Playstation 2 : Silent Hill 4: The Room Reviews

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Below are user reviews of Silent Hill 4: The Room and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Silent Hill 4: The Room. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 79
Game FAQs
IGN 80
GameSpy 80
GameZone 89
Game Revolution 75
1UP 80

User Reviews (11 - 21 of 85)

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The best in the series

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 6 / 7
Date: October 12, 2004
Author: Amazon User

I have played all four series numerous times. Let me say that number three sort of sucked and I think that taht is why 4 is better. It is different from the others, although it does relate to Silent Hill, it breaks away from the Soap Opera type of continuation of the series. There are new monstors and better endings. The game starts in First person which can be hard for some people to handle but soon it goes in to third person limited view.

I also have to say that in 4 you do visit places that you have in the previous games, however, it is not exactly the same. Like a person can not say hey I remember this from 2, and go through the exact same scene from 2.

There are ghosts in this game that you can not kill at all but only keep them from not attaking you by using certain swords found in a few places of the game. You do have to help a girl in the game, and I made mistakes by letting her try to fend for herself, she got hurt and I got a crappy ending.

the shottiest thing about the game is some of the camera angles. At times they are looking at the character from above his head and at other timesfrom behind only to later have the camera "skip" into another angle.

Hint*** Every time you are in the room look through the peephole in the door and to Eileens room.

This game was horrible!!!

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 6 / 7
Date: April 27, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I'm a big fan of the "Silent Hill" series, so when this game came out I was very excited......until I played it. I thought the concept sounded cool and that the changes would be an improvement. Boy, was I wrong. It is extremely slow, repetitive and where the other games in the series kept me on the edge of my seat, this one put me to sleep.

The inventory system is a total pain, because if you don't have the right item at the time, then you have to travel back to the apartment, then back through the hole. Then if you ever want to save, once again you have to travel back through the hole to the apartment, then back through the hole again. I was soo sick and tired of traveling through the hole.

And to top it off, I found myself extremely happy whenever I got through one idiotic world after another, only to discover there's only about five worlds and after you go through them once, guess what, you have to go through them again, as if the first time wasn't painful enough. Talk about a lack of originality.

I also thought the villain was stupid, two dimensional and stereotypical (at least in appearance).

They also lost elements that made the earlier games so good....for one Silent Hill itself. The plot of the story takes like one little news clipping from Silent Hill 2 and tries to turn it into a full-blown twisted story, which is neither interesting or remotely plausible, even for Silent Hill.

Also, I'm sorry, but what is with the shemale burping(or I should say belching) nurse things? Or possessed wheelchairs trying to tackle you??? I mean, c'mon!!

I read somewhere that this game wasn't originally intended to even be a Silent Hill game (and it shows), but they figured they'd make more money if they turned it into a Silent Hill game. Why mess with a good thing? The previous Silent Hill games had a formula that worked, why change it? Had it been marketed as something other than Silent Hill, it would have still been a bad game, but putting it in the same category as Silent Hill, made the fall even bigger.

All I can say is that change isn't bad....except in this case. I wouldn't even waste my time renting this one.

Terrifying... only because of how horrible this game is...

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 12 / 21
Date: June 28, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Okay, I'm a fan of the Silent Hill series. I have been for quite some time. When a fourth installment for the series came out, with such an enigmatic title as "The Room", and truly disturbing cover art that seems to be characteristic of the Silent Hill games, I was quite interested. I heard about the changes, and though I like change every now and then, I was skeptical, especially the Resident Evil-like inventory layout. To save money, I rented the videogame. I am so glad I did.

Saying this game is terrible is an insult to the phrase, not the game. Okay, a guy is trapped within his appartment for no apparent reason, he can't leave the room because a whole bunch of chains and barricades and padlocks were slapped on his front door while he was sleeping or something by nothing at all, he spies on his neighbors to find a girl sweeping the floor (how exciting and kinky, don't you think?), finds a gun underneath his furniture, and discovers a magical hole in his bathroom that teleports him to different areas inhabited by ghosts and downright stupid demons... and a rather obnoxious prostitute who thinks this is a dream and she has to shadow you all over the place later on in the game for the rest of this pointless experience. Sounds like a cheesy fantasy game to me. One of the greatest setbacks of this game is its inventory, as previously stated. Okay, if I wanted to play a Resident Evil game, I WOULD BUY A FRICKIN' RESIDENT EVIL GAME!!! BUT I DON'T WANT TO PLAY RESIDENT EVIL BECAUSE IT'S HORRIBLE AND I WANT TO PLAY FRICKIN' SILENT HILL!!!
... sorry about that...

Anyhow, back to this monstrosity of videogame fecal matter. I'm sure when people heard you can spy on your neighbors they automatically bought the game, just to see if they could get a glance at any nudity... those pervs. Too bad they're disappointed and regret buying this thing at all. Now, onto a different topic: graphics (I've never seen so many people obsess over a single thing than graphics). The graphics for it are okay, but I honestly don't care about the graphics in the videogame (yes, blasphemy, I know, but I'm not an X-box or Gamecube fan, so piss off), or the amount of time it takes to complete it (this applies to you, anti-Silent Hill 3 critical brats), I care about how it gets my attention, and how enjoyable it is to play. The storylines in the Silent Hill series have been top-notch, and all you wimps complaining about the control scheme are too picky to pay attention to the plot, so no wonder you don't like the game, pansies. Anyway, the sad excuse for a plot in SH4 (plot? WHAT plot?) does not save my interest from the frustration of the obnoxious gameplay, the main key faults being the inventory (once again), the innovative but failing camera system, and those FRICKIN' GHOSTS! BLAH!!!

I'm not going to bother explaining the plot in-depth, because if you wanted that, you should either read the product description, or read the other reviews from the losers who blindly praise this game (it's amazing how many feel the need to stress the same plot facts over and over again, i.e., the entire premise of the story and the whole beginning). Instead, I'll just continue my lunatic ranting and raving. Now, one of the irritating aspects in this game are the addition of the "ghosts". These are perhaps the most infamous videogame bad guys... just because they're so annoying beyond all reason. They start out early on in the game crawling out of the walls, looking like floating zombie-lookalikes from any RE game. They fly fast at you, and at first they can be pretty startling, but when you find out there is no way to kill them (all you can do is pump them full of enough hot lead or bludgeon them until they stay suspended in the air for a couple of seconds, which doesn't give you any time to move on because the ghosts suddenly come to consciousness in no time flat, rendering any and all attempts to fight them futile and a waste of bullets [and health]) the scare factor plummets and the irritation level skyrockets (something you think you'd find in a Resident Evil game, not a Silent Hill game). Later on, you can get magical swords to stall the ghosts for a short while, to keep them away... but you still can't kill them. They try to plunge their hand into your chest to rip out your heart, or something, which is cool, but also gets old after a while. Like I said before, you'll be too busy cursing your head off at those ridiculous and persistend buffoons you won't care about stuff like that; all you care for is to somehow get them away. They're not creepy, they're morons, like those of you who love this game like your life mate.

And, as a side note, if Konami wanted to make the game more realistic by copying the inventory screen off of another game (that was inferior to them until this steaming pile of uncreative crap) which you can only carry so many items, then why have Silent Hill in the first place? The whole series was about bridging the gap between reality and your worst nightmares. There IS no reality. That's what made the games so intriguing and terrifying. Well, I guess that smidget of realism explains those magical swords, then?

This game isn't scary whatsoever. It's annoying. For me, it was like, pop in the game, play for a couple of hours, get frustrated at the stupidity of everything in it, turn off the console, and shake my head. That was my whole playing experience. Great job, Konami! You really put forth one great leap in ineptness with this. Impressive... I wish.

Yet another fault in it's frail structure of absolutely nothing, there were NO NURSE DEMONS! They were instead replaced by psychotic wheelchairs with an anger problem and some freak shemale amazon demons that burped when you hit them. Yes, burped. I'm not talking about a grunt that sounds like a burp, but a full-blown release of gaseous vapor out one's oral orifice. And when they die they unleashing a hilarious scream sounding like a stoned grandma dying, which is actually kind of cool, but considering this is supposed to be a dark and serious game, it doesn't fit. They quickly turn from being some of the most intimidating bad guys/girls (hard to tell because they're shemales) into the most unintentionally laughable. All the disturbing elements you got from the demons of the previous games are lost with the newest additions - fresh from a freak show, and a cheap one at that.

And, for one more shot at the plot (or lack thereof) of SH4: It wasn't Silent Hill. This game has nothing to do with the town. It has you visit a city a couple of miles away from Silent Hill, but you never actually go to the city that THE GAME WAS NAMED AFTER!! Why the heck call it "Silent Hill" when you never even see the bloody place (no pun intended... actually, there was a pun intended)! Answer: no point whatsoever, but that doesn't stop the capitalist game developers from doing so. I think they're laughing at us, or at least, those with enough of an I.Q. (i.e., with at least two digits) to see through the facad of fake disturbing creepiness meshed together with the glue of pure stupidity. Ah, I love using metaphors...

I heard there is some connection in the plot between this and the other Silent Hill games, but I got so bored to death and angered over the dolts buying into this bulls**t I stopped playing entirely. I wasn't hooked or interested in finding out how the story ends. I could care less. It probably didn't have much of a resolution to it either. At least, not one I'd like to see.

So, to sum it all up: this game isn't worth any amount of money, even in the one-digit range. If you're curious just to see how bad it is, rent it instead. You'll save yourself the funds you could use to donate to charity or help those in need or do something constructive for the world but want to waste it away on trivial diversions like videogames (cannot you just see the double-standard I'm pulling here? YAY! I'M A HIPPOCRITE, JUST LIKE ALL OTHER HUMANS!). Blah. I like saying that... blah... it seems to fit perfectly with my closing statement. In short: don't buy it, you'll only regret it (unless you are a gulible dolt like most and are easily bribed into buying all the crap this game is full of, shoving it down your throats, oblivious as to the true nature [or taste, in a metaphorical sense] of it, only to mindlessly buy it to keep Konami's profit margin high enough so its executives can take vacations in the bahamas). Man, I hate people...

Silent Hill Fans Stay Away

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 9 / 15
Date: February 04, 2006
Author: Amazon User

If you are a true Silent Hill fan, stay away from this game. Everything you loved about the previous games are gone. No character development, no attachment to the character, no scare factor, utter lack of puzzles, level reuse, and a poor camera make this game a horrible choice.

Let me start off with the character development. The character that you play as seems to be an idiotic surfer sort of a guy that halfway through you wish he would die, or be indifferent to him dying. The scare factor for this game is nonexistant. Ghosts have to be one of the single STUPIDEST ideas to place in a Silent Hill game. Not only can you not kill them, they are nearly impossible to pin down with this infernal sword. It is so difficult to pin them down that I had to look online to figure out how to actually use it. It turns out that you have to supposedly knock them on their back (which practically never happens) in order to actually use the sword to pin them down. Though people have described the "nurses" as making a belching sound, I think it sounds more like a fart. At one point, I knocked one down the stairs and it farted all the way down. The demonic wheelchairs I thought were more cute than anything else. The scenery wasn't scary, the enemies were annoying, and it just doesn't hit anywhere near the caliber that Silent Hill should. Unlike the previous Silent Hill games, there were no puzzles. The most complex puzzle involves dropping off a key into the storage container so you could continue. I have to agree with what someone else had said, that being able to carry everything blurred the lines of reality and illusion. Not only is it more convenient to play the game through, but it keeps you from backtracking back and forth and back and forth to that same infernal room. Want to pick something up that you needed? Head back to the room. Want to save? Head back to the room. Want to get more details? Head back to the room. Though an interesting concept, this jumping back and forth takes you out of the game. In the previous games, you felt like the person, you were absorbed into their reality. By jumping back and forth, it takes you out of this reality. As well, half the game is replaying where you've already been. This time, though, you have someone you have to protect tagging along the entire way. The camera angle is particularly awful, there were times when I was trying to fight an enemy and I couldn't see myself OR the enemy. As well, the targeting system is terrible. There were times when a creature was trying to attack me and I was targeting a darn leech on a wall. Priorities here, people. I think a giant creature with two babyheads and no legs charging at me is a bigger threat than a leech on a wall. Having the girl in tow is an even bigger hinderence because she will charge at enemies and attack them. This means that you can hit her as well, even if you still hit the enemy. The title is misleading when it calls it "Silent Hill". In fact, you never enter Silent Hill. This game is better left unplayed.

Not Quite Silent Hill

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 6 / 8
Date: September 14, 2004
Author: Amazon User

At the beginning of the game, Henry Townshend has been trapped in his South Ashfield apartment for three days when, suddenly, a hole appears in his bathroom that takes him to strange worlds.

My problem with Silent Hill 4 is that Henry really isn't the focus of the game. The story, unlike the previous SH games, is more about the other characters. I also wish they could have given him more of a personality.

Graphics/Sound: Definitely an improvement on the previous games. The rusty iron grates finally look realistic and there are many sounds to make your skin crawl. The voice acting is well done as well and the overall feel of the game is nearly ten times as creepy than the previous games, even if it isn't quite the same.

Gameplay: while new and at times refreshing, has many flaws. You can only hold 12 items now (you must drop off items you don't need at your apartment). The trip back to the apartment is where it gets really annoying. Anytime you need an item or need to drop one off, you have to find a hole and go back to the apartment.

Now the enemies. The ghosts that are very creepy soon get very annoying and hinder the overall fun. The other enemies are also very annoying (the bean sprout things and the bats being the most annoying). I do like the first-person view of Henry's apartment, though (first-person camera being a first for the series). Makes it creepier to see it from his perspective.

Surprisingly, the story is the weakest point. I don't want to ruin it for people wanting to play it, so i won't reveal story details. But it isn't as gripping as previous installments and the story is almost predictable. Maybe it's because it doesn't really have anything to do with Henry for the most part.

All in all, it's disappointing because there isn't really much connection to the plots of the Silent Hill games 1-3 and Silent Hill in fact. Most of the game doesn't even take place in Silent Hill! I miss the fog and the flashlight...

Graphics: 10 out of 10 (slightly better than Silent Hill 3)
Sound: 10 out of 10 (still creepy as ever)
Story: 7 1/2 out of 10 (just wish it tied in more with Silent Hill)
Characters: 8 out of 10 (really 9 minus a point for Henry)
Gameplay: 7 out of 10 (the enemies and the trek back to the room get really old really fast, what was probably a good idea at first gets tiring after a while).

And WHAT happened?

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 8 / 13
Date: September 12, 2004
Author: Amazon User

The set up sounded interesting enough. Man trapped in apartment, which showed more signs of decay as the time passed. Man finds hole in wall, and--in his desperation to get out--decided to go inside, and into a hellish adventure. Game, START.

When actually playing the game, though, suddenly you wish that the main character, James Townsend, would just succumb to the monsters, ghosts, and other unnamable creatures trying to kill him. Why? Because nearly everything is wrong with the game.

First, the good stuff: The graphics and the creepy atmosphere is on par and above when compared to its Playstation 2 predecessors. Someone mentioned the graphics is brigher than before, which is a great welcome since I wasn't too much of a fan of the too dark to play atmosphere. The music is on key, providing an appropriately somber welcome during the introduction and an ant-crawing-up-your-spine chills during gameplay. This makes the bonus soundtrack included with pre-orders a gem to own.

Now, the bad stuff. I do not like the new inventory system one bit. You can only carry a small amount of items, and when you accidentally pick up useless ones, you have to trek back to your house (I'll talk about why that gets tiring later) and put it in your magic infinite box. But you can't risk NOT picking up the item, because you MIGHT need it and you need to pick up it up to read the description of it. This limited inventory system is made even worse by the fact that each CLIP of 12 bullets for your first gun (this goes for later firearms, too) takes up one space in your iventory by itself! Sure, in your magic infinite capacity box they take up only one space for all the bullets, but in your pocket, yes, one space per clip. This makes guns a very unreliable source of protection... or you can run home everytime you run out of bullets...assuming you HAD any. Ammo is terrible scarce, even on easy mode. You can rely on your trusty melee weapon near the beginning, but later on, the enemies are too tough, one big healing resource is taken away from you and turned into a source of hp depletion, and you have concerns other than your own life (such as, getting a good ending) to risk just bashing the enemies brains in with a shovel.

Adding to even more trips back to your pad is that fact that the only place to save is on a notebook in your apartment. So yes, you have to go there everytime you want to save. Horrible! When I'm in the middle of the story, I don't want to make an extra special trip back to my apartment just so I don't lose an hours worth of play.

Healing items are also scarce, so in the first half of the game, anytime you needed to heal up your HP, you run home and wait for your HP to fill back up.

The trip back to and from the apartment through the hole in your wall gets tiresome around the fifth time to do it. Leaving the apartment, you get the same animation for "warp speed into the depths of despare through a stone pipe" everytime, and no matter how many buttons I press, I can't skip that movie. Same thing with returning to your apartment, you have to endure the annoying "James is not a morning person" ritual of getting out of bed that takes WAY too long for it to be fun when you're on a routine trip back to your place for a save or to drop off some items.

The ghost enemies are the most annoying enemies I've ever encountered. At first I was scared, since I couldn't kill them and their mere presence depletes your HP, but soon they just grew into a pain in the rear. In a certain level, there were a lot of narrow passageways. If a ghost were to approach (and they approach fast), you would have to take it down (you can stun them) before proceeding... that would have been fine, if its undead body doesn't block your walkway! So you find yourself in a hopeless situation that causes you to find the nearest exit, leave, and come back into the room, hoping you can outrun the ghost this time before it blocks your path.

Okay, so this could be made up with a great story. Silent Hill 3 wasn't the most innovative in gameplay, but the GREAT backstory made up for the small number of flaws and made it a fantastic horror experience. This time, the story could not overcome all the problems with gameplay. Bits of the story is revealed as you play, but it just doesn't happen fast enough for is not riveting enough to keep me interested. James seems like a nice enough guy, but since you mostly encounter the dead, or people who aren't key to the story for the first half of the game, you don't find out too much about James at all.

I've been a big fan of the Silent Hill series since the first game came out, but this one is just utterly dissapointing. I know they didn't rush it, but the problem might be they tried too many things that just didn't work. I'm a fan of creative innovation, but just because it's new doesn't mean I'll praise it. Back to the drawing board with you, Konami!

The scariest Game I have EVER played!

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 5 / 6
Date: July 24, 2005
Author: Amazon User

My girlfriend bought me this game last year, so naturally I was impressed with her knowledge of video games. But that aside, I popped "Silent Hill 4: The Room," into my PS2. After watching the opening cutscene for the game, I already felt scared s***less. Beginning the game on the hard setting (though I was skeptical of playing a game like this on such a high setting), I found myself in 1st person mode standing in a really screwed up apartment, which was a very nice addition to the whole Silent Hill Experience. Playing this game in the dark also adds to the whole feeling of fear and tension in the game, and playing in the day detracts from the experience as a whole. In short: if you're a wuss (like I may have been from time to time), open the curtains and look at the pretty roses and trees outside.

So, continuing forward, you play Henry Townshend, a rather introverted and Grungy looking guy who is inexplicably trapped in his apartment. At first, you are dumbfounded, but you later discover a hole that has opened up in your bathroom wall (right on the mirror too, dammit!) And, as most people would do if a strange hole materialised in their haunted apartment, you decide to climb through it. Why would anybody DO THAT? Ok, sorry. So you wind up in some kind of cockamamie otherworldy Subway with nothing but bad fashion sense and a lead pipe. Then the real s*** starts when you meet Cynthia, who is also trapped in this world, assuming it's a dream of hers. After a short while you are attacked by your first enemies, "Sniffer Dogs," blind, stupid animals but with acute hearing and um...smell. Oh, and incredibly huge tongues and grotesque features. And so it goes, and you battle various otherworldly abominations throughout the game, but more about that later. 5/5 for storyline and ingenuity.

Now here's where the game falls a bit - Gameplay. The guys at Konami STILL haven't fixed the rigid attacks and dynamicity of the movements. When enemies attack, sometimes they bump into you and run straight past! And you can seemingly hit something and miss!? Look, as soon as you use guns it's alot better, but hand-to-hand combat is awkward, rigid and downright frustrating sometimes. But that's the only real problem as such, just battling enemies with strength alone is generally exhausting and annoying. 2.5/5 for gameplay I'm afraid.

Graphics wise "Silent Hill 4: The Room," is fantastic. The ambient lighting is wonderful, and there are instances where areas appear grainy or misty or clear etc. which really adds to the otherwordly atmosphere. When ghosts attack you, the screen distorts and lines appear (like in those old movie reels), which can really make you p*** your pants. The environments are beautifully rendered (if death and human body parts are your piece of pie) and the textures are phenomenal, and plenty of little polygons give the characters a smooth appearance. The characters are also chillingly lifelike, which is a big bonus. 5/5 for Graphics!

Weapons-wise, there aren't that many. You'll fight with melee weapons like pipes, axes, pick-axes, baseball bats, golf clubs and even a very useless paper knife (which I discovered in the Hospital level, which is particularly good for DYING!) Then your guns are a standard 9mm and then a more powerful Colt Revolver. So no big guns or stuff like that, but that's what makes Silent Hill 4 appealing. So weapons-wise, for a game like this, "Silent Hill 4: The Room," scores 4.5/5 for weapons.

There are many enemies, including a particular variety that don't die. These are "Ghosts," or "Victims," which if they even get near you will give you a rather nasty headache. They need Disprin of Panado's in this game I think. Oh yeah, them not dying is cool but REALLY sucks! These are the worst enemies sheerly because they refuse to f*** off. Then there are "Moth-bats," little black insect type-things that are really fun to kill! These little guys will keep you busy for hours, stepping on them and whacking them out of the sky! Then there are "Double-Heads," which are nasty, but kill-able. Just smash em with an axe and step on their ugly asses. Then there are "Patients," which wield fiersome golf clubs and burp when you hit them. In groups they are formidable and you should do the smart thing and run the hell away. There are also "Monkey-men," (I think) which either have no weapons or wield various melee weapons, and like patients, are deadly in groups. "Greedy worms," are just lame leech type things that are good for getting your frustration out. Not hard to kill. Then "Whitestools," are just wierd ass things that come out the floor. Hit em once and they go away. Finally, "Wall Men," um...come out the wall and smack you around. Use a pistol or an axe on them, or just run away. They aren't going anywhere! 5/5 for enemies, however silly or dumb.

Other than the poor gameplay in certain instances, "Silent Hill 4: The Room," is a very good game, filled with fear, controversy, action and gore. If you like your games scary and rather nasty, this will be your cup of tea. 5/5 for the Fear Factor!

Overall, "Silent Hill 4: The Room," scores a solid 4/5. A good buy for fans of the series and fans of Horror games.

A whole different creature

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 4 / 4
Date: November 21, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Silent Hill 4 really has no connection to the Silent Hill series, save for the few mentions of it in the characters bedroom (the several pictures on the wall) Personally, I think that the people at Konami was trying to create a totally different game, but put the tag of Silent Hill on it so that it would sell. This game doesn't explain any mysteries of that creepy town, and it's not as scary as the first three. But it is enjoyable, if you like horror survival I won't say that this game is a total waste of time. It still has those creepy elements of the first games, but take out the few references to Silent Hill and this game would have no connection to them. My only pet peeves were that they pretty much used the same monsters over and over again (including some, like ghost, that were impossible to kill!) The world didn't change from light to dark as in the others, and most of the puzzles weren't very puzzling. The graphics are a-one though, but unfortunatly, the last "boss-battle" was easy and unsatisfying, leaving me to wonder "is this it? Did I spend all this time to get to the end for this?" I won't spoil the ending, which there are several, but I'll put it this way: most people will get this sorry ending on the first try.
The replay value is mediocure, I seldom replay games that I beat(especially disturbing games like this) being happy with the ending I get and reading about the others on-line or something. All in all, it wasn't a bad game, was it worth the 39 dollars I paid for it? I guess, but I think that Silent Hill has finally run it's course.

My wife laughs at me when I jump with fright!

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 4 / 4
Date: July 03, 2005
Author: Amazon User

My wife and I LOVE this game, albeit for different reasons...I love to play, get immersed in the story and generally lose myself in the game, while she loves to watch me play, get scared and jump in my seat like a little girl! The best graphics of the series and of most other PS2 games out now. Truly frightening sound and lighting effects. The best controller setup and ease of gameplay of the series, so that you're less concerned with moving the character and can just enjoy playing! VERY well-written game; the cast of characters is large and believable and the voice acting is top-notch. Watching Eileen slowly go insane (you can help her along if you wish!) is mad fun, and affects the ending (there are four available.) The replay value is very high; I recommend "messing up" one game on purpose just to see all the creepy hauntings (DEAD BABIES!) and get the "bad" ending. If you live in a small apartment like we do (it actually bears a creepy resemblance to the in-game apartment...too wierd) this game can make you claustrophobic and afraid to do laundry, go to the bathroom, open the fridge, wake up in the morning...anyway, you get the idea. WE LOVE THIS GAME!

Ghosts.... ghosts.... ghosts.... What BS!!

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 6 / 9
Date: December 01, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Remember back in the previous SHs where you could actually KILL the evil demons/monster/mutants that were terrifying you?

Remember that sense of pride you felt when you dealt the death blow to some hideous looking monstrosity bent on ripping you to shreds?

Well no more.Through the magic of game programmers that have no life and love to use every dirty trick in the book and call it a "challenge",we are given this terrible back end stink of the SH series.I can't believe how naive some of the younger gamers are buying into this. This isn't a challenge;it's just cheating when you can't even fight back and kill your enemies AKA Ghosts.

I know I've heard all the talk about the "magical sword" that will seal away the ghosts.First of all,I'm wanting to play SILENT HILL not ZELDA!Save all that magical poop for some other foo foo game.Stick with the guns blazing,knives slashing and clubs bashing.Second,there are only 5 of the mentioned swords in the game and two of them are for bosses.Also alot of the weapons in SH4 are breakable.I guess Konami wanted to make it more realistic... which I guess explains the whole magical sword thing... whatever.I don't even need to get into how dumb the whole "go back and put your items from your limited inventory into the amazing trunk that can hold everything" is.

When there's a fair challenge,I'll take it;like SH 1-3.This is more like an extension of a level in Castlevania64: the hedge maze level.The monster chasing after you with the chainsaw can kill you,but you can't kill him... only stun him temporarily.

I'd rather play pong!!

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