
Macintosh : World of Warcraft Collector's Edition Reviews

Below are user reviews of World of Warcraft Collector's Edition and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for World of Warcraft Collector's Edition. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

User Reviews (111 - 121 of 502)

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Will surpass your expectation

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 8 / 10
Date: December 02, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Based on all the glowing previews, my expectation for WOW was pretty high to begin with. Even so, I was pleasantly surprised. The game is innovative, polished, and most importantly fun. So stop reading a review by some guy and go play the game.

Worldwide gaming problems

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 13 / 21
Date: October 10, 2004
Author: Amazon User

some people are suggesting that blizzard should have made this game truly world wide. I traveled to Korea to do the Faction vs. Faction and just that lagged like hell. imagine if blizzard made this truly world wide. there would be tremendous lag everyweher you go if blizzard didnt limit it to regions. WoW is a great game and to point out flaws like that is just dumb. just enjoy the fking ggame and if you dont like it dont play it. if you are planning to buy it, look into it on www.blizzard.com.

Fun, Addictive & Buggy As Heck

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 13 / 21
Date: January 20, 2005
Author: Amazon User

1. Enjoy the game, Blizzard Development took out a lot of the triffling stuff that really bothers me and made it great (the Crafting mechanics are done very well). I like being able to solo. The quests are okay, but not really engaging. Like the worlds and the skill progression. Haven't been able to get to PvP yet (see below), so i can't comment on that.

2. Downtime. Servers are constantly going down. They recently made a change to the database servers (w/o adequeate testing!) that has made the situation WORSE, not better. They give you a "free day" every now and then - but it fails to make up for contstant drops, server reboots, and 16 hour downtimes.

To put a patch on things, they have taken the highest population servers and capped the number of players - and put in a queue system that lasts for HOURS, only to be dropped out of the game and forced to sit in the queue again (example - I logged in and was told that 608 people were in front of me, with over an hour wait). We have not been given the option of moving our players to a less populated server (this is in testing, however).

If you are looking for reliable uptime during peak gaming hours (after 5 PM and anytime on weekends) this game is literally NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME. You are essentially paying to be a BETA tester.

Hunt on the farm (multiplayer required)

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 14 / 24
Date: February 17, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I've been playing this game for less than 2 months now. I have a level 35 warlock.

I can't understand what all the fuss is about. As of now I find the game completely boring. Even a while back the only excitement for me was finding a new item or purchasing skills when I level.

I feel like I'm fighting farm animals over and over again just repackaged for a higher level. My favorite area so far has been duskwood because it had some fun monsters and didnt feel like hunting farm animals.

All the quests work on a simple cookie cutter pattern. Each new area you have to kill so many of a certain enemy or collect items from drops. Or your running items back and forth between npcs. Some quests you have to wander around for a while to find places which I hate. So you have to beg in a channel for info or go to a search engine. There are a few (very few) instance dungeons that were actually quite fun.

Don't buy this game with a plan to solo. It works much better if you have real life friends. Plan which server and alliance or horde. Also try to agree on set times to play and do quests together. Even non-elite quests can be extremely difficult.

contrary to the advertising this game can take massive amounts of time to play. you can either struggle with quests alone or try to find a good party. finding good people to party with can take a while. I would say minimum 1-2 hour sessions to get anything done in this game.

I've concluded that $50 plus a $15 monthly fee is definitely not worth it to play by myself 75% of the time. After the initial neato factor of exploring a world populated with real players I realise they were just more headache than fun. I wish I would have saved my money for some good single player games.

Just another pre-release review

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 19 / 37
Date: May 01, 2003
Author: Amazon User

First, I'll say that I absoultely HATE pre-release reviews. I wish there was a stronger word than that. But, I feel compelled as an avid Blizzard gamer and clan owner/leader to clear some things up.

World of Warcraft is an M.M.O.R.P.G. It is a Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game. It will take place in many different worlds with the same worlds replicated on brand new servers.
There are 5, repeat 5, races to play. There are the Tauren (bull like creatures), the Orcs, the Dwarves (and yes, there will be Dwarven muskets available), the Humans, and my favorite The NIGHT ELVES! Both genders will be playable, and equally effective in all aspects of the game. Blizzard says there will be more playable races, but we'll see. All characters will be able to swim and there will be lots of water as well as underwater levels. Characters will not need to eat or drink ever. Blizzard says there will be positive benefits associated with eating and drinking though.
You can form bands of 5 men or guilds of more. Look for my Guild on whatever the U.S. West server is.My alias will be Lord Faramir. Our colors (you get to choose a design for your guild) will be red and something else. There are 3 classes out so far. They are Mage, Shaman, and warrior. Hopefully there will be more. There will be several aspects of the game much like diablo. In WoW there will be 1st and 3rd person perspectives.
Battles will not be a "clickfest". When you attack a creature, your character will keep attacking, but there will be certain things you can change during the battle. There will be vast new expanses of land players have seen before and haven't. Unlike diablo, your heakth will regenerate on its own, and you can't just consume potions like crazy. You get potions, but there will be a "cooldown" time after you've used a potion before you can take the next one. Of course, we all know Blizzard changes things so don't take my word as holy writ. Plus, the beta test won't be out for another year. Just look forward to this. And not to mention, Starcraft 2.

it's going to be great but...

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 15 / 27
Date: February 21, 2004
Author: Amazon User

I'm wonder just where exactly amazon.com got the June 15, 2004 release date from? It's easy to just make up arbitrary release dates but the fact is Blizzard hasn't even started the beta yet, let alone given even a rough estimation of when WoW is coming out, and they (Blizzard) are notorious for delaying releases anyway. So, as a word of caution to those thinking about pre-ordering WoW, you may be in for a much longer wait than what amazon.com would have you believe.

Addicting for a while, boring forever thereafter

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 16 / 30
Date: July 12, 2005
Author: Amazon User

The reason that I gave this game 4 stars is that it is truly very fun. It will occupy most of your time for a few months, because at first, it is more addicting than crack. After those first few addictingly fun months, you max out your character. You then begin to question if that time was spent wisely. All the 18 REAL LIFE DAYS i spent working to get to level 60.... Was it really worth it?

Although there is a lot to do after you get to level 60, I personally regret ever spending my time. This may be just a personal problem, but I felt the need to warn others. Some people play enough to get 3 level 60s with great gear, and they still are not bored with this game. However the majority of people find the game very fun and addicting and then very boring.

I recommend buying this game if you are a casual gamer, because the play time is enormous. 18 real life days to get level 60 on just one character. However my warning to the world is this: the game will take away your life, and you can never have the time back after you realize that it was a waste of time.

lack of plot and uninvolving combat system spoil the broth

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 9 / 13
Date: August 12, 2006
Author: Amazon User

Although most other gamers seem to have found World of Warcraft a highly entertaining experience, I fail to see the fun in the title. For one, the game is extremely repetitive and unoriginal. Most quests are routine missions to "bring item x to non-player character y" (the gaming equivalent of truck driving unlimited), or quests to "kill x number of beasts and collect items they drop". The first type of mission is made uninteresting by the complete lack of an engaging plot, in contrast to Blizzard's previous titles -- the reasons for playing the fedex courier are such pointless errants as, for example, to "provide cousin Elf Gnomeran with his hot cup of coffee", and similarly mundane tasks. The other type of mission (monster killing) is rendered unenjoyable by the extremely dull combat system, which is, quite matter-of-factly, a turn based system under a real-time guise. For a game which consists of combat to Wow's degree, you need to do surprisingly little to overcome your enemies ; simply press "attack" and leave the computer automagically take care of the rest. Combine the fact reflexes and gaming skills do not factor in at all (as winning in combat is a simple matter of having leveled up to the corresponding level beforehands) with an "infinite continues" system, and you are left with a plotless bore of a game that does not challenge players in the slightest. Word of Warcraft is the sort of title where, as long as you put in the required amount of time, you are going to achieve the predefined level of progress : skills and playing abilities do not factor. People who like more challenge in their games, or any sense of accomplishment whatsoever, would be best advised to look elsewhere.

addicting but...

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 8 / 11
Date: December 22, 2006
Author: Amazon User

I am fed up with this good game. yes it is good, but once at 60 if you are not in a good raiding guild you wont see better armor/weapons that are boa epic. There is too much reliance on needing other people to help you achieve getting the "best" stuff. This turns me off and probably the solo player. I would consider playing more if the best gear in game was available and possible to get by soloing, but until then I feel once you hit 60, as a soloist, it is a waste of time.

Joining a guild is not for me. Most of the "good" guilds that do actually raid on a regular basis won't accept a new 60. They'll ask what is you FR or any resistance unbuffed and if you don't have resistance they will ignore you. another thing is, they will say "if you want in our guild go sign up at out website." "GUYS IT'S A FREAKIN GAME. It is like I am going on a job interview. My advice I have played regularly since February and have leaved a hunter in /played 12 days, so I am not a n00b. If you don't like bs'ing with people you don't know or like and just like to solo, you will realize what a waste of time it is. I mean what can you do without a good guild after 60, do BG? then you will play against guys that have tier 3 epics and you the soloist has green or blues boe maybe some boas and get the life beaten from you. I you like to solo. just play a FPS like UT2004. It is a great game you can play on or offline and you don't need to deal with the bs wow has. Most importantly it is not as addictive but still remains very fun. Don't get me wrong wow is good but beware you may, in the end game, be disappointed just like I am.

Great game. Buy it three months from now.

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 11 / 18
Date: January 18, 2005
Author: Amazon User

World of Warcraft is experiencing HORRIFIC server problems. Queues of an hour or more just to log into the game. Server crashes that delete the past 10 minutes of gameplay, AND require you to start over at the beginning of the queue. When the server doesn't crash, the game (or major features of the game like, say, resurrecting after a death) is unplayable due to lag.

This is truly a great game, but it's absolutely NOT ready for prime-time yet. Watch the game's forums at forums.worldofwarcraft.com; when you stop seeing posts like "server issues" on a daily basis, THEN you should consider purchasing the game.

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