Below are user reviews of Dragon's Lair 20th Anniversary Edition and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Dragon's Lair 20th Anniversary Edition.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (1 - 11 of 16)
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A big waste of money
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 5
Date: October 17, 2007
Author: Amazon User
This had to be the biggest waste of money I ever spend on Amazon. No directions or instructions on how to play the games. The video quality isn't really that good and it's slow reacting to the keyboard. Into the wastebasket it goes.
Mediocre video quality, but the game play is crisp and tight.
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: January 20, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I was disappointed with the video quality - it looks like a second generation video copy. So I went and blew almost $70 on the DVD-ROM HD version of just Dragon's Lair. The HD version's quality was great but the game play was laggy and scenes would start half-way into the action on occasion. Before you say I need a better computer do note that this was on a Core 2 Duo e6600 with a Geforce 7600GT video card. The CD-ROM version's gameplay is much snappier, plus you get Dragon' Lair II, Space Ace, and a lot of "Making Of" type material on the extras disc. In the end, I would say get both of them. ^_^
Retro 80s oldschool
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 26, 2007
Author: Amazon User
If you grew up in the 80s and remember the greatness of Saturday morning cartoons then this is for you. The animation is beautiful but the digital transfer was a bit grainy. A lot of fun and extremely hard. Comes with DL1 and DL2 plus space Ace .
Better than expected play.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 10, 2007
Author: Amazon User
What a flood of memories this game brought back when playing on the PC. The game makers set out to duplicate the arcade version of the game for home users and that is exactly what was accomplished. The majority of the game play was exactly re-created for the new generation of gamers seeking a little bit of yesteryear and the way in which video games evolved. Fortunately, with the additional versions being offered with this anniversary set, the game was well worth the purchase price. Considering I didn't have the funds to try and complete Dragon's Lair 2 and Space Ace in their original incarnation. I was excited to try and learn how one might win out against these versions in the home format. This one is definitely one for the avid old school games.
Nostalgia-filled fun!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 18, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I have always been a fan of these games since they first came out when I went to the arcade & hugged my dollar tight while watching other kids play for hours so I could get my money's worth! Just as much fun as I remember. Not the most interactive game in the world but more than enough fun to pass the time in between working from home & marathon sessions of MMORPGs! Not as much fun once you've mastered them but still kinda cool to show off to the kids/neices/nephews/what-have-you when they come over. Not getting nearly as much burn as it did when I first got it but still jump on it every now & then ...
If you can remeber this in the arcade, you will love this set.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: August 09, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I just got this game today and I am very pleased with my purchase. Not only did you get the Bluth's three Laserdisc classics, you get some extras that play like DVD extras on your computer. If you don't remember these games in an arcade, you probably wouldn't want them. For gamers my age (I am 35), I found this collection to be a hoot and I can't wait to play through all of the extras and see some of the funny ways to die.
Dragon's Lair:
This game reminds me of WarioWare since you have a bunch of different rooms to explore which require a small amount of movements to complete. The rooms last for a few seconds and do not take too much time to finish. The tricky part is actually figuring out the correct moves to finish the room safely. I do feel bad when Dirk the Daring dies, but it is quite entertaining in a cartoon-like way. This one is my favorite.
Space Ace:
This game (the second in the series) decided to go for a more linear approach. The game is much faster and a little bit harder to figure out how to move the controls. I find this to be the hardest game in that respect. I lost a lot of quarters to this one.
Dragon's Lair II:
I never played this in the arcade, but I would have lost a lot of money. This game is linear like Space Ace, but it gives you hints for each movement. You will need those hints since the game is even faster yet. I like watching this more than playing it, but it is fun. There are two different endings depending on if you collect some special items along the way. Don Bluth's company did a great job making the most zany and action packed cartoon ever.
+ Dragon's Lair, Dragon's Lair II, Space Ace, and a Disc of extras are all included
+ You can install all of these discs on your hard drive to give you faster play and stutter free videos
+ No more wasted quarters and you can see what you were missing out as a child
+ Dragon's Lair (disc 1) lets you see some deleted scenes
+ Dragon's Lair, Dragon's Lair II, and Space Ace let you watch the game "movie" from start to finish
- If you are not into these types of games, you can probably see some of this on YouTube
- There were some driver problems I had when I tried to play them, but the support site (linked from the CD) helped me fix it
- They advertise that you want to play them from the CD, but I don't suggest it. Dump it to your hard drive using the instructions found on the CD (right click on the icon and open the disc to find the file).
- This might be important to a lot of people, but these games are in MPEG format. While it makes the clips easy to view in almost any player, it is not DVD quality. This is the reason that there is a new HD version of Dragon's lair on the market. This may not bother many, but it could be a reason to shell more money for the higher-quality game.
I couldn't give it a 5 star rating because it is not for everyone. Four stars for this game if you are a fanatic older video games.
Exactly like I remember
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 05, 2008
Author: Amazon User
I wasted many quarters in the arcade in the 80's playing these games, and they are, for the most part, as I remember them. Game play is exactly the same, but the video is MPEG, so the quality is not the greatest, but is acceptable. The resolution on DL and SA is better then DL-II for some reason - I had to play DL-II in a window rather than full screen so it didn't look terrible (literally), but DL and SA looked pretty good full-screen on a 20" LCD monitor.
Great games for a great value
Rating: 5,
Useful: 24 / 24
Date: September 15, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Let me start by saying that as a kid, I remember hearing about Dragon's Lair coming to the arcades and just being blown away. There had been nothing like this before. I think most people who where growing up in the 80's will remember these lazerdisc games.
I got the Dragon's Lair 20th Anniversary Edition, which includes Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, and Dragon's Lair II - Time Warp and I couldn't be happier. The game still looks and plays great. The games run right from the CD Roms, no installation required. Plus, the bonus CD with documentaries, the Dragon's Lair Starcade episode, and such is a great nostalgic treat.
So I rate this pretty high. It's fun for us arcade "old timers" as well as very entertaining for a younger audience.
This is the original
Rating: 5,
Useful: 12 / 12
Date: August 03, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Well, first of all I would like to say that I read at least 50 or 60 reviews on the previous editions of Dragon's Lair, including the one review on this one, before purchasing the 20th anniversary game and playing it for myself. After doing so, I have come to the conclusion that most, if not all of the negative reviews that I read about the previous editions of Dragons Lair would well, be very wrong about this edition! The game is not just "like the original." It "is the original." right down to the scene were "Dirk" is in the room with the crystal ball, and the magnetic force of the mysterious throne in the room takes his hat and sword.After which, electrical impulses coming from the crystal ball begin to electrify the room and everything in it. "Dirk" makes a series of moves, just like the original game and escapes. I remember that in the arcade game in the last part of this scene up to the right of the screen, a piece of fuzz or hair was accidently printed in the film and onto the original laser disk. Well this game is not only "the original" as far as scene sequence and correct timing, but the same fuzz or hair is on this game as well. Needless to say, I was very relieved that in the CD-ROM version of Dragons Lair 20th Anniversary edition, which has the three games in one. That they didn't take something that wasn't broken in the first place, and try to fix it, or make it better. "Just like an expensive Disney animated cartoon production." All three games are as they were in it's original form and play as if you were playing the actual games in the arcade, just without the quarters. "Nothing added, Nothing taken away." Now they do have a section of the CD-ROM where you can see some of the scenes that were on the drawing board and can select to play those scenes with the original game if you wish.
For those of you negative reviewers out there let me say this. You say that the controls are not very responsive. You say that the game drags or you die even when you make the right move. I say this to you, "not with this edition." The controls are so simple: up, down, left, right, sword and they have exactly the same response as the arcade game; however you not only have to know which button to push, but "When." Hidden in the code of the game there are certain grunts, yipes, groans, or flashes that are your "Q" for pressing the right button. As far as the game dragging, You must also realize that you can't play this game on some old out dated computer. Make sure that your operating system meets all of the requirements. Mine does. This is my review. "This game is the "Exact game" I played 23 years ago in the arcade. They simply took the original laser disk, duplicated it in it's entirety and formatted it for PC operating systems. I would give it a 10 star rating, but I'll give it the most it allows. 5 stars.
Like The Real Thing
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: August 04, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Having had experience on genuine Dragon's Lair machines from back in the early 80's, I was surprised at how close this is to the original. The scenes are the same and this edition includes scenes that were not on the original machines. You can turn the new scenes on or off, and can adjust the difficulty level of the game. The only thing that is missing is joystick support. You need to use the keyboard to operate the game, although you can adjust the keys and associated function.
The game allows itself to be copied to the hard drive, eliminating the need to keep the CD in the CD-ROM. You can run the video size at normal, double size, or full screen. On a 1024X768 monitor and using full screen I didn't notice any major video flaws or pixelization.
I have not evaluated the other two games in this CD set.
If you enjoyed this game "back in the day" when they populated the arcades, then you will enjoy this.
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