Below are user reviews of Phantasmagoria Stagefright and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Phantasmagoria Stagefright.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 26)
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I LOVE this game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 23, 2006
Author: Amazon User
I haven't played this game in years but no other game I've played on PC lives up to it. I want another game like it .My friend and I played this together it was like being in a movie. Too bad my computer now is to fast or I'd definitly play it again.
Doesn't live up to its expectations...
Rating: 2,
Useful: 5 / 9
Date: June 27, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I am a huge fan of Roberta Williams, her King's Quest games have offered me hours of entertainment since I was about 9 years old. When I heard that she was taking on a more "adult" project featuring real actors and a gripping, horror-based storyline, I was more than excited. However, I received nothing but disappointment.
The graphics in this game are most impressive (considering the time that the game was created). They feature real actors who are placed in front of a blue screen with a cartoon-ish backround and props projected behind them. This gives the game a fairly realistic effect although at times the actors look so out of place in front of their backrounds that the occuring event is everything but real.
As far as the acting's about what you'd expect from a game which resembles a B horror movie. Most of the acting is barely believeable (although Adrienne, the main character, is not horrible) and the characters themselves are most annoying.
The story was just awful...cliched and robbed to the core, I found absolutely everything in this game to be entirely predictable. It focuses around a couple, Don and Adrienne, who move into a huge, spooky house on an island. The house was owned by a creepy count named Carno and it is said to be haunted. All of the islanders are afraid of the house and none of them are too keen on talking about it (with the exception of one eager old woman who serves as the "revelation of the evil within" source seen in all movies of this sort). The story proceeds just as you would predict. Without giving anything away I'll just tell you that Adrienne discovers ghosts, secret rooms, and a demon which has been wreaking havoc on the house for years. It borrows heavily from Stephen King's "The Shining" (as in..the house turns the husband into a raving psychopath). For anyone who is not too familiar with the horror genre, Phantasmagoria may provide a few hours of good story. To fans of classic horror movies and games, Phantasmagoria will become stale before the end of chapter three.
This brings me to the gameplay. The game itself is divided into 7 chapters (each chapter contained entirely on its respective disk). While this may seem as though it allows for a massive game, it must be said that each chapter can be completed in a quick half hour, even by the most inexperienced of adventure gamers. The puzzles that each chapter requires you to solve are completely lacking in challenge. They are solved by the use of obvious items in Adrienne's inventory and no logical thought is necessary. There was actually a chapter in the game which focused entirely on buying a bottle of Dran-O from the village general store and returning it to your husband. Yes - that's it. Later - a puzzle comes up where the very item you need can be found a single screen below and it is not hidden in the very least.
To fans of blood and gore - this game may serve as an enjoyable "shockfest". There is more than one moment of senseless violence which is not limited to beheading, faces being ripped open, and the funneling of human body parts down a woman's throat. For those too squeamish to even imagine such things, the gore can easily be censored with an in-game option requiring the entry of a password (to protect the little ones' virgin eyes).
Overall, Phantasmagoria lacks in every area required to make an adventure game reach "classic" status. The story is predictable, the gameplay simple and stale, and the characters annoying. For huge fans of senseless violence and B-movie horror plots, this may serve as some sort of "cult classic" piece. All others, don't waste your money.
The absolute best
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 30, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This is the most enjoyable and thrilling game I have ever played on the PC. I didn't want to move away from my computer while playing because it was so gripping. I recommend this game for any PC gamer who wants a realistic adventure.
Phantasmagoria (the original)
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: October 26, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I loved this game the first time we played it!!! I want to buy it and replay it but I don't know if it can be played on Windows XP? Does anyone know? Please email me at I want to purchase it as a xmas gift(on amazon) for my husband. We set up all night and played it 10 years ago. I wish they still made games like that. Todays' games are too complicated to play. (IMO) All of Sierra games are good !!!!!!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 30, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I played this game when it first came out and i LOVED IT. 8 years later, I am ordering it off and anticipating my package in the mail. The game is out of print and i have been looking for it for ages, and buying it online is an amazing idea for dorks like me! Ive heard puzzle of flesh isnt as good but ill be the judge of that. AMAZING GAME OVERALL! (P1) Check it out! You will NOT be dissapointed.
Trashy - but very enjoyable
Rating: 4,
Useful: 5 / 6
Date: August 26, 2003
Author: Amazon User
These are two rather [weak] but very enjoyable games - here is a review of each one.
Phantasmagoria is a rather basic interactive movie/graphic adventure in which you play Adrienne Delaney who moves into an old mansion estate with her husband Don Gordon. She then learns of the estates twisted past and Don becomes increasingly abusive toward her.
The interface is basic - you click around the screen, examining objects, which may be put into your inventory to use later by clicking on them in your inventory which makes the object your cursor to use etc.
The graphics are live action actors on a 3d background, are mostly quite grainy but not bad for 1995.
The soundtrack is amazing, some fabulous orchestral scores. Fantastic.
The game is very graphically violent, but there is a censorship option.
The first three chapters leaves you wondering why the game is rated Mature however the next three chapters your questions are answered as everything Adrienne researched in the latter chapters is now seen. Some scenes in the game are truly [strange] and disturbing and by the last chapter you start feeling very nauseated, especially if you do it the hard way.
The only annoying things about Phantasmagoria are that it's to short and easy. The first time you play, you can finish it in six to eight hours, but it's worth playing again because there are plenty of movie scenes and a few "Easter eggs" you can miss the first time round. The second time you play if you know exactly what your doing and view everything there is to see you can finish it in four hours fifteen minutes.
Overall great game deserves its mature rating - recommended.
Phantasmagoria: A puzzle of flesh is also a rather basic interactive movie/graphic adventure in which you play ex-mental patient Curtis Craig who's been out of the mental hospital for exactly one year; he now has a good job and a great girlfriend.
However now he begins to have hallucinations, first an invisible hand punches him at his desk and his rat begins to talk to him. Then one of his co-workers is brutally murdered and all evidence points to him. Playing as Curtis you must set out to prove his innocence and unravel the mysteries of the company you work for.
Meanwhile you're cheating on your girlfriend with hot S&M babe Therese. Sounds [weak]- it is, but it is also very enjoyable, however not so much as the original because it's not as scary.
The interface is pretty basic. You click on highlighted hot spots, which will more often than not trigger a movie sequence. You can collect objects and click on them, which will then make the object, become your cursor, which enables you to use them in the game environment, examine with the eye icon, etc, etc.
The puzzles are also pretty basic, apart from a few password cracking puzzles which are mainly difficult because you don't know when you're supposed to crack each one within the game.
The graphics are your usual pixelated movie sequences and unmoving back grounds however in high colour it's better quality than most games of its type.
The game like the original is very graphically violent however there is a censorship option, which will cut four of the most violent scenes and three of the [physical ones].
As I said this isn't as scary as the original but there are a few jumpy moments, a disturbing mental hospital scene and a gory, disturbing murder scene, which I found scary.
There is a fair bit of replay value mainly for the sheer heck of it because it was so enjoyable the first time but also because there is a whole "Easter egg" system in which you can click around "unclickable" places etc to trigger funny movies and weird things like Curtis picking his nose which is a laugh, you can also get scored on the Easter eggs you find. However unlike the original you will see almost everything the first time you play.
It can be finished for the first time in about eight to ten hours - a bit more if your really bad at puzzle solving. The second time you play, if you know exactly what your doing it can be finished in approximately five hours so it is a slight improvement on length than the original even though its only on five CD's while the original was seven. If you want to find all the "Easter eggs" however it could take you forever - you will need a guide.
There is also a fair bit of humour in this one, mostly coming from Curtis' mate Trevor, who cracked me up. There was a lot of great one liners and jokes coming from him which was refreshing because in the original there was next to no humour at all.
Overall despite the bad ratings this game got I found it to be very enjoyable and am sad to say I have replayed it several times, but it definitely deserves its mature rating!
To sum up two great genuinely scary games which you'll want to play again and again.
uhhh, I don't know
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 17, 2003
Author: Amazon User
When I recieved this game, it only included the 7 CDs from the original adventure. The game was supposed to come with all 12 CDs. What do I do to fix this?
Now if only it loaded cleanly...
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: June 07, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I remember staying up for a month playing these games when they first came out... They were just that fun. To those who would nay-say, let me give you some advice: work yourself to the point where you're nearly passing out from lack of sleep, grab a cup of coffee, and start playing P2. When the little rodent starts talking to you from nowhere, tell me you don't jump out of your skin and I just may have to call you a liar. Then again... It has been years since I last played. :) My only complaint with this set was that I had an extremely difficult time getting the game to run on my (apparently) too buff system... DX9 and P1/2 just don't like each other.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 12
Date: May 14, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Lovecraft stylistics with King's idleness
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 26, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Honestly, I was disappointed by the game.
The 7 CD pack goes away in less than 3 hours and so vanish the money and all hopes for a week's creep show.
The game lacks the least amount of imagination which would fill in the first 4 CDs of an average perfomance. But the laziness of Roberta Williams was evidently packed up by plenty of running around the castle and 4 houses of the nearest village.
Despite the miss in scenario, I would suggest running through the game for 2 basic reasons: to enjoy one of the rare samples of a plain storytelling computer implementation, and... to have your friends freak with a ravenous story-ending.
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