
Nintendo DS : DS Zoo Keeper Reviews

Below are user reviews of DS Zoo Keeper and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for DS Zoo Keeper. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

User Reviews (1 - 11 of 23)

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Easy and Loads of Fun

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 31, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Unfortunately, my six-year-old enjoys this game too much for me to keep it with my own game stash!


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 02, 2007
Author: Amazon User

This game is addictive and awesome! Like bejeweled. My husband steals my DS to play this game.

This is Like Crack....I Need To Play It Everyday!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 02, 2007
Author: Amazon User

I am addicted to this game! It is so much fun! This has to be one of the best puzzle games out there. They have different game modes you can play. I like to play the time attack version.

The game is fun! It remeinds me of the game BeJewled but I like this one better because of the cute little Zoo Animals they use in the puzzle.

Once again! This game is great!

Good game

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 27, 2007
Author: Amazon User

I bought this game a few months ago and I can say it is a pretty good game. Zoo Keeper is a puzzle adventure game where you have to slide three like animals to score points. I really like the music in this game because it's catchy and fun to listen to while trying play the various modes. The one thing that could have made this game amazing was the multiplayer, it was not as fun a I expected. Even without the multiplayer, Zoo Keeper is pretty addicting and is a game that you can come back time after time to beat your highest score or to spend a lazy sunday afternoon with. I recommend Zoo Keeper to anyone who loves puzzle games, you'll won't regret it.

Another proof polygon counts doesn't count

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 6 / 8
Date: June 11, 2006
Author: Amazon User

Zoo Keeper is a very straight forward game. Like most puzzle games, you need to group animals together and make them disappear so you "capture" them back into the zoo that they ran loose from. The gameplay is so easy that anyone can pick it up and play. Nonetheless, the migration to DS made the game even more accessible for the general audience. Instead of move curser, select and press button to confirm, on DS all you need to do is point and move. That makes the interface so much simpler and non-gamer friendly. I gave it to a colleague who has never played video game to try. She tried it and addicted to it cos she said it is so easy to play. Now she is considering getting a pink DS just to play this game.

Nonetheless, games applying the same gameplay throughout needs different ways to keep you going. Zoo Keeper has several modes - main game, marathon race, quest, battle etc., though applying the same principles but using different constraint. For example in the quest mode you have to meet certain conditions to pass through each stage and score a higher mark. If you managed to score high marks in all the single player mode, you can unlock the Master or extremely difficult mode to challenge yourself. This kind of keep the game going for you.

Graphics wise it doesn't have superb polygon counts. The debate of processing power for the DS died down after it successfully captured the market and fended off the aggression from PSP, remaining as the market leader. Zoo Keeper is a good indication of the advantage of easy gameplay. This kind of puzzle game is definitely a good choice for you to play on the go or just stay home chill out and kill time. If you are into puzzle games like Tetris, Zoo Keeper will be a good choice for you - with some subtle humour scatter around the game too :)

It's The Best Puzzle For My DS

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 4 / 6
Date: May 03, 2006
Author: Amazon User

It's Pretty Much Bejewled (witch is an online puzzle game) But With Animal And On My DS. But You Will Probobly Think " Hmph. Zoo Keeper? how Childish." Well It's Not Like That. It Will Never Get Boring And Better Than (almost) Evrey DS Game. And ?There You Have it.

Cute, Pointless

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 3 / 6
Date: February 10, 2006
Author: Amazon User

At times, I find the entire 'puzzle' genre suffering from a misnomer. Puzzle titles often feel more 'twitch' than cerebral. Tetris catalyzed this genre's marriage of pattern-recognition with near-instantaneous player reaction, which has long since become the primary element of games from Dr. Mario to Bust-A-Move. The reason Tetris remains the archetype for the genre is lost on a game like Zoo Keeper; in a round of Tetris, the player is always 'building' their game, despite the mound of blocks being constructed only to then be skillfully eliminated from play. Games that successfully model the Tetris experience ooze a sense of control and personality.

Zoo Keeper keeps it simple, but not in the refreshing, Spartan manner of its superior competitors. The gameplay consists of you switching the position of two adjacent animal icons in order to make a 'capture' of three straight animals. Variants of this game abound (for historians, this is the Sega `Columns' genealogy); there are several online derivations, but often they challenge you to clear the screen - thus, a puzzle with a solution. No such goal in Zoo Keeper; in the main mode, you play until retinal failure. They count on the quirky presentation to get you in the door, what with the intransigent balding Zoo Manager and a slew of blocky, impossibly cute zoo creatures.

While any constant visual input can be mildly engaging, Zoo Keeper ultimately feels like a game one would find free-of-charge on Yahoo games ("Bejeweled," to be precise). Primarily, I question how much gameplay exists beyond the simple recognition of available moves. The game's puzzle mode would have you believe that there is something resembling deeper gameplay here involving combos and chains, but the nature of the constantly refreshing screen (pieces fall from above as they are eliminated from the playing field) lend this game a degree of randomness that belies any sense of planning. Granted, maybe I'm just not apt enough at reading the entire screen as a whole, but this game delivers scant satisfaction when the occasional 10-chain hits the board. How much does the player have to do with the chains when they are so often supplied by the pieces randomly falling from the top of the screen? A Zoo Keeper Zen state would be about as interesting as mastering a word search puzzle, your eyes blurred on a field of letters.

There have been times in life in which I have sought out fairly mindless diversions such as Zoo Keeper; the modicum of skill they award, combined with the hypnotic gameplay and eye-darting around the screen, can produce a pleasantly thoughtless state (a state I enjoyed in avoiding my undergraduate work). At the end of the day, this game dutifully serves its function of wasting your free time.

This game sux

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 1 / 24
Date: December 27, 2005
Author: Amazon User

This game sux when I got it for christmas and put it on my ds all is, is 1 puzzel game and its all about timing and rushing you when there are no matches to hit. dont get this game, get something like robots trust me!

Great puzzle game, but not much else.

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 4 / 6
Date: December 13, 2005
Author: Amazon User

This game is an upgraded Tetris game. Your screen is filled with little animal heads all stacked up. Using the stylus or d-pad, you move these heads around and try to make a chain of at least three of the same head. There are many different modes to choose from, and there is even a two player mode. It really makes you think and brings out the puzzle player in you.

There are a few cons in this game, however. The two player battle mode is very short, and there is only one mode to choose from. The game may not be the game that will keep you busy for multiple hours, but instead, a game that is better played periodically. There also isn't much of a story line, just puzzles. The game is a great puzzle game, but for players who enjoy more adventure or actiony games, this is not the game for you.

Overall, this game is not bad, but not my favorite. I guess it just depends on the person playing.

minute waster

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 3 / 7
Date: October 03, 2005
Author: Amazon User

It's a great game when you don't really want to get involved. Just turn on, choose the style you wish to play and go. No-brainer. It's a great game to play when you don't have alot of time to play, or you're too tired to really concentrate.
Too bad you can't save your game on a certain level to return to it later.


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