Below are user reviews of Run Like Hell and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Run Like Hell.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 20)
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Best of the Best
Rating: 4,
Useful: 5 / 16
Date: June 19, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I was totally blown away when I played a demo of this game, it was straight from Japan so I couldnt understand the text and the dialouge but from what I saw the game is a total killer. Everything from the enviroments to the charecters themselves are very detailed, almost as if it was tooken straight from a Steven Speilberg movie or from a Sci Fi channel original movie. One thing that I love is the camera angles that are always perfect and ajustable, The voice acting was real good my brother thinks it was terrible but I liked it and I hope the U.S. version is just as good. One thing I didnt like was the difficulty, this game can be really hard so if you cant beat games that involve a serious challenge then you should buy Tekken 4 which was also on the demo, But if you are a die hard adventure fan like my older brother then you will love everything about this game.
aleins get out.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 6
Date: September 26, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Run like hell is a solid game for the PS2 it has a few flaws but is a great game in many ways. You play nick conner coming back from a mission you find that your space base has dameged by aleins that look great (and scary). The problem is the controls they are so slugish it is some times hard to remeber what buttons are what. Another problem is the auto aim it is hard to kill at least 3 aleins on screen. the puzzles are mind bending and a fresh change from the action. the best thing about RLH is the hollywood voice talent even if it lack some fetures it has some good ideas for a sci-fi action survivl horror so get ready the hunt or prepare to be hunted and one more thing it is a 4 out of 5 so prepare to run
Better then Resident Evil in many ways
Rating: 5,
Useful: 7 / 7
Date: October 02, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Run Like Hell had me running to the video game store and impatiently waiting in line to buy this gem.
*Graphics-The graphics are simply amazing and vibrant.
The character models are life-like and realistic. Sometimes you can forget your playing a game and not watching an animated movie!
The cut-scenes really push the story along.
*Sound-I have my PS2 hooked up to my Surround System(and locked the doors from pesky compalining neighbors).
The sound is very rich and realistic. Each door opening and closing made me jump.
In some levels you can hear the "thumping"of the monsters footfalls, i nthe next room and you would think they would jump through the television any minute.
The best part is the live voice overs, with such great talents as Lance Hendrikson and Clancy Brown. Each character comes "Alive" with the voice overs.
*Control-Altho, I found the control easy to adapt to, the absence of a "custon Configuration" had me beating my head off the floor.
The only other confusing part is the "upgrading of weapons interface". Take your time and go over this throughourly, it could make the difference from starting over and over..
The main interface is good, and the "Aiming" is very precise.
*Replay-Like most "Survival Horror" games, you can only play them over so many times..I have 2 more levels to go till I beat the game, so I won't know what hidden secrets are i nthere till I finish..
*Final Words-Better then Resident Evil in many ways, but still sticking true to the Surival Horror premise. If you are a fan of this Genre, then run like hell out to your nearest game store and pick this up..
Unplug the phone, lock the doors, shut off the lights, buy your Girlfriend/boyfriend a new book, and prepare to "live" this game!!
Best Survival-Horror game yet.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 4 / 5
Date: October 12, 2002
Author: Amazon User
OK i have to agree with everyone and say that this game is better then Resident Evil,you cant really say taht about many games.I am a big RE fan ,but this game really blew me away, i mean the gameplay was like nothing i have ever expriencend before.The storyline was very fresh after playing RE ,and other Survival-Horror games.The music (done by Breaking Benjamin) ties very well into the game.One thing that is a great feature to this game is that, unlike other Survival-Horror games that take you about 3-4 hours,this game acutally takes about 10-14 hours to complete. Overall this is a must buy game.
Does 12 year old gamer ever go outside the house?
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 8
Date: October 22, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Honestly I can say this game had me scratching my head on whether to buy it or not. But after debating with myself for about an hour at the store I decided to pick it up. And I must the gameplay is amazing. Don't listen to the others as to "sluggish" controls and confusing commands. That is only a pessimistic view. The voice overs are fantastic though I could have done without Star Trek: Voyager's Kate Mulgrew and her Man Butter voice she gargles out every time her mouth opens. At least the character in the game is almost a perfect recreation of what she looks like in real life. Other than that, BUY THIS GAME, YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.
Best Sci-Fi Horror around.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 11 / 11
Date: October 23, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Finally, a shooter game with a Good story line. I hadn't seen one since Half Life that impressed me until now. To start out with, the graphics in this game are second to none, as well as the voice acting. This game plays out like a good movie, with wonderful background music and a few rock songs in the right places to boot. It'll make you -want- to finish the game and see what happens next. You might even shed a tear or two, I did. The controls are wonderful and add to the enjoyment of the game. The auto-aim helps a lot as well to make the frustration level of RLH go way down, unlike most shooter games. It does get more difficult towards the end, with Aliens you Can't auto-aim at, but over all they did a really great job at keeping this game fun. If you're looking for a good shooter but want to feel like you know the characters your fighting for, this is the game for you.
The best Game Of the Year 2002
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 4
Date: October 24, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This game has it all,great graphics ,lots of puzzles,the most fun that I've had playing a game in the last year, My friends
thought it was the SHI*.
Great game......if you're a prepubescent teen.
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 13
Date: October 27, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Quite contrary to the other reviews ... and the enormous hype that surrounded this's not good at all. the gameplay sucks. it's infuriatingly hard. not challenging mind you....but frustrating. the only redeeming quality to this game is the superb graphics. and maybe the great voice acting. this falls in with the seemingly endless array of mediocre games that get hype because they include cussing, naked chicks, and lot's of gratuitous blood and gore. not saying i don't enjoy these qualities in a game....but once you get out of puberty these things will not make a bad game good. it only works for youngins. so if you're 12-15 years of age, by all means pick this up. you'll love it. if you need a little more substance in your gameplaying like a good plot, good gameplay, and a not-so-impossible game, pick up something else.
RLH was a Fun One
Rating: 4,
Useful: 5 / 5
Date: November 04, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I don't want to argue with other reviewers, but I thought the game was rather easy to complete. Now that doesn't mean that I didn't like the game. I thought the graphics were incredible and the storyline held true to most Sci-fi horror games (save yourself and the human race). Unlike other games, the voice overs/acting was very well done and in general the whole game played out like a movie, which I liked. The Music was good and the sound effects did their job. I definitely jumped out of my shoes a couple of times. Plenty of weapons to choose from, most of them needed to be powered up with items you find during gameplay (some had two different types of triggers). I didn't notice the mosters getting smarter on their own, the game made them harder to beat, but they didn't really change their patterns of attack. The bosses were not overly difficult to beat once you learned their moves and because the game gives you so much health and healing powers, I hardly ever had to continue the game. The puzzles aren't impossible to solve, but you find yourself having to look around for the clue quite a bit. I didn't like the fact that once you completed a section of the game, there was no going back to maybe look over the area more closely (makes you wonder what you left behind). There are some blantant uses of the 'F'-word (4 or 5, I think) as well as many of the other 'more acceptable' profanities, so that's your call, they're your kids!! My advice is to rent it for 5 days, two hours a day should be more than enough time to finish this one off. Replay value doesn't seem to be too high, I am already looking forward to playing something else. Recommend playing this one, just not buying!!
A true cinematic experience!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 5 / 5
Date: December 02, 2002
Author: Amazon User
my friends said i was stupid when i first rented this game, when they played it they disliked how they were stuck all the time etc. i played it and got used to how it worked, though it has its cons (hard puzzles, easy to get lost, and constant shooting) its pros make up for it (great voice overs, unbelievable graphics, easy control, beautiful bloody story, etc.) i was getting in to the game and when i offered my friend if he wanted to play again, he said "you're making it look great, like a movie" i loved it, i guess it depends on what kind of gamer you are. i highly recommend this one to sci-fi fans (but rent it first to see if you like it)
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