalist (Hibernia). But it's not enough to keep me interested.
In DAoC if you die, the worst thing that happens is you release, get sent back to your bind spot with everything on you, pay a few gold to get back your lost constitution and you're out some xp! This seems SO appealing to people who used to play EQ because you don't have the CR.
Imagine this though... playing with a group of people who don't worry at all about the consequences of really bad playing. They break mezzes, they don't protect the healer (in EQ you keep the cleric alive at all costs!), there are very very few good players in DAoC. It's a perfect place to go if you don't care about improving your skills and abilities.
If you want a game that you can just screw off, not worry about character development, it's a perfect game for you. If you die you're out in no time and you can log out of the game.
In EverQuest, playing well is something you must learn how to do. Sure there are high levels who can't play very well but from what I have observed (and I played on all 3 realms in DAoC) there is an overwhelming percentage of people in DAoC who do not care if they play well or not. They don't care about learning the strategies for a good group, they don't care if they get the group killed, it's no big loss for anyone.
In my experience with EverQuest people understand who can tank and who cannot tank. In DAoC everyone thinks they can tank! You try telling a rogue class (on any server in DAoC) that they are not to get agro and be prepared for them to rant and rant all day about how they can tank. People just do not understand their roles in DAoC. Of course I'm generalizing but aren't we all generalizing here?
Both games are interesting, and I was obviously very hooked on DAoC for quite some time, but DAoC is so limiting. When you do actually hit level 50 there's no where else to go. In EQ you can always work on alternate xp and work up your skills in other areas to make you a more effective player.
So, you people who tear apart EQ and make DAoC seem like it's the cure to everything. You are misleading people SO much! I'll stick to EQ!