Below are user reviews of Silver and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Silver.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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User Reviews (1 - 9 of 9)
Show these reviews first:
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: January 15, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Decent graphics and decent gameplay.......the realtime attacking got a bit tedious at times but was innovative so it gets points there. Good basic strong storyline.
Britain's contribution to the world of RPGs...
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 5
Date: March 04, 2000
Author: Amazon User
I can understand why so many people - including those who have written reviews here - compare this game to Final Fantasy 7 seeing as the characters are 3D and 'blocky' and they're both RPGs. But that's all they have in common. Thet backgrounds are not the same as FF7 is 3D and can be conceived from all angles where the backgrounds in Silver are 2D and thus have more detail on them. Only the characters and the pre-rendered cutscenes are 3D. Plus FF7 is all modern with cars and bikes and companies etc where as Silver is hardcore fantasy with dragons and wizards and stuff. Plus it's very dark and atmospheric compared to 'cute' stuff you get in FF7. Expect no chocobos or little girls playing with dolphins or people with eyes half the size of their head in this. Anyway, I'll try and wrap this up seeing as I've just gone ahead and compared the two games anyway after saying people shouldn't compare them! Good graphics, great combat, excellent music, but poor characterisation except for David, poor attempts at humour, and the game is a little too short for my liking.
silverfox 2200
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: June 27, 2002
Author: Amazon User
WOW,silver has alot of originality the story for one& the setting,the action take place on seven islands Verdante,Metalon,Winter,Rain,Dead Gate Atro in the world of Jarrah.The story is very familiar,Silver send's his guards to steal the women of the seven isles,take the wife of David the main character and David does not rest until she is safe.All in all the game is fun intersting has the hallmark of classic high fanatasy the enviroments are beautiful .The inventory is set up in an easy way weaponry is ok an cool especial the magic. The enemies are original you'll find Golem's Imp's Dragon's Fishmen,Ghost,Zombes,Giantrats,Giantlizards,Snowgolems,Wolves,
Lepoards,DEMONS,SOLIDERS,SORCERER,ok well they aren't so originbut stil SILVER IS AN AWESOME TITLE
A refreshing change from the dreary turn-based RPG's
Rating: 4,
Useful: 7 / 7
Date: January 15, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Thank God this game came along! After years of everyone getting over-excited about very tedious and frustrating games, someone finally gets it right with Silver. This RPG is the only RPG currently out that claims to have real-time combat which actually IS proper real-time, rather than other titles like Baldur's Gate and Final Fantasy 7 who claim the same thing, but still essentially have turn-based combat. The combat is Silver is wondefully unique, effective, even stress-relieving if you're every annoyed. You can get caught up in it all, and get lost 'in the heat of battle', which is extremely hard to do in the tedious and very unsatisfying turn-based combat. However, whether most people will appreciate this is another thing as RPG's have employed turn-based combat since computer games have been around. It's a bold move on the part of Silver, I think, but a worthwhile one. Dean Evans has also made a truly inspirational soundtrack for this game, and the detailed 2D background artwork is a wonderful triumph over the usual 3D trend nowadays. The game lasts little over ten hours and is quite basically a normal sized game - not as large as something like FF7. But in my opinion, quality overrides quantity. And with better combat, a better soundtrack, better gameplay, and more atmosphere, Silver is the RPG of choice to date. There are plans to release it on the Dreamcast, but this was originally designed for a PC and gameplay with a mouse. Buy it for the PC.
Worth every penny
Rating: 4,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: December 23, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Silver is one of the few games in my long gaming memory (16+ years) that is truly unique. The graphics are very well done, and gameplay is very smooth. Overall production quality is top-notch. The story is very compelling.
There's a dark gothic aura to the game well complimented by humorous and surprising events. That's one thing that really stands out - the density of scripted events and the skill with which they are integrated into the game. Sometimes it's hard to tell where the gameplay leaves off and the animated scenes begin! Swordplay, although difficult to get a handle on at first, really involves the player in the game and intensifies the connection with the protagonist.
Personally I loved the humor although I can understand how some younger players might not appreciate it as much.
My main reservation with this game is that I wanted more of it! If you become addicted to it (like I did) you can reach the end way too fast.
If you want something different and exciting, and have a sense of humor, this is a game for you.
Silver, the RPG from Inrogrames...
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: December 25, 1999
Author: Amazon User
Well, I did see alot of Final Fantasy VII-like backgrounds and the characters kinda look the same, but the fighting method is pretty hard to get a hang of, at least to me! You have to click and hold buttons to fight/defend. The cool thing is it has VOICE TALENTS! The storyline so far is also good.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 5
Date: April 03, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Silver is a great game with excellent graphics and has amazing features. Download the demo and see what I mean!
A Extraordinary Fantasy Experience
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: March 27, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Silver is most certainly one of the best RPG's I have ever come across. It is not perfect, but it was close enough that only four stars would not do it justice. The game is played from the standpoint of David, who is on a quest to rescue his wife from the clutches of the sinister wizzard Silver. To accomplish this end, David must enlist the aid of others in order to obtain several magical orbs in order to gain the power to defeat Silver.
The three greatest features of the game are the scenery, music, and sword interface. Scenery and music are both phenominal and are perhaps the best I've seen. If you were a FF VII fan, you will be in love with the visuals and sound. The charcters are a bit cartoonish, but very lifelike. The sword interface is great, allowing you to use your mouse easily to jab, swipe, dodge, and perform a variety of other moves. The only detractor to the game is the voice acting, which is a bit cheesy at times. This however, is the only detractor, and it's not enough to cause any harm to the overall experience.
Simply put, this is a phenominal game which provided me with hours of enjoyment. I went back to play again just because I was so enthralled with the scenery, music, and exciting gameplay. Trust me, you'll enjoy it.
A Rare Classic
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 26, 2008
Author: Amazon User
This game was by far one of my favorite RPGs. The action in the game is quite fun. And even though the leveling system is completely linear it actually tends to make the game more fun. There's no one hit kill on the final boss because you spent 30 hours leveling your character up. The storyline, though basic, is fun and endearing. I played this game all the way through once on the dreamcast years ago, the game has stuck with me ever since. I'm extatic to finally own a copy and it will stay in library of games for years and years to come. It is definitely a classic.
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