Below are user reviews of Guild Wars and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Guild Wars.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
| | | | | | | | | |
0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (61 - 71 of 271)
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First game that stole every bit of free time in a long time!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 7 / 9
Date: June 14, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Wow! This game is so rich and immersive. I have played it over a month and it's like an addictive drug. The storyline is wonderful, and really captures you in it's telling. The graphics are the best to date for a MMO.
*** And best of all there is NO monthly charge. I like that!! ***
I would love to play WOW and EQ2, but not for a 15 a month fee, plus cost to buy the game, plus cost to buy expansions. With GW you pay to buy it, and only pay for the expansions --- if you want them. Even if you don't want to get them, the game will give you hundreds of hours of game time if you play it with a few different character types. This is important, because many quests are different depending on your profession. So it is well worth the money.
This game is Great!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 6 / 7
Date: July 04, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I love this game. It's one of the best I've ever played! Everything is awesome, from the the huge buildings down to the smallest of animals and other beasts. It's also a good game because you have many atributes to choose from, like the skills, armor, weapons, and just about everything to make the character you will play with. Plus, you can play with other friends online for free, unlike many online games these days. Also, being in a guild is very fun because you can ask the people in your guild to help you with missions, quests, and many other things they might know how to do. Guilds are also a great way to make friends on this game, and they will more likely help you with missions. This is a must have for any gamer that enjoys action, adventure, and just plain online fun!
Very good, not perfect
Rating: 4,
Useful: 6 / 7
Date: July 16, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I will not clutter this review by writing the same stuff you can read in other reviews. This is the first online rpg I have played. In Summary:
-Very beautiful environment and music. And apparently it works well on slower systems and connection speeds. I have a monster system, and the game works flawlessly. No glitches, errors etc...ever. It's kind of weird actually. I keep thinking it will crash - never does.
-I hate the mountains. And so will you. You are forced to take paths on missions. This is a good thing for lots of reasons, but still, its kind of annoying. Keep a map handy.
-Great monsters. Well drawn, move realisticly. No personality though. I am primarily a war gamer - MOH, Call of Duty etc... I enjoy listening to the enemies chattering around the corner as you sneak up on them. You can't do that in GW. They see you coming and tend to just mill around in unavoidable clumps. I guess what I'm saying is that I really wish I could creep up on a troll and bust him in the head with a chair. I'd also like to see some flying limbs and gore like in Blade of darkness. Monsters just fall down here. You can't manipulate the world at all.
-The story line sucks - but who cares? It's not really about that, for me anyway. Thats the great thing - this game can be about whatever you want it to be. You can just hang out and talk if you like. Some higher level gamers sell trips to different locations. Some sell weapons.....
-Very addictive. I play every night with a friend. We go out and explore and kill things. Oh, and also complete quests - the heart of the game. You can read all about the quest if you want to, but I just follow the green arrows and kill things in my way.
Great game, though imperfect. I'd like to be able to manipulate the world a bit more. It is beautiful (extremely), but feels a bit plastic. Buy this game - you will love it.
Setting the record straight as of 8/10
Rating: 4,
Useful: 6 / 7
Date: August 11, 2005
Author: Amazon User
A lot of very good reviews have been written in the last few months but a lot of updates have been added to the game that haven't been covered.
This is the game for you if your like
an even playing field= there is no uber or unfair class in this game every class has a counter. A new player can compete with a player who has played 100 hours in the game with a PVP character that starts out at 20 with equipment for that level but they are limited to fighting in pvp arenas.
not having to grind= most of the experience in the game comes from doing quests not endlessly grinding the same rat over and over. The Lv 20 cap can be reached in a week or two and when you reach the cap is when the pvp area of the game really opens up.
Great Graphics= the character models are very well done and look good on basic computer systems.
The game is constantly being updated with improvements in the past the game gave no points for using a Player versus Player character now faction has started which is given out for wins and kills this can be used to buy upgrades and ruins that give an evener playing field with players how have played through the game.
The map has also been improved since the first days it now shows much more clearly where a quest is located and is shown on the world map.
Guild wars isn't called guild wars for nothing, being a part of a Guild is a big part of the game and its worth while finding a guild that is a good fit for you. When your part of a guild a lot of content opens up guilds can gain guild halls and battle each other. A upcoming update is going to add a lot of new features to the guild hall. Guilds are ranked and rated by how they do in guild vs guild battles.
If your a player who is more into soloing the game can become stale if you beat the game and are lv 20 and you don't enjoy player vs player which is one of the main focuses of the game. The player vs player side of the game is focused on team play though so strategy and teamwork are very important not having uber equipment and lvs.
You may not like this game if you plan to play on only one character. I enjoyed playing as the other classes after my first character reached 20. There are areas for high end characters though that are designed to be challenging for lv 20 characters.
Guild Wars is an excellent game but it is not the same type of game as games like WOW Everquest and Anarchy online its not about grinding and if your not interest in team Player Vs Player then at 20 you might become board because at lv 20 the Player Vs Player is the most fun part of the game.
Guild Wars lacks the staying power of other games of its type...
Rating: 3,
Useful: 6 / 7
Date: August 24, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I'd like to begin my review saying that Guild Wars is absolutely gorgeous. I've never played an MMORPG that looks as good as it. And initially, the game is incredibly addictive. For the first couple weeks I owned it, I played Guild Wars with a fevered intensity, thanks to the skill system and engaging storyline.
The problem Guild Wars has is one of staying power. Once you have beaten the game, having played through the entire story with one character, you will likely be reluctant to do so again with another character. Unfortunately, currently there is no other way to unlock skills quickly. This means that, despite claims that the game is a "Competitive Online RPG", you will be playing a lot more cooperative PVE (Player vs. Enemies) before you can even begin to sink your teeth into serious competitive PVP (Player vs. Player).
The developer's claims that you can jump right into serious PVP action, playing in random team battles or even guild matches, is made false to some degree by the fact that there's no way for someone to be competitive without having access to skills that are only acquired playing through the game. Certainly you can enjoy the early competitive arenas the game has to offer, but they will only serve as appetizers to the main course: team arenas and guild matches, for which you will need access to all the skills if you wish to be competitive.
While the game is fantastic, the fact that there's no fast way to get into PVP play on a competitive level means that unless you are willing to "grind" through the story mode several times to unlock skills and items for multiple characters, don't expect to be able to play a diverse range of characters in PVP.
If ArenaNet would address this issue by making skills more easily unlocked, many more people would stick around beyond that time their initial interest keeps them stuck to the game.
Note: I give this game 5 stars for fun because initially it is that much fun. The overall rating of 3 stars is more of an average rating, considering that past your initial fascination with the game, the fun factor falls below 5 stars.
Simple as this...
Rating: 5,
Useful: 6 / 7
Date: April 02, 2006
Author: Amazon User
I've played (and paid fees for) FFXI and didn't enjoy it. I've played (and paid fees for) City of Heroes and didn't completely enjoy it. (CoH isn't bad so I won't knock it. Just not my taste.) I've now played Guild Wars and, ironcially, this is the one game I wouldn't mind paying 30 bucks a month for. 'Nuff said. Get this game, it blows all of the other MMORPGs out of the water-- at least the ones I've played. I enjoy GW so much I've become anti-FFXI. If you like fighting the same stupid rabbits over and over and over just to gain one level very slowly at a time while being called a Noob by every single person you cross, buy FFXI. If you actually like to play a game and level up by *playing* it instead of doing the same thing for 100 hours, buy Guild Wars. You won't be disappointed.
Great graphics, plus it's FREE once you buy the game!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 6 / 7
Date: April 29, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Guild Wars is a cool online MMORPG that you don't have to pay a monthly fee for! Once you buy it, you can play for eternity with no other costs. The graphics are gorgeous!
You can make a regular role playing characters who can level up and grow, or a PVP (player vs player) character that can be used for one on one fighting. You choose from a range of character types - warrior, ranger, monk, necromancer, mesmer and elementalist. They're all humans, but each class has its own appearance and can of course be male or female. You can customize the character height, face, hair styles, skin color, hair color, and so on.
Once you get into the game, you really become immersed. The graphics are simply amazing. The waterfalls, the landscapes, the trees, everything is just beautiful. You can really be quite happy just wandering around and feeling "one" with the nature you find. Of course it's nice to slay monsters, talk with your friends and build the skills of your character too!
In most MMORPGs, you have huge problems with people camping or stealing your loot. In this one, whenever you leave town to go out and face the world, you have your own unique copy of the map. If you want to adventure with friends, no problem! Form a party, and your party shares that map. This means you can have a lot of fun with friends - but you are safe from other unfriendly players who might otherwise cause trouble.
The best part of all is of course that this is all FREE once you buy the software. No monthly fees. No credit card accounts being hammered even if you're sick for a few weeks. You can play a while, ignore it for a while, come back and play some more.
Highly recommended!
Why aren't I playing guild wars now
Rating: 5,
Useful: 9 / 14
Date: November 05, 2006
Author: Amazon User
This game must be experenced, not read about. These reviews won't give you a solid feel of the game at all, even the guildwars website won't help. Let me try to explain it the best i can.
You have a world map. On this map are towns. Towns are the multiplayer aspects of the game. There are many people in these towns and you can sell things/buy things in towns. Also in these towns you can join up with a limited number of people to go out into the world to explore and do mishions ect. When you leave a town you get your own privite copy of the game along with your part alone. (that is how they keep the price low. This solves a lot of other problomes too because now you can't have an infidently large party going questing together. Outside the town there is a ,mazelike world that is very linear, but some variety is to be had.
I suck at writing reviews, don't I? I've never read a helpful review, but buy the game and you will see how awsome it is.
Good Fun.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 9 / 14
Date: November 03, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This game is all about fun. I had the privilege of trying out the free stress test they offered. I literally spent every waking hour of the first two days playing this game. You get to explore beautiful worlds (my only gripe about them is you dont get to do much interacting with them), fight wierd, yet interesting things, and I dont mean rats, along with taking a few minutes to enjoy the view.
This game is great if you have a few friends(or you can make some) that you get along with good, because you can get some really, really fun battles going on. I had a group of 6 men out on a mission, we were beaten down to 1 man, and that 1 man was beaten to about 3 hp, using healing abilities, we slowly resurrected our people, and gained our strength back(after waiting a good time for the enemy to clear out), only to be beaten down to the same position, no lie. It was the most amazing time I ever had playing a multiplayer game.
This game gives you a real sense of achievment when you can take out a huge group of enemies.
FIGHT SYLE. That is the high point of this game. Now keep in mind, that im keeping all other comparisons out of this, because its a different game, with its own good points, and bad ones. Anyway, you will be blown back by the way you can fight in this game, well, at least I was.
MERCANTILE. Another thing I found cool about this game, although the noobs with thier stupid questions get annoying after a while, but wth, it was a new game, so we all were noobs, was that you could play drug dealer, in a sense. You can go out, steal stuff from the people you kill, come back to town, and either sell to the npc merchants, or go around the streets trying to sell it to others. Once again, no comparing here.
CONROLS. I was impressed by the way you can move. You can actually do all necessary fighting movements with the mouse. You also get to click way ahead with the mouse, like in strategy games, and he/she goes to that spot, giving you precious time to type commands, or just to bs with peeps.
MINI-MAP. One of the most amazing things about this game. You can click on the mini-map, say where an enemy is, and a red radar, sort of glyph, that lets the people in your party see where they should head. And the best part of all, you can hold down the mouse on the map, and quite literally draw what you want on it. Whatever you draw, lasts about 3 seconds or so, so you have enough time to make an arrow, or just make a smily face for fun. :) Cant tall ya how much fun I had with that.
The world was huge, and Im sure that wasn't the whole world, since it was only a preview of the game, so thats another thing to look forward to.
All in all, the game is worth a try, I enjoyed it for a longggg time before finally burning out after about 40 straight hours of play (stopping for sleep, naturally).
Ok, I know I wasn't going to compare, but I had to let this be said, for 50 bucks this game will be much, much more worth it than the flop known as Star Wars Battlefront. I chose that piece of garbage over Rome Total War, and regret it every time I look at the game. It was a total rip off of the game Battlefield 1942, yet worse. You dont have weapon scars(bullet holes), the flying style is total garbage, plus it takes about 3 or 4 shots to kill someone with a friggin lazer, which should only take 1. 2 FOR A HEADSHOT!!! TOTAL BS! If I saw George LucASS, that thief, I would break the CD in 2, and throw it at his neck, am I allowed to say that)?
Anyway, I just want to say thanks to the Guild Wars crew for letting me enjoy the game for absolutely nothing (you guys are genius).
How Everquest Should Be
Rating: 5,
Useful: 7 / 10
Date: June 26, 2005
Author: Amazon User
"A friend introduced me to eq a few years ago, but I never could justify the monthly fee. I've seen a few games since that were slightly similar but none really grabbed my attention. My husband and I picked this us today and have been taking hour long turns back and forth playing it. We even discussed getting a second computer so that we could both play at the same time. (Probably not going to happen, but quite tempting). The graphics are awesome, the quests are challenging and fun and anything that will keep both of us enthralled is pretty amazing." - THATS WHAT I SAID ABOUT THE GAME WHEN I FIRST PURCHASED IT. KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING NOW? THE SAME THING. I HAVE JOINED A "GUILD" AND MADE WONDERFUL FRIENDS IN THE GAME. I PLAY IT OFTEN AND EVEN MY HUSBAND HAS NOT LOST INTEREST. THE CREATORS OF THE GAME HAVE ALREADY PUT TOGETHER A MAJOR UPDATE FOR FREE AND THE GAME JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER.