Below are user reviews of Sims Collection, The and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Sims Collection, The.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (1 - 5 of 5)
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Great! especially the sims online!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 8 / 12
Date: November 24, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I just got this and i was esspecially ecited to try The Sims Online. So i did, i tried the game and it is so cool! Ive met so many people and i am having a blast! The other games are ok, but The Sims Online is deffinatly my favorite. Even though you have to pay 10$ a month, i think once you try it you will realize it is very well worth it!
Sounds like a pretty good deal to me!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 7 / 10
Date: March 09, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This pack sounds really good to me. It contains many good games in it. Anyone who is interested in at least one of the games, should buy this anyway!! I play "The sims" (one of the games included in the pack) and its wonderfull! A point I should mention - Sim City and Sim Theam Park DONT WORk on XP!! (and as you notice, its half of the pack). Even if i cant use two of the games, I would still buy it. The Sims is A GREAT GAME!!!!
Great Games!!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: December 29, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This 4-pack has the greatest collection of games by electronic arts! The sims online, Be somebody. Else. The Sims, a great classic!! Sim Theme Park, Build, create your own theme park!! Sim City 3000 Unlimited, another great classic, inspired The Sims.
About the games in this pack.
Rating: 3,
Useful: 5 / 5
Date: November 23, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Originally written 11-22-2003: I'm a huge fan of the sims and recommened that people should try playing it, however there are seven expansions for this game that have been released and now you can't find the second two expansions alone because Maxis has bundled the original and the first two expansions together for something like $50. If you want the sims I suggest you do that, though in the near future they will probably combine more expansions together. That and The Sime 2 is set to be released in the early Spring of 2004, with much better graphics and an overall updated appearance and better gameplay, no more Sims 1 expansions will be realeased as they are going to start expanding Sims 2 eventually.
As for the Sims online, I never got into that, even though I'm a huge sims fan. The reason being that you pay the money for the game and get, at the time of realease, a free two months to play online. But, after this time you have to pay like $10 a month to use it, since you have to play online and you have to pay to do so.
I have Sim Themepark and played it for a couple of months, it was actually quite fun, the graphics could have been better, but all in all it was decent, but once you play all the way through and buy everything it loses its luster and gets old pretty fast.
I haven't played this version of SimCity, but have played other versions. I always got a kick out of playing it but once again it gets old pretty fast. A lot of the time after you've played it for a while, I at least, started making disasters happen just for some excitement. Again, I haven't played this version and the newest version (not this one) looks really great, with better graphics and all, even expansions to the game.
Overall, I'd say that if you know that you really want SimCity or Sim Theme Park and you are inserested in seeing what the sims is and not wanting to really expand it that much and you don't want to just wait for the Sims 2 release then by all means get this. Don't buy it for Sims Online unless you are willing to pay the money every month for the ability to play it.
Overall I think for $40 this ain't that bad, the games are on the old side now but are generally still fun, excluding Sims Online (though I've heard that's all in what you make of it, but you still have to pay to play).
Since you can get the updated versions of these game now for like this price my final word is that if you are getting this because you like one of the games then forego getting this and get the better newer version of that game. But if you want to try them out then go ahead.
I hope this helps someone decide on whether to buy this bundle. ^_^
***UPDATED 04-17-2004: Well I've come back and looked at this again recently and see that they've lowered the price. For $20 I guess that makes it a little better. It's seems bargain basement compared to the $40 it was at. I still say that if you are just getting this for one of the games then get the updated versions, but if you just want to try these all out then go for it. $20 is hard to pass up for 4 games. Though you still have to remember you have to pay $10 a month to play sims online.***
False Advertisement
Rating: 1,
Useful: 18 / 21
Date: June 17, 2004
Author: Amazon User
My son recently purchased The Sims Collection. I was with him when he placed the order so that I could handle the CC info.
This game clearly states in the ad that it will work with Windows 98/me/XP. NOT TRUE.
We received the game and upon installation, The Sims and Theme Park lock up his system (he has XP). I went on line and found that others have had the same problem.
I emailed Amazon to see if they will accept a return although their policy on software indicates they will not.
This is nonsense. Not everyone is a "techie" or a full time "gamer", You rely on the information provided by the COMPANY YOU ARE BUYING FROM.
Beware of one sided deals. With Amazon, they will suck you in with low proces..but then,...You buy it, you own it. If it doesn't work, tell your kids to deal with it and buy them another from someone that can accurately describe the products they sell and know the difference between 98/ME and XP.
Ben Holstein
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