Below are user reviews of Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 34)
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What's that smell?
Rating: 1,
Useful: 19 / 24
Date: September 19, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I love history, and I love RPGs, so it goes without saying I was anticipating "Lionheart" for a long time. The game has an interesting premise, and it uses Fallout's "SPECIAL" system. I thought that Reflexive and Black Isle could not possibly screw up this great combination. Boy was I wrong. "Lionheart" is poor in every category. This terrible game simply does not have one redeeming quality about it.
To start off with, the 2-year outdated graphics are mediocre, creature and character animations stink, and the artwork is nonexistent. Every screen is covered end-to-end in grey or black and has the visual appeal of an IRS 1040 form or a dirty ash tray. You can let your imagination run wild with how exotic and cool Medieval Europe could have looked after a great big cosmic magical rift. I say "you" could, because the designers for this game obviously didn't. Where are the snow-capped mountains, exotic palaces, beautiful forests, and lakes? They're in "Divine Divinity", that's where. "Lionheart" looks more like Wyoming after a great big forest fire. "Divine Divinity" is but one game puts "Lionheart" to shame in the graphics department (and everything else as well). All of the recent Dungeons and Dragons games look better than this, because of their exceptional artwork and creativity. Even the flop sci-fi "Harbinger" looked better than this.
But graphics don't really matter that much do they? I guess not - I could easily ignore them, but the gameplay is terrible too. The way that the turn-based SPECIAL system has been butchered in this game is inexcusable. A real-time game that uses a turn-based system can succeed if you can pause the game to issue orders. That is why real-time Dungeons and Dragons have been so successful. However, this game has the mind-bogglingly stupid feature of NOT letting you do this. You can pause the game, but not to issue attack orders. There is no autopause feature that stops the game for you when someone rushes onto the screen. The tactical genius and elegance that made Fallout's combat great is nonexistent. That leaves you with a real-time, extremely low quality Diablo clone, complete with a red bulb for health, and a blue bulb for mana. You left-click to attack, you use a hotkey to select your active spell, and then right-click to cast the spell.
How groundbreaking.
"Diablo clone" would be a compliment for "Lionheart" though, because the combat engine is pitiful otherwise. Enemies are unoriginal and poorly animated. You reveal the fog of war by exploring ugly areas and run into ugly, repetitive enemies bit-by-bit. They simply yell out a "raawwrrr!" and rush at you at light speed, before you can cast more than one spell or fire an arrow from your useless bow. If you specialize in ranged combat or magic, you literally will not survive the first area of this game, no matter how many times you reload. This game is more unbalanced towards melee characters than "Arcanum" was.
The game's intrusive interface blocks your view of the world by taking up almost a third of the screen, but it somehow still manages to be functionally inadequate. (A dubious accomplishment). You only get 7, that's right, 7 hotkeys for spells, and other actions. Compare that with games like Neverwinter Nights, which made full use of the "F" keys for 36 total hotkeys. Expect to find yourself casting the same few unimpressively-animated spells over and over.
Needless to say, I did not finish this game, so I cannot comment about the story from start-to-finish. However, I can say that the portion of the game that I played through offered no indication that it would be special. "I am some sort of mysterious chosen one, and some bad men want to kill me because of it" is the basic premise. A cliche storyline is nothing new, and some games are still great in spite of it, but it's not enough to make you want to toil through a game that is just plain bad.
I wanted to love this game, but I can't. I tried to like it, but I failed. Reflexive alienated hardcore RPG fans by screwing up the "SPECIAL" system, and then screwed up the mindless action so that "Diablo" fans could hate it too. I wish that I could say that it's a simple hack-and-slash adventure, but I can"t, because the hack-and-slash aspects of the game stink. "Lionheart" is by far the worst RPG that I have played since before Baldurs Gate, and I am thinking it might be the worst I have ever played. A trashpile like this doesn't even deserve the bargain bin.
A sad, sad day for CRPG's...
Rating: 1,
Useful: 7 / 10
Date: October 06, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I've been playing CRPG's since the early 90's. Currently I've been desperately searching for a decent CRPG. The last one that I've really enjoyed was Baldur's Gate 2. Now enter Lionheart. I've read about it last year and couldn't stop thinking about how great it would be. Fallout SPECIAL ruleset in an interesting fantasy setting? I figured I couldnt go wrong so I purchased it without reading a review. BIG mistake. From the onset I was plagued with various gamestopping bugs. Some of the bugs actually made it so you couldn't continue playing the game... I was only 3 hours into the game and it was crashing to desktop continuously. Later I found out in the Lionheart Forums that there was a KNOWN?!?! bug that would crash you to desktop if you had a companion of any sort. Since then a patch was finally released to fix that issue. Read any gamesite and the reviews will tell you of the MANY other issues this game has. Trust me when I say don't waste your money on this VERY poor quality game... if you do you'll regret it. Buyer beware..
Rating: 1,
Useful: 3 / 4
Date: September 29, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This game is just foul. It seems like Interplay and Reflexive were trying to create a game like Diablo but with more RPG elements, and failed disastrously. The "alternate history" theme is very interesting, but poorly executed. An on top of it all, the game is extremely short. I really wish I hadn't wasted $50 on this garbage.
Do not buy this game unless...
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 8
Date: September 02, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I repeat do not buy this game unless you are completely desperate for a crpg (i.e. you have played all others in existence). I played the demo and the full release is just as bad.
DONT Bother with this game!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 1 / 4
Date: March 16, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Bought this game and had hoped it would be an RPG worth playing. The first half of the game plays well, it is balanced and fun to play. The second half on this game after the Crypt of the Lance and Nostradamus quest (English Invasion of Spain) is THE WORST thought out combat system of any RPG! From here the games is no longer an RPG, it becomes a hack and slash with the games combat engine favoring enemy character which you CANNOT go one on one melee without allied help or more healing items than the games merchants allow you to buy.
Overall, I give this game one star. Dont waste your time with this game!
Une déception totale
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: August 25, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Lion Heart est un jeu plein de déceptions. Malheureusement, le nouveau système de jeu est très inovateur, mais très mal exploité. De plus, la qualité graphique des animations n'égale même pas celle retrouvée dans Baldur's Gate I. Le personne se déplace brusquement et ne possède aucune fluidité ou de mouvement naturel. Il ressemble à un robot. J'ai été fortement déçu de la qualité de ce jeu et je crois que les programmeurs au niveau des graphiques auraient pu fournir un effort supplémentaire lors de la conception des animations. De plus, les arrières plans ne sont pas plus impressionnant, ils ont tous le même ton et il cache ce que le personnage devrait voir à cause de l'Effet 2D. Lion Heart ressemble au jeu des années 1999. Je crois que le concept est bon, mais que la qualité graphique enlève tout ce qui rend ce jeu agréable. Le prix ne vaut pas le jeu! Attender plutôt Final Fantasy XI !
This game is a trick
Rating: 2,
Useful: 10 / 11
Date: August 29, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Lionheart plays like the demo. If you've tried the demo, you know that the combat is a hectic clickfest, with too-fast moving monsters and a poor targeting system. And the latter half of this game is pretty much exclusively combat. Which makes it incredibly unsatisfying.
I call the game a "trick" because of the first half. The first half of the game takes place in Barcelona and another town, and there are interesting characters to talk to, fun quests, and palpable tension among the various factions that control the city (or oppose it). Because the game is set in "real" history (1588) but with a twist (what if magic were real), you find yourself talking to characters such as Shakespeare and Da Vinci, although their personalities and agendas have shifted with the influence of magic. And with the crusades going on, there are some real moral dilemmas: will you support such an oppressive regime, or oppose it and deal with the disadvantages and hostility your character will face? So people who have only played the game a little bit seem to think the game is fine. Then they change their minds after they've played a little more.
The game is built upon an improved version of the SPECIAL engine, which was used for Fallout. So the gameplay is similar, although the combat is real-time, not turn-based. But it just ends up lacking. The real-time combat is a chore, and there is no way to get it back to turn-based. Although you can pause the game, you can't target while paused. Later in the game, the story progression is very linear, with few diplomatic/stealth solutions. The character animations are poorly done, and the interface appears rushed (certain parts are poorly designed or lacking obvious features).
Oh well. If you're willing to buy a game only to play half of it, you'll have fun. If you feel that a game should actually be compeleted, you're in for drudgery and monotonous combat.
A bad arcade style game. Nothing like fallout. Not an RPG
Rating: 2,
Useful: 8 / 11
Date: September 07, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This game is pretty annoying in many ways.
The combat is simply clicking on people and watching them unil they die.
The magic system is poorly thought out and playing as a mage is very tedious because the simplest spell costs too much mana, yet spending massive spellpoints barely increases their power. Heal heals 4-5 points of damage at level one, and 12-13 at level 81!!!
NPC tagalongs are useless in combat because they are destroyed with amazing ease by enemies and there is no way to bring them back, and worse than useless since they like to run around and lure lots of monsters to you.
Once you get out of barcelona, there is really no questing just more hacking and slashing. Even this might be ok if it was more involving; you just watch you guy hack them to pieces and occasionally run away. The spells are pretty useless in combat and hard to select anyhow so you do not end up using them much.
There is no marking of exits/entrances etc. even after you have been through them, so that walking around is VERY tedious and annoying at higher levels, especially since in the first half of the game you will be going to the same places in the sewers OVER and OVER. Finding all the entraces to the various levels takes careful attention to detail, too.
Anyhow, I think this is the last black isle game I will buy; maybe I will get Baldur's gate III if such a thing is ever made, or fallout 3, but only from the ten dollar clearance rack....
Unplayable for me
Rating: 2,
Useful: 8 / 18
Date: December 01, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I bought this game and was hoping for a fun RPG experience. I thoroughly enjoy almost every RPG type game I play, and I was really excited about this one. My fiance and I both bought copies so we could play the multiplayer version as well! We instantly had problems installing and loading the game, we each had to uninstall and reinstall it once in order for it to work. We have high-end systems, since we both work in the computer game industry.
We finally got them both working and we started playing. The character generation is pretty fun - I give them points for that. It's complex and interesting, I enjoyed making my character. So then we do this getting out of jail quest, and get a spirit and that all is interesting too. Finally we get unleashed in to the game and that's where it all goes downhill.
First thing is you're in this gigantic town and you basically have to talk to everyone. I enjoy this part of RPGs, but in moderation. We spent about 30 minutes talking to different NPCs, then decided to go find something to kill. We immediately got our butts kicked by some critter, I can't remember what. My fiance quit at that point and I decided to go back to the town and talk to more NPCs. I get one to give me a quest - Go find this guy and talk to him (yippee!). So I go find the guy, he immediately calls over a bunch of thugs, they kill me, game over.
At that point I quit, because playing a game is supposed to be FUN, not frustrating. I don't recommend this game, I think it's a waste of money. There are so many good games out there! Try Dungeon Siege for a much more fun RPG, or even the D&D games like Temple of Elemental Evil and Pool of Radiance. Also, Morrowind is much better than Lionheart. Any of those would be a better choice!
Mediocre RPG Game
Rating: 2,
Useful: 6 / 8
Date: September 24, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This game should be a wake up call for Black Isle and Interplay.
Graphically the game is fine, with decent background, characters, and special effect (i.e. spells). The first third of the game is defining your character (good or evil, mage or warrior, etc.) through "errand" style quests. It offers some decent role playing, but since there isn't any long term interaction with NPC's the player never develops an affinity for anyone. With very few exceptions, most of the NPC's that join the party, are too weak and die off quickly. Once your character proceeds to the main quest of knocking off the bad guy, it's purely hack and slash, i.e. Diablo style. Puzzles, while they do exist, are trivial.
Some other complaints:
The skill point system is very frustrating. A chart should have been released to display the advantages/disadvantages of points per skill (e.g. at 100-200 points you will do 36 pts of damage with a fireball, with a 67% chance of knockdown). As it is, you don't know where the point system tops out, and if you're wasting your time pumping up a given skill. I had to recreate a character 3 times before I found something worth sticking with.
You can't give items in your inventory to an NPC so you can buff them up.
A major annoyance is the lack of autonavigation. On a completely explored map, you have to lead your character by the nose to get it to walk across it.
Automaps don't show major points of interest, e.g. Leonardo's workshop, Eduardo's smith, entrances and exits, etc.
Melee combat is pretty flat, just click on an opponent and watch your character hack away. Some feats (like BG II's whirlwind) would have been nice.
Finally, the treasures are purely random. I built a character loaded with one-handed melee skills, but most of the treasure was two-handed items or ranged weapons. I'd understand this approach if it was feasible to create a character with broad skills but if you don't max your skills, you die a lot.
Overall, I really can't say the game is worth the price.
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